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$4.40 180 Sng Stakeaments (later Today)

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1) 272)BigSlickTJ (Sarnia)3) yesterday when i placed 2nd in the same tourney4) i ve never been staked but would like to prove myself.
Can't do it for a guy with 4 posts, sorry man, keep posting and maybe next time :club:
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1) 282) GrinderVW (San Jose)3) 4th place in a $20 + 2 buyin tourney for $950+4) I'm decent at these 180s and want to split some cash onto both our accountsChoose me FTW! :club:

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(dumb kid raises hand)what time is it right now in MST?I swear I have my college degree
Sent you a message. Right now it's 1:47 in MST.PST: 12:47CST: 2:47EST: 2:47You're 2 hours ahead of me, so it will be 6ish your time when we begin to look to barrage one of them.
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4) I think I FT these more than anyone else. Including one today but my pocket pair doesn't hold vs J 10 and I go out 9th.
I might be able to give you a run. ThePayne04 on stars. I've won like 8 of those things plus at least 21 FT's or so. Brag post, obv. I don't need a stake but I might run with you guys once the tourney # is posted.
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would love a stake to play later later tonight...1.242.ThaGod (Winnipeg)3.1st place 100 buy-in at stars for like 5800 (200+ people)4.I currently have .16 in my pokerstars account and well that just gets you nowhere on that site, and the hubble freerolls are impossible!!! Please please pretty please can I have a stake?I realize I have only 60 posts or so as well so I understand the not trusting issue but will be around here for years to come.Thank You come again.

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Ok, so this is going to probably be closer to 4:30MST. I'll get home at like 4, and then I need to ship the stakes to the players, and we need to makre sure we'll all registering in the same one. PLEASE BE ON THIS THREAD CONSTANTLY AROUND THIS TIME. Also, if you have AOL Instant Messenger, and you are one of my horses, please message me! (Makes this easier)

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All stakes have been taken, so maybe next time.And also,PAGING YEFFYYou're the only one unconfirmed. Send me a message!
Message sent. Had to go get my friend at the airport. Poor girl just flew in from Milan and half her stuff was stolen from her bag.
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