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Ultimate Bet No-Limit Hold'em, $.10 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)UTG ($8.77)MP ($18.23)Button ($3.25)Hero ($28.33)BB ($9.99)Preflop: Hero is SB with Adiamond.gif, Kheart.gif. 1 fold, MP raises to $0.7, 1 fold, Hero calls $0.65, 1 fold.Flop: ($1.50) Aspade.gif, 4heart.gif, 2heart.gif(2 players)Hero checks, MP checks.Turn: ($1.50) 8heart.gif(2 players)Hero bets $1.25, MP raises to $5.25, Hero calls $4.River: ($12) 4club.gif(2 players)Hero checks, MP bets $12, Hero ??????I had been at the table with the villian for about 2 hours, in that time he seemed to play a pretty straight forward tight game. The only thing out of the ordinary was every now and then his raise preflop would vary like it did in this hand. He would open raise to 6 or 7 times the big blind, instead of the standard 3x or pot sized raise. He had done this about 3 or 4 times before but never had to showdown the hand. I chose just to call preflop since I was out of position and didn't know what this out of the ordinary raise ment. I'm not sure about the turn and river play here.

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I prefer to raise preflop, I think it defines his hand for you more. If he calls, you can put him on AK, or a middle pocket pair, if he raises I fold.As played... blah. I think I fold reluctantly.

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Those are some pretty big stacks!

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The river is a fold. There's literally no hand we can put him on that doesn't beat you.As for the rest of it, you should just go ahead and lead into this flop. Taking it down then is just fine, and you'll get a call often enough from a worse ace or a plain worse hand that's wants to peel a turn because you could just be making a move hoping he had raised without a bullet.

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i would have re-raised pre-flop, it helps define his hand as fopkins saidalso, i like a bet on the flop for the same reason, if he has a smaller ace you are getting a lot of action on this flop, and he will come for the ride if he has a smaller pair because there is little you can have to beat him besides the acethe river is a pretty clear fold, we can only beat a bluff probably

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i dont mind the flat call PF... i do the same thing w/ A K OOP... but you DEF should have lead @ this flop.. i say about 60-75% of the pot, find out where you're @ / price out the FD *(unless he wants to gamble)*if you get reraised on THAT board, i think it's an easy fold, you can't beat anything that can reraise.i'm not really sure where he's @ by the river, but as this played out i'd probably muck... all we have is one strong pair *excluding the obv 4s* w/ top kicker... i'll admit the the raise PF is really wierd, but if you've seen him do it so many times i think a raise PF on your part would have been a sound idea if for nothing else than to figure out what he raises like that w/ for future reference... perhaps he even had KK or QQ and was scared of the A, but figured you'd have bet the flop if you had one so he figures he's good... i can easily see him having the KcKd in this situation.or i guess i could see him having AA w/ a donk check on the flop...

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I bet he has the same hand.Shove the turn so you get the last bet in, and hope we are freerolling with the flush draw.Idk maybe that's overplaying AK, and playing a big pot with one pair, so maybe this is bad advice, but that's probably what I would do since I always like to put the pressure on.

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Those are some pretty big stacks!
troll elsewhere pleaseI have been recently repopping this from the SB to a single raise. It's been pretty effective.As played, I assume your going for a C/R on the flop. The turn lead/call are fine. The river is a simple fold.
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Why would you call the raise on the turn, then fold to a bet on the river? I'm assuming nothing has changed. Calling the raise, then check-folding the river is the worst, most counter-intuitive play possible. If you think you are beat, fold the turn. If you think you are ahead, push the turn, or call, c/c if he is a bluffer. If you are not sure, call, c/c. But call, c/f is throwing away that $4 every time.

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Bet the flop - it'll help you figure out where you are in the hand. Fold the river - there's really not much that you beat.
except AQ, AJ, A10, A9.
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except AQ, AJ, A10, A9.
It's rare for any of those hands to play the hand this way, I think. Granted it is 10 NL, but I tend to give more credit. I just don't think it's +EV to call.
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It's rare for any of those hands to play the hand this way, I think. Granted it is 10 NL, but I tend to give more credit. I just don't think it's +EV to call.
Ye, but at the 10$ tables, we don't see great players, that would check an ace on the river.
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