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I think your preflop re-raise is fine, although I will often just call here OOP. I think a smaller re-raise is crazy!I think the river is a check-call, though, and by a wide margin.

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whats with the large re-pop preflop with AKo in a 1/2 game?
I would assume he's trying to get it heads up with a hand that plays well heads up. The pot is $33 before it gets to him, I'd probably reraise to $35-45 here with deep stacks. A repop OOP to $25 is too small you give everyone at the table amazing odds to come along and now you're playing a bloated pot OOP with a hand where you need to hit to make any money.
also. i hate the constant barreling. I also dont throw bets out there without really knowing where i'm at.The object to poker is to trick your opponents into paying you off. right?i mean, why are you firing 75 here? cuz u have TPTK? so ur betting ur hand to protect it and scoop the pot? whats the point in even hitting TP with AK if u bet it as strong as u would if u were bluffin a c-bet?how would u play this flop if u had KK, and hit top set?
I don't know what constant barreling means? I feel like he needs to bet the flop and turn right? Of course you want to trick them into getting paid off, but you also don't want to be so passive to give them free winning cards, people bet to gain info.The pot is $110 at the flop. $75 is standard flop bet IMO. I'd be betting almost any hand that I reraised with OOP to this amount. I don't understand the bold. Of course we're betting the same if we hit or missed, doing otherwise is really bad and exploitable.If I had KK I'd check 35% and bet $75ish 65%.
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1) we're all + $600 in a late $1/2 game; basically we're playing somewhere between $2/5 and $5/10. Besides, if I'm big stack, why not push people around PF and TID? 2) I don't think it's 'barrelling.' I think I'm ahead by a mile. I want to put money in this pot.3) I don't know how to play sets. I don't hit them. Especially with KK ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... OK ... honestly, I play it about the same. I don't understand people not wanting money in the pot when they're ahead. The only draw on the board is the straight draw, but why slow down?
The deep stacks, is non sense. why play a 1/2 game like a 5/10 game? Its no limit, you can bet any amount, whats the point in inflating the pots so large that u are pot committed with a 500bb stack.
True. Why give free cards?
we're not giving free cards are we? we're 1st to act. we are shooting shells blind OOP. why not just close your eyes and pray everytime ur in a hand?You're succesfully betting worse hands off their hand, and only allowing big draws, or bigger hands than ours to call on a flop that we seemed to hit well.further more, what level are you on here? i mean, "don;t give free cards" type thinking is silly, what do you put him on that another card will scare you?
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I would assume he's trying to get it heads up with a hand that plays well heads up. The pot is $33 before it gets to him, I'd probably reraise to $35-45 here with deep stacks. A repop OOP to $25 is too small you give everyone at the table amazing odds to come along and now you're playing a bloated pot OOP with a hand where you need to hit to make any money.I don't know what constant barreling means? I feel like he needs to bet the flop and turn right? Of course you want to trick them into getting paid off, but you also don't want to be so passive to give them free winning cards, people bet to gain info.The pot is $110 at the flop. $75 is standard flop bet IMO. I'd be betting almost any hand that I reraised with OOP to this amount. I don't understand the bold. Of course we're betting the same if we hit or missed, doing otherwise is really bad and exploitable.If I had KK I'd check 35% and bet $75ish 65%.
I dont like much of the hand.I play 1/2NL live a lot. i cant say i see this type of playing often. this is very very LAG looking. I know he has AK, but its playing higher than a 1/2 gamewith that being said, if we're gonna compare it to a bigger game, than the flop bet is ok. but the turn and river plays are puke.my guess is u folded AK here right?
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I dont like much of the hand.I play 1/2NL live a lot. i cant say i see this type of playing often. this is very very LAG looking. I know he has AK, but its playing higher than a 1/2 gamewith that being said, if we're gonna compare it to a bigger game, than the flop bet is ok. but the turn and river plays are puke.my guess is u folded AK here right?
That's because you see very very poor players a lot. I think the turn bet is too small, and I c/c river most of the time.
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EDIT:QK, KJ and KT, and AQ might do it and then come along for the ride after the flop.
but u dont have any solid reads on him? how can u say this??I always give people the benefit of the doubt, unti they prove other wise.I think his holdings areAK,AA,KK, QQ , JJ AQ maybe KQ
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That's because you see very very poor players a lot. I think the turn bet is too small, and I c/c river most of the time.
dude, comon, agianst a donkey with AQ, K,J AJ, J,T this play makes perfect sense. but no reads on villain means we cant be sure he calls 3 bets PF with these crap handsand even if he does, is the K,Q,8 rainbow flop what he is looking for to invest another 2/3 pot?
