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Keeping Win/loss Stats

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I'm sure this has been posted before, but I couldn't find anything on it. I've decided to take the next step in my game and actually keep track of my hours, proft/loss, stakes, and anything else that might be important. My question is is there a particular format or anything that you guys use to keep these things in order and such? If so what information is being tallied and is a spreadsheet a good way or is there 'something really cool I don't even know about?' Any help is appreciated and I hope this made sense, please let me know if any more information is needed. Thanks.

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I'm sure this has been posted before, but I couldn't find anything on it. I've decided to take the next step in my game and actually keep track of my hours, proft/loss, stakes, and anything else that might be important. My question is is there a particular format or anything that you guys use to keep these things in order and such? If so what information is being tallied and is a spreadsheet a good way or is there 'something really cool I don't even know about?' Any help is appreciated and I hope this made sense, please let me know if any more information is needed. Thanks.
I have a notebook where I keep - Date, Buy in, Number of Players, Finishing Position, Money Started before session, Money after Session and Notes... it's helped me over the last year +
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i have an excel database file that you might want to use. email me at garsen74@yahoo.com if you want it. i guess i'll zero out my results and mail it to you...

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well tim, I think we all do that, but this time I'm looking for insight into things I may be forgetting and if there's a consensus "best way"
Yeah I guess I just don't have the patience of whatever for spreadsheets. You should go with Cwik's spreadsheet though, I know everybody around here loves it.
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you can do it on the web, it's great for multitabling online sessions: checkyourbets.comi have all my data on there from the exact day i started playing, believe it or not. i had to painstakingly extract my notes into their form, though, which was brutal. it's nice knowing exactly how much i am up, hourly rate, etc.

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The fact that you didn't say "favorite" is an insult, the fact that you didn't say "top 3" is blasphemy.
Please add a link to the tiger video in you signature.
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