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a 3 part documentary on religion, war and the federal reserve.I watched most of it, and every part is gripping, but especially the religion section.I encourage everyone with an open mind, to watch this film. I'd like to hear peoples opinions on the points of discussion brought up by the director.

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you gotta post a link, dummy :club:movie heregood flick, concise and to the point. Crams of lot of information into two hours. As noted above, the film is broken down into 3 parts. The first one would be on Christianity/religion and probably the best one to talk about on this forum.I might have to watch it again to remember the finer points but it's a good introduction to breaking the religious myths of today down to their most possible origins, astrotheology.

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you gotta post a link, dummy :club:movie heregood flick, concise and to the point. Crams of lot of information into two hours. As noted above, the film is broken down into 3 parts. The first one would be on Christianity/religion and probably the best one to talk about on this forum.I might have to watch it again to remember the finer points but it's a good introduction to breaking the religious myths of today down to their most possible origins, astrotheology.
\What did you think about that conclusion? They seem to present alot of credible evidence.
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i look forward to watcing this when i get home from work. Thank you. if i can conjure up something that makes sense ill be sure to get back to you here.

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Did I agree with the idea that an elite group of men have manipulated wars in the past for financial gains and political power? Yes. It's not hard to see. The federal reserve part (part III) is probably the most eye opening to people, hopefully they look into it more.

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I thought this movie was more CT garbage, personally. the second part was like a short version of loose change.
Yeah even this wingnut thought part II sucked. It was CT garbage for the most part. Oh well. All the parts tie together in the end.
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I watched it about a month ago and I loved all of it. It really opens your eyes. I kept saying to myself, the next part cannot be better but it was both times.It really is a must watch.

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I watched it about a month ago and I loved all of it. It really opens your eyes. I kept saying to myself, the next part cannot be better but it was both times.It really is a must watch.
Many films about the world haven't opened up the views of the mindless sheep following what the elite feed them. This is the first film that I have seen, and I've seen almost all of them, which is so well put together that it could really be the 1 film to change the world and run the elite scumbag pieces of shit who are on track to control the world. I pray this film becomes mainstream.
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Many films about the world haven't opened up the views of the mindless sheep following what the elite feed them. This is the first film that I have seen, and I've seen almost all of them, which is so well put together that it could really be the 1 film to change the world and run the elite scumbag pieces of shit who are on track to control the world. I pray this film becomes mainstream.
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i saw this movie like a month ago and loved it, mostly because im a 911 conspiracy junkie and also buy in to all that NWO (new world order) "powers at be" international bankers stuff. good flick, glad to see other ppl on the forum have seen it as well. if you like the 911 stuff then watch the 911 coincidences on youtube.- conor

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