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Hellmuth Playing Perfect

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this is an excerpt from his blog: http://www.philhellmuth.com/phil-hellmuth-...og.html?id=1943In the HORSE I was pleased to play my best poker all day long, and John Hennigan and Jason Lester (both played with me all day long) thought that I played "Great." I think that my skills in HORSE are under-estimated, period. In any case, I ended the day with $158,000 in chips (we started with $100,000). At one point, when I didn't win a single Hold'em hand (30 minutes), only one small Omaha 8/b (30 minutes) pot, and then only two nates in 15 minutes of Razz, I started smiling and feeling really happy. Why? Because I knew that if I had a run like that ten years ago, then I would have blown off $100,000 or so. Given that run five years ago, I would have lost an extra $20,000 or so. But today I didn't give a chip away. I guess that that means that I'm now a "Man!" I'm now fully mature in poker, and in total control of my emotions, myself, and my surroundings. It felt pretty damn good!!to all the haters, phil is self-aware even if it doesn't always seem that way.to fluffdog, you should try and arrange the shorthanded table you described with me in the 2 seat, Hellmuth in the 1 seat, and Matusow in the 3 seat. I might contact the Make a Wish Foundation b/c it would seriously make my life complete to play a game like that. I wonder if I can make it happen.

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this is an excerpt from his blog: to fluffdog, you should try and arrange the shorthanded table you described with me in the 2 seat, Hellmuth in the 1 seat, and Matusow in the 3 seat. I might contact the Make a Wish Foundation b/c it would seriously make my life complete to play a game like that. I wonder if I can make it happen.
I know it almost goes without saying at this point, but how many other people saw this post title and didn't even have to look to know its author?I don't know what's more insane about this. That your life would be "complete," or that you would pose as a terminally-ill kid to make it happen. LOL.
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I guess that that means that I'm now a "Man!" I'm now fully mature in poker, and in total control of my emotions, myself, and my surroundings.
lolso if im in his surrounding environment....he can control me?
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One way or another..Phil controls us all
Except for the few of us that can't spell poker :club:
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if anyone here knows hellmuth, i would really really like your help in getting in touch with him. please send me a PM. I will transfer $100 to anyone on stars who can even get him to answer one of my emails. I wrote him about the Proplayer drink thing and sent some follow up emails, and have heard absolutely no response

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if anyone here knows hellmuth, i would really really like your help in getting in touch with him. please send me a PM. I will transfer $100 to anyone on stars who can even get him to answer one of my emails. I wrote him about the Proplayer drink thing and sent some follow up emails, and have heard absolutely no response
Try making him some ceramic art. You awkward fool.
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GMan.........I think you should spend a moment and google the phrase "restraining order" as I strongly suspect the first (and only) contact you will ever have from Phil will involve the same.

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GMan.........I think you should spend a moment and google the phrase "restraining order" as I strongly suspect the first (and only) contact you will ever have from Phil will involve the same.
I have relatives that are cops, i'm not worried about it. i can always get them to make phone calls and take care of it. i just want to meet him, hang out, and play poker. that's not crazy.
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I have relatives that are cops, i'm not worried about it. i can always get them to make phone calls and take care of it. i just want to meet him, hang out, and play poker. that's not crazy.
LOL, that's comedy gold right there. Hypothetically speaking, it appears should Phil actually seek a restraining order (which in reality we all know it won't come to that, as he will simply ignore your barrage of insanity) you are saying that your cop relatives can take care of a restraining order? That's almost as funny as everything else you have ever typed. Almost.
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ship me the benji on stars, and I'll have him get in touch....promiseJethrodull (Mt Pleasant)Jps - check my post count, it validates me
i will ship the money if he either responds to one of my current emails, or if you give me a private email address for him and i'm able to reach him that way. i'll ship $500 if you can arrange for me to meet him at the Bellagio or anywhere that is convenient. big fan here.
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i will ship the money if he either responds to one of my current emails, or if you give me a private email address for him and i'm able to reach him that way. i'll ship $500 if you can arrange for me to meet him at the Bellagio or anywhere that is convenient. big fan here.
I just don't think you're serious....if you want to get in touch, ship it....if you don't, keep whining.J
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okay, i'll send $50 and the other 50 when i hear back from him
I'll call him right now. We're great friends. He has this van that he wants to meet you in the back of. Give me $250 now and after the encounter ship the other half. kthx.
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Ryland should be all over this one. A simple deal like hooking up Phil with a fan is a no brainer for someone as connected as the Ryster.Or Gman, you can try going to the Rio, and when he walks by say: "Hey Phil, I'm a big fan and I would like to take a picture with the greatest poker player in the history of poker"Worked for me. He got me an intro with Robert Varkoini

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