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but u dont have any solid reads on him? how can u say this??I always give people the benefit of the doubt, unti they prove other wise.I think his holdings areAK,AA,KK, QQ , JJ AQ maybe KQ
Gotta throw 10J in there. I weight less towards AK AA and KK just because we are holding AK and because of no 3 bet PF. Obv doesn't mean its impossible. I think his most likely holdings are 10J, QK, AQ, and flopped set.Live read will help huge on determining whether this guy just shoveled in with his bricked 10J or not. Like I said earlier, no read I muck it, but usually insta-all in is weak and trying to push you around. So with that and if I could sense something while looking at him, I could call.
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My read was that I was ahead at the turn, and he was fishing. JT does this. I see in retrospect that if that's my read, I probably need to bet bigger on the turn.
Again, a bigger reason to check/call unless you had a dead on enough read that you could feign block-bet and have him push in. But you said in the OP that he was relatively unknown. So I don't see how these two ideas can live together with eachother.
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dude, comon, agianst a donkey with AQ, K,J AJ, J,T this play makes perfect sense. but no reads on villain means we cant be sure he calls 3 bets PF with these crap handsand even if he does, is the K,Q,8 rainbow flop what he is looking for to invest another 2/3 pot?
This is where I'm sort lost with playing a big hand here. I'm fine with playing TPTK for a huge pot in a 1/2 game if I'm fairly sure I'm up against an utterly horrendous player. If I'm unsure, I think we should be leaning to being more conservative and giving him a little credit for having an idea of what he's doing.
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This is where I'm sort lost with playing a big hand here. I'm fine with playing TPTK for a huge pot in a 1/2 game if I'm fairly sure I'm up against an utterly horrendous player. If I'm unsure, I think we should be leaning to being more conservative and giving him a little credit for having an idea of what he's doing.
Remember a few things ... that I'm as unknown to him as he is to me, I've got him covered, he's not raising ... he's calling down.
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Remember a few things ... that I'm as unknown to him as he is to me, I've got him covered, he's not raising ... he's calling down.
In which case, I won't assume, that he assumes that we can fold TPTK at a 1/2 game. What are you trying to get at?
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What are you trying to get at?
The key question is what does villain CALL a still multi-way pot that's been raised to $45 with, that he calls down with with a K and Q on the flop? If he puts me on AAIf he puts me on KKIf he puts me on QQIf he puts me on AKIf he puts me on JJWhat does HHHEEEEE hold that he's doing this with and that he goes all in with at the river?
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The key question is what does villain CALL a still multi-way pot that's been raised to $45 with, that he calls down with with a K and Q on the flop? If he puts me on AAIf he puts me on KKIf he puts me on QQIf he puts me on AKIf he puts me on JJWhat does HHHEEEEE hold that he's doing this with and that he goes all in with at the river?
AA: KK, QQ, 44, JT, KQ, K4, Q4KK: JTQQ: KK, JTAK: KK, QQ, 44, JT, KQ, K4, Q4JJ: AA, KK, QQ, 44, JT, KQ, K4, Q4, AK, KJ, KT, K9, K8, K7, K6, K5, K3, K2, AQ, QJ, QT, Q9, Q8, Q7, Q6, Q5, Q3, Q2Well, those are the hands he'd call you down with if he put you exactly on the hand at the front. I assume if he puts you on exactly KK or QQ, he folds JT on the turn.Anyhow, I think JT is the answer you're looking for, so go ahead and tell us he had J-high. :club:
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The key question is what does villain CALL a still multi-way pot that's been raised to $45 with, that he calls down with with a K and Q on the flop?
If he puts me on AA KQ, KK, QQ, 44, JTIf he puts me on KK JTIf he puts me on QQKK, JTIf he puts me on AKKK, QQ, JT, 44, KQIf he puts me on JJJT, KK, QQ, AK, KQ.
What does HHHEEEEE hold that he's doing this with and that he goes all in with at the river?
He goes all in with KQ, KK, QQ, 44 if he thinks you're strong and reraises JT if he thinks you're weak. I would discount the JT more just because of the action preflop too.
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dude, comon, agianst a donkey with AQ, K,J AJ, J,T this play makes perfect sense. but no reads on villain means we cant be sure he calls 3 bets PF with these crap handsand even if he does, is the K,Q,8 rainbow flop what he is looking for to invest another 2/3 pot?
I didn't catch this response last night and now I don't know what street or play you're referring to.
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He also goes all in with A9
this is silly.the point of strat is to help create +EV solutions to situations. You betting was not good at all. So villain having A,9 on a complete bluff is not important.
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this is silly.the point of strat is to help create +EV solutions to situations. You betting was not good at all. So villain having A,9 on a complete bluff is not important.
Meh. I figured the strat discussion was over and people like to see results. I missed betting big on the turn.
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