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Negreanu Open Horse At Poker Stars, Tues September 4th At 9:00 Pm Et

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In. I'll be driving down the interstate at about 80mph during the tournament, so I won't be chatting. Also, I have no idea how good my connection will be, so I plan to be aggressive when I am connected. I apologize in advance for the bad beats.Also, If GWC is at my starting table again tonight, expect to hear about some incidents of road rage in Louisiana. :club:
Well, that was a disaster. 5 minutes before the tourney, I tried to sign on. I got a message that I was already logged on with another computer. This was impossible, since my laptop was sitting in the passenger seat. I could see myself at the table getting blinded off, but couldn't log in. So instead of playing at 80mph, I was corresponding with support via email at 75mph.Finally, after 45 minutes, they let me log on via my wireless connection. I think the problem was that I didn't "log off" before shutting my laptop down at home (different connection).I finally got to play a few hands, one while crossing the Mississippi River. Then when I finally got to stop for a few minutes, I decided to be real aggressive and WAY overplayed Krablar into telescope's aces. How the hell did I lose that one?Aah, good times! Going to work now. I'll see everyone tomorrow night!
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