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I was thinking about moving a few bucks (50-100) over from AP to UB. I'm curious how the micro LHE (.50/1, 1/2) and micro NL games are? Are there a lot of tables for 1/2 LHE, how is the action? and how are the micro tournaments (if they have any)?Basically, is it worth it to try out UB?

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I've never thought about it, but I don't think they could be any better than AP.They do have a points for cash thing, and rakeback, but I'm not sure how often they do reloads, etc.I can't imagine it being better than AP overall though.

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I've never thought about it, but I don't think they could be any better than AP.They do have a points for cash thing, and rakeback, but I'm not sure how often they do reloads, etc.I can't imagine it being better than AP overall though.
sometimes I just need some change.. I assume it isn't AP quality but I wanted to see if it was still good.
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Ah, I used to play there back like 3-4 years ago, when I was a total donkey, like before I found FCP, and would max out my credit card cuz I won $500 one session playing out of my roll, but obviously thought I was good, and decided to lose 2-3k after that.So yeah.I used to like it, lol.

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The client is the nuts for multitabling.I haven't have any money on there since the UIGEA, so I can't comment on the current action.

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UB sucks. I played there for about 4 years. Best MTT structure in online poker, but besides that it doesn't have a ton of players and isn't incredibly soft. Support is kind of non-existent.I mean I lovedddddd UB, and now I prefer Tilt way more. UB has constant bonuses but they take forever to clear so they can offer reload bonuses like every 3 weeks, their bonus system is kind of a joke. But if you wanna try it just jump right in.

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You will be lucky to ever find more than 2 tables at UB for limits .25/.5 through 1/2. This may not be true on the weekend. The talent is more aggro than what I find at Pokerstars or Poker Room or Absolute for these levels. Plenty of bad play but variance may be higher. I need to work some bonus off that I have over there and I am dreading it. I think you would be much happier staying with AP but if you plan on playing some tournies.... give it a try.

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I was thinking about moving a few bucks (50-100) over from AP to UB. I'm curious how the micro LHE (.50/1, 1/2) and micro NL games are? Are there a lot of tables for 1/2 LHE, how is the action? and how are the micro tournaments (if they have any)?Basically, is it worth it to try out UB?
I played on UB for quite some time, but gave it up several months ago. My feeling is that it used to be the best site maybe 2-3 years ago. Not anymore. Everything they have done, especially over the past year, has had a negative impact on their players. No one plays thier high stakes games anymore. The only pro who plays with any kind of regularity there is James Worth, who is not exactly a household poker name (though he is very good). A number of their old pros have jumped ship to other sites. Also, while they are generous with awarding bonus dollars to their players, they are not so generous when it comes to converting it into real money. It takes a looooooong time.Many of the sites out there like to reward their players for playing there, small and big stake players. Lots of free prizes, drawings, bonuses, etc. With UB, their attitude is more of "It's your privilege to play on our site." Any questions or concerns you email to them will often take days (sometimes well over a week) for them to respond.During the first half of 2007, I became increasingly aggitated with the site. Tournaments began to have dwindling promised payouts, games with higher stakes now had no one at the tables. Hell, a 4/8 or 5/10 limit game could not be found at times. Items from the UB store began to skyrocket in price... The incident I had with them was when I noticed they had completely changed their point system around without notifying their players. Previously, if you were at a table and had cards dealt to you, you qualified for points depending on the rake. At some point, they changed this to only hands that you put money into (at least calling the BB). Granted, a lot of sites work this way, but this was one advantage of playing on UB.I emailed services not asking them to change it back, but asking them how long ago this change took place since no one was told about it. A week and a half later I recieved an email back saying they had no idea themselves when it was changed, since there was no announcement, and since they never bothered to mention the change on their promotions site. The topper was that they tried to explain that this was being done to benefit the players. Though they could not come up with a legitimate reason as to why. After more than 2 years with UB, I pulled my money out, closed my account and switched over to new online poker rooms. And I am very happy I did.My advice is to stick with AP. If you want to try a new place I would suggest Fulltitlt, Bodog, or Pokerstars in that order.Good luck to you.
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Thanks for the reviews, guys. I have not tried out UB. I've played there in the past (donk micro NL) and it was okay.. The sounds and table layout kind of annoyed me. Looks like I'll probably stick to AP, Stars, and FT for now unless I get bored.

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The sounds and table layout kind of annoyed me.
Miniview is the way to go. AINEC.
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