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Wsop 2007 Event#28 No-limit Hold’em $ 3,000.00

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The tournament started at 12:00pm PST today. I'll post updates From Anthony when I receive them. Please feel free to post updates on any other FCPers playing in this event today. Anthony:1:19 PM - Blinds are 50-100. I raise to 350 pre-flop with JJ sb called. Flop comes J56, two spades. Sb raises to 800, I call. Turn is another spade. Sb bets 1500 and I go all in for my last 2,500. He calls and takes it down with a flush. I'm out.Daniel:I bought into the event yesterday but am still unsure if I'm going to show up. Had my buddies over until 7am and am tired. Needed a break for sure. Chances are that I won't go in today and rest up for tomm."

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The tournament started at 12:00pm PST today. I'll post updates From Anthony when I receive them. Please feel free to post updates on any other FCPers playing in this event today. Anthony1:19 PM - Blinds are 50-100. I raise to 350 pre-flop with JJ sb called. Flop comes J56, two spades. Sb raises to 800, I call. Turn is another spade. Sb bets 1500 and I go all in for my last 2,500. He calls and takes it down with a flush. I'm out.
Why on earth would you slow play with a straight and a flush draw out there...and THEN get all your money in after one of them hits? But what do I know...I'm not getting lessions from Daniel himself.
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The tournament started at 12:00pm PST today. I'll post updates From Anthony when I receive them. Please feel free to post updates on any other FCPers playing in this event today. Anthony1:19 PM - Blinds are 50-100. I raise to 350 pre-flop with JJ sb called. Flop comes J56, two spades. Sb raises to 800, I call. Turn is another spade. Sb bets 1500 and I go all in for my last 2,500. He calls and takes it down with a flush. I'm out.
ew don't do that ever again. raise the flop please.
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Another hand I played I had QQ, raised to 200 (blinds 25/50) in early position. Two callers. A 7 3 clubs. Check, I bet 400. Call. Fold. Turn is a 3, I bet 1k. He calls. River is a 7. I check, he checks. He shows A4 spades.I have no idea what I was doing with the jacks. I was shortstacked after the hand with queens and I wanted him to commit all his chips so I could double up. I figured that if he had an overpair or some flush draw, he would call me anyway if I pushed. If he had some mid-low pair, he might bet again on the turn. I'm sure if would call if I went all in on the flop with his hand (KQ spades).Regardless, I'm playing just horrible right now. I'm really frustrated on the way I'm playing.

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Another hand I played I had QQ, raised to 200 (blinds 25/50) in early position. Two callers. A 7 3 clubs. Check, I bet 400. Call. Fold. Turn is a 3, I bet 1k. He calls. River is a 7. I check, he checks. He shows A4 spades.I have no idea what I was doing with the jacks. I was shortstacked after the hand with queens and I wanted him to commit all his chips so I could double up. I figured that if he had an overpair or some flush draw, he would call me anyway if I pushed. If he had some mid-low pair, he might bet again on the turn. I'm sure if would call if I went all in on the flop with his hand (KQ spades).Regardless, I'm playing just horrible right now. I'm really frustrated on the way I'm playing.
Sorry Anthony. Shake it off and better luck in the next one.
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I don't mind the play with JJ, as Anthony said he was short stacked if he re-raises that flop all in the other guy WILL call with a flush draw or straight draw, so why risk the chance of him hitting a lower set or middle pair and popping again on the turn. UL, GG.

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I don't mind the play with JJ, as Anthony said he was short stacked if he re-raises that flop all in the other guy WILL call with a flush draw or straight draw, so why risk the chance of him hitting a lower set or middle pair and popping again on the turn. UL, GG.
Because by allowing him to see a free card we let him make a good play. By shoving the flop and charging him to draw we are making him make a worse play.
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There is nothing wrong with smooth calling on the flop with top set here.
I agree with Daniel if you can get away from the hand later on when the board improves him. I have been in Anthony's position many times and I have stuck my money in because I just couldn't believe a stupid spade hit on the turn. Only recently have I started getting better at folding the trips when the only hand that he could bet has me beat. I guess he could have had AA QQ or KK but, realistically with my short stack he probably would have raised pf.
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There is nothing wrong with smooth calling on the flop with top set here.
Lol, when's the last time you made a final table to give this advice donkey!
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Another hand I played I had QQ, raised to 200 (blinds 25/50) in early position. Two callers. A 7 3 clubs. Check, I bet 400. Call. Fold. Turn is a 3, I bet 1k. He calls. River is a 7. I check, he checks. He shows A4 spades.I have no idea what I was doing with the jacks. I was shortstacked after the hand with queens and I wanted him to commit all his chips so I could double up. I figured that if he had an overpair or some flush draw, he would call me anyway if I pushed. If he had some mid-low pair, he might bet again on the turn. I'm sure if would call if I went all in on the flop with his hand (KQ spades).Regardless, I'm playing just horrible right now. I'm really frustrated on the way I'm playing.
uhhhgggg.Reload!GL on the next one. B)
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I'm out, 40 spots from the money.At Phil Gordon's and Jamie Gold's table.Phil just played awful. He got all his money in at least 3 times with the way worst of it, all three of them being really bad preflop plays.The first was sorely against me. He open shoved 5300 with blinds at 150-300 (just because he was steaming that we reraised his preflop raises). I pick up Ah-As and call. He showed 4h-4s (nice play). The BB also folded the 4c. Sweet.Door card is the case 4d. (doh). He kissed all three 4's. Classy.Then he reraises Noah Boeken with K-3. Noah raised UTG to 1800 and Phil only had 5300! He has almost zero fold equity and is facing a smart player raising UTG. But yeah, K-3 sounds like a good time to push. He flops two pair and doubles again.About 3 hours later, he reraises a tight young kid who raises UTG to 3200 and he's breathing so hard, his chest is about to explode. Phil reraises all in with A-J. (nice play). Kid has QQ, calls, but Phil spikes a gutshot to scoop.Maybe he just had a bad day. He was (pretty much) a gentlemen about it and admitted a few of his plays were bad (he insisted the K-3 reshove was correct because "THAT GUY RAISED UTG 7 times in a ROW!".) But what do I know, I'm out, he's still in. Jamie Gold doubled me up, so yeah...um..I got that, I got doubled up by WSOP champ, aren't I cool? Meh, poker is brutal, this is the best I played so far tho. Feeling better and better. ALSO: One funny moment. After dinner break, the dealer shuffled up all the cards, collected all the antes, and then....DEALT A FLOP! Before we got our cards. LOL. Sweet competence.

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I'm at phil gordons table now. he just doubled up with aj vs qq all in pre then shoved over an utg raise. he started talking to the raiser and I laid the guy on my 10-1 that he had AK and the guy wouldn't take it bc it was so obv.

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Lol at incompetent dealers. I swear that wasn't me. I dealt tables 7-12 I believe, including the table with Looshle and Phil Hellmuth. Nice little cooler I delivered to a guy with top set who slowplayed right into the nuts. Phil can thank me for his 12th bracelet.

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Lol at incompetent dealers. I swear that wasn't me. I dealt tables 7-12 I believe, including the table with Looshle and Phil Hellmuth. Nice little cooler I delivered to a guy with top set who slowplayed right into the nuts. Phil can thank me for his 12th bracelet.
It must be hilarious dealing to Phil. Did you witness any of his famous tirades?
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