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Craziest Bets And/or Prop Bets?

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I just made a bet today about my basketball game. This guy on the other team bet me that he can hold me to 18 points or under and I bet him he can't. Actually, I'm pretty sure I will drop 25+ easily on him so I feel I have the +ev in this by far.If I score 18, it's a draw. Then I saw that someone made a bet they could turn their player points into 1k in two weeks, which I think is crazy.Not that my bet is crazy, but what are some of the crazy bets that you guys have made?

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I just made a bet today about my basketball game. This guy on the other team bet me that he can hold me to 18 points or under and I bet him he can't. Actually, I'm pretty sure I will drop 25+ easily on him so I feel I have the +ev in this by far.If I score 18, it's a draw. Then I saw that someone made a bet they could turn their player points into 1k in two weeks, which I think is crazy.Not that my bet is crazy, but what are some of the crazy bets that you guys have made?
One time I put $5 on midnight on the craps table and hit it. That was my one (and only one) foray to craps, so I am a lifetime winner at craps! :club:
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I just posted one that went down today on my blog between Phil Ivey, Lindgren and Gavin Smith.Basically Ivey and Smith bet Lindgren 350k combined that he could golf four full rounds under 100 each round in one day today. The catch is that he has to walk the whole way every round in the 100+ degree Vegas heat. Few more details and Ivey's chat on it are on my blog but that's the backbone of the bet. So far Lindgren has made it haflway through 3rd round and shot like high 80's both times and 46 at the end of the front nine in the 3rd round.

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didn't DN say that E-Dog was a sucker for betting anything on a total score bet? I recall him saying something like Edog has moments of brillance but always has a 9-11 hole in there somewhere. I suppose 100 isn't too bad tho. for 72 holes of golf I'd imagine it would be more the mental part of the game than actually getting tired. meh, I dunno.

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didn't DN say that E-Dog was a sucker for betting anything on a total score bet? I recall him saying something like Edog has moments of brillance but always has a 9-11 hole in there somewhere. I suppose 100 isn't too bad tho. for 72 holes of golf I'd imagine it would be more the mental part of the game than actually getting tired. meh, I dunno.
Have you ever.....golfed...before?My guess is you haven't or you are in insanely great shape and always GIR.
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Not to mention he's walking the whole time and it's 100 degrees +Last I heard he shot high 80's in the first two rounds and was at 46 through the front nine on the third round... this was a couple hours ago I think.

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for 72 holes of golf I'd imagine it would be more the mental part of the game than actually getting tired. meh, I dunno.
Well lets see the course he's playing is 7229 yards so..... 7229 X 4 = 28916yds X 3 = 86748ft / 5280 = 16.43 MILES. Keep in mind it is about 105 here in Vegas. So ya I don't see why walking and carrying your bag on a hilly course for about 17+ miles (after all you're not walking straight from tee to pin) in 100+ heat would tire you physically. SW
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I just made a bet today about my basketball game. This guy on the other team bet me that he can hold me to 18 points or under and I bet him he can't. Actually, I'm pretty sure I will drop 25+ easily on him so I feel I have the +ev in this by far.If I score 18, it's a draw. Then I saw that someone made a bet they could turn their player points into 1k in two weeks, which I think is crazy.Not that my bet is crazy, but what are some of the crazy bets that you guys have made?
did u win...im dying to know
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Well lets see the course he's playing is 7229 yards so..... 7229 X 4 = 28916yds X 3 = 86748ft / 5280 = 16.43 MILES. Keep in mind it is about 105 here in Vegas. So ya I don't see why walking and carrying your bag on a hilly course for about 17+ miles (after all you're not walking straight from tee to pin) in 100+ heat would tire you physically. SW
Golf carts are a great invention.
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Yup they are, buuuuutttt Eric's not allowed to use one and he has to carry his own bag.
I know.. it was only when you put those figures down, and converted it into miles that I realized how essential they are.I imagine the numbers of deaths on golf courses, esp for retired old men, would be big if they didn't exist.
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I know.. it was only when you put those figures down, and converted it into miles that I realized how essential they are.I imagine the numbers of deaths on golf courses, esp for retired old men, would be big if they didn't exist.
LOL. Ain't that the truth I never thought about it myself when walking a course but now I do.
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http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat...art=12&vc=1Apparently EDOG collapsed halfway through the 2nd hole on the last round and is now in a Vegas hospital being treated for exhaustion. At least that's what the folks at 2+2 are saying.
That was BS. Lindgren ended up doing it.http://wickedchopspoker.blogs.com/my_weblo...sive-erick.html
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"Gavin Smith, who was originally in for $100k, bought out for $60k. Chris Bell and others bought out as well. Ivey remained on the hook for his full amount."From the link above. What does buy out mean? Does that mean He basically paid E-Dog $60k instead of $100k before it was over or what?

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"Gavin Smith, who was originally in for $100k, bought out for $60k. Chris Bell and others bought out as well. Ivey remained on the hook for his full amount."From the link above. What does buy out mean? Does that mean He basically paid E-Dog $60k instead of $100k before it was over or what?
That's exactly what it means Gavin offered E-Dog $60K to call off the bet realizing he was likely to lose and E-Dog took the money in case he had some terrible blow-up in the final couple holes. Seems like Ivey was hoping for a big blow up down the stretch as he didn't buy out at all from the sounds of things.My question is do you think that the guys betting him were following him around the course in golf carts sipping cool drinks and needling him after every bad shot? Gavin bought out after the 13th hole so he must have been following him for at least the final round. I'd imagine the bettor's would have someone representing them on the course making sure E-Dog's scores were honest and he didn't use his foot wedge.
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Couple notes:They said the course is about 7 miles so he walked 28 miles.E-Dog was a high school basketball star but didn't make the college team (from what I read).Also, I dropped 28 in my game. lol if anyone cared.

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