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Happy B-day Suited_up

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Happy B-Day Suited ! Good Luck on the tables! Track down Nutz and tell him to buy you a beer from me and I will send him the $$$$$$.Ozi
Ditto, same from me. Buy that boy a drink, I'm paying!Mark
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Have a good one, dude. And that was some crazy a$$ boxing. lolz.

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On that note: Tommorrow is actually my last real day working. I'm off the 4th, and that's the last day of any final tables we'll cover, so I'm done the 3rd, since we're not doing the ME. Gonna play the media event the 5th probably. Sucks I can't actually win money for that though. Goes to charity. And then I leave the 7th unfortunately.

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Sorry Kurt! Happy be-lated B-day. Mine was the 3rd and we should have hooked up, but I was tied up for most of this last trip out as we were with another couple for the entire weekend. I sure wish I could have made the Monday noodle bar thing, but again... we had obligations. Hope your B-day was great. Have fun driving back to Chi-town with Jamie. (hope you like Al Gore audio books :club: )Great meeting and hanging out with you Kurt. You are good peeps. Stay in touch man. :D

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Happy birthday mannnggg. Myself, cardcore, and a bunch of other poker people are gonna head out to dinner and probably some drunk random poker tomorrow if you're interested. Give me a text/call if you're down.

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No stripper, vodka or mayhem to report on the B-Day festivities?
Report: He got really drunk and went bowling and was absolutely hilarious.
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Happy birthday mannnggg. Myself, cardcore, and a bunch of other poker people are gonna head out to dinner and probably some drunk random poker tomorrow if you're interested. Give me a text/call if you're down.
Going to sleep right now, but yeah, gimme a call. I may need a ride, who really knows.And thanks Scott, Happy Belated to you as well. I should post in your thread, but i'm so tired, and hopefully you see it here, lol. Hope to still see you around here even though you're on poker break.And yeah, Bday was good times, I also enjoyed the .01/.02 NL nutbar session that Teddy did, saying "One Timeeeeee" every single hand before he shoved.
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