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George Carlin On Religion Video

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CitfTtMIx8&NR=1 .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uBAPbOWLxc...ted&search= ... I don't know if this has been posted before but I felt it's a great skit so I posted it for some who may have never seen it. I have always been a think for myself kind of person. I like hearing all sides of every story and this was the skit that made me feel IMO that what people think the afterlife is about isn't quiet it. I do think there is a place after life because I just find it hard to feel that you just stop existing. But with the 2nd part, as he says God is so great and everything but why does he have a special place for you to suffer if you don't do what he says ? I remember my mom my whole life being religious and that I should go to church and everything then I just thought why ? what's the point ? What's the other side to this heaven/hell story. I just see people like Bush family going to church being good christians and I find that just ****ing beyond ridiculous. Bush family has killed more people around the world than anyone else living today IMO and you see them in church praying, but why ? Something just isn't right I used to think to myself ... your thoughts ?
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