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Ok, my girlfriend is truely a nice woman. Never says an unkind thing about anyone. She went with me to WSOP this year and got to see MS. Duke in person. She says "OH MY GOD, Annie really isn't a very well person is she?" I said "What do you mean?"She says "She just looks like pure white trash after it's been on it's death bed"I said "Yup, she's looking pretty used up these days"

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She got fat. That is what women do when they sit on their asses all day long.
Hey, she always said she wanted to be like her big brother.Seriously, though, this is what almost ANYONE does when they sit on their asses PLAYING POKER all day long. "Don't be sexist" sayeth Raymer, Lederer, Brunson I & II, Capt. "Payforsecks" Huggle...Heck, when you really think about it, poker's gotta have the ugliest players, bar none...wih the possible exception of professional Scrabble players or the '84 Celtics.
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Advertising lies. That's its job.
Exactly. One picture is an ad, one is a candid shot. The right make up guy could make KFL look like Pamela Anderson.
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Is Shannon Elizabeths ex really dating/doing her??.. if So.. damn.. I can see why he left S-E for Annie-P
That trade is as good as the one the Orioles made back in the early 90's. They traded Curt Schilling, Steve Finley, and Pete Harnish for Glen Davis.
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Did she hire David Benyamine as her personal trainer?

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you think thats bad you should see Dutch Boyd now, holy ****! That dude blew up! He gained a good 50-80 pounds since you last saw him on tv. He gots a big all beer gut, its crazy. David Benyamine blew up too since his WPT paris final table. Mike Sexton looks alright on tv but seeing him in person he gots a few pounds on him. That Gavin guy (not gavin smith) looks husky too since I seen him on TV. Its like most of these players are eating more than they are playing. David looked like he ate both of the Olsen twins the first time I saw him after his WPT final table lol. Dutch Boyd I saw in Rio just earlier this week and that was by far the biggest difference from a person I ever saw, like that dude is big now. He probably is pushing more weight than Raymer. before pic13.jpgafter 2007467065a81c847.jpg

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she is a MIWLFyou can QFTAINEC
MIWLF? Does that mean "Malodorous Iniquitous Weasel (you'd) Love (to) F**k"? Or was the 'W' a typo? :club:
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Did she hire David Benyamine as her personal trainer?
lmaoyes, one is an ad and the other is candid, but still she gained 40 or 50 lbs and she looks really used up. cheeseburgers + beer + wine + liquor + cocaine + sleeping pills + amphetamines + not enough sleep + ice cream sundae = WSOP 2007
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you think thats bad you should see Dutch Boyd now, holy ****! That dude blew up! He gained a good 50-80 pounds since you last saw him on tv. He gots a big all beer gut, its crazy. David Benyamine blew up too since his WPT paris final table. Mike Sexton looks alright on tv but seeing him in person he gots a few pounds on him. That Gavin guy (not gavin smith) looks husky too since I seen him on TV. Its like most of these players are eating more than they are playing. David looked like he ate both of the Olsen twins the first time I saw him after his WPT final table lol. Dutch Boyd I saw in Rio just earlier this week and that was by far the biggest difference from a person I ever saw, like that dude is big now. He probably is pushing more weight than Raymer. before pic13.jpgafter 2007467065a81c847.jpg
let's not go crazy here, that is re-dic-u-lousdoes anyone else remember the thread on here about raymers weight where most people guessed he weighs more than 350lbs? lmao. what people forget to consider is that he is 5'6".
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That trade is as good as the one the Orioles made back in the early 90's. They traded Curt Schilling, Steve Finley, and Pete Harnish for Glen Davis.
How about the Mets trading Nolan Ryan to the Angels for Jim Fregosi in 1972?
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