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Could Hellmuth Tell This Kid He Can't Even Spell Poker ?

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Wow, slowest news day *ever* when this kid gets 5 full minutes of CNN air. Of course, it would have only been a minute without all the stammering and confused looks. His brain only works properly when he's spelling some word that 90% of the general public would think was made up on the spot.The odds are officially set at 5-1 on whether or not this kid scales a bell tower with a deer rifle when he's 20.

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Wow, slowest news day *ever* when this kid gets 5 full minutes of CNN air. Of course, it would have only been a minute without all the stammering and confused looks. His brain only works properly when he's spelling some word that 90% of the general public would think was made up on the spot.The odds are officially set at 5-1 on whether or not this kid scales a bell tower with a deer rifle when he's 20.
freakin kid looks older than me...and i cant even spell that shit
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Wow, slowest news day *ever* when this kid gets 5 full minutes of CNN air. Of course, it would have only been a minute without all the stammering and confused looks. His brain only works properly when he's spelling some word that 90% of the general public would think was made up on the spot.The odds are officially set at 5-1 on whether or not this kid scales a bell tower with a deer rifle when he's 20.
lol prop bet ?
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Yea, but he was hilarious when he won. The announcer asked him about spelling bees and he said he was more interested in Math. The announcer said "Well how do you like spelling bees now?" He's like "Am I suppose to like it more since I won?"Hehe little smart ass.

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lmfao...i'm speechless...i'm surprised the cnn host didn't lol in the middle...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0NGFEhtkY0

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Yea, but he was hilarious when he won. The announcer asked him about spelling bees and he said he was more interested in Math. The announcer said "Well how do you like spelling bees now?" He's like "Am I suppose to like it more since I won?"Hehe little smart ass.
I'm amazed the little creep made it through the interview without whipping it out, taking questions from her. What a little spaz, he's either gonna end up sending letter bombs from a shack in Utah or dead with a needle in his arm and a hooker on either side of him.At least with the letter bombs everything will be spelled correctly.
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I'm amazed the little creep made it through the interview without whipping it out, taking questions from her. What a little spaz, he's either gonna end up sending letter bombs from a shack in Utah or dead with a needle in his arm and a hooker on either side of him.At least with the letter bombs everything will be spelled correctly.
:club: :icon_clap:this kid is missing a couple i's in the word mississipi
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:club: :icon_clap:this kid is missing a couple i's in the word mississipi
And you are missing a P :D
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I had to stop at the 45 second mark. I just got too uncomfortable. I'm not kidding.
Yeah, I toughed it out but I was getting seriously uncomfortable watching and listening to the kid. I wonder if he calls his father Uncle Mike?
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I wonder if his mother watches that interview and thinks "wow, I ****ed up...."

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Yeah I felt weird after watching it too... I felt like I should go outside or something.
QFTI was the nerdy smart kid in school, and *I* wanted to give this kid a swirly.
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