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Wsop Womens Championship Live Streaming

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i gotta lol at how much liz lieu is calling all these women donks, its amazingomg just listen because its so bad"and she raises and no one will call, i call it" - liz lieu"its only been 3 1/2 hrs but it feels longer" - male announcer

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i gotta lol at how much liz lieu is calling all these women donks, its amazing
Because they are. They're all playing ABC poker and its unbearably boring to watch. It would help if even one of 'em were good looking, but they all look like 35-45 year old BINGO Hall hoes...
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Because they are. They're all playing ABC poker and its unbearably boring to watch. It would help if even one of 'em were good looking, but they all look like 35-45 year old BINGO Hall hoes...
i agree, but you have to admit its cool to watch WSOP FT's live..im thinking of throwing down the 50$ to buy a WSOP subscription
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i agree, but you have to admit its cool to watch WSOP FT's live..im thinking of throwing down the 50$ to buy a WSOP subscription
True as soon as I saw this thread I wanted to watch the stream, but 5 minutes into it and I am out.
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It's called the Main Event.
Liz Lieu is great... "Did someone just fold 67 suited instead of calling an all in for half of their stack with it?! WHAT THE..?!"
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According to Adam Schoenfeld, there should also be a Blacks and Jews Event as well.
i have a hard time believing that jews would throw money away for a poker tourney
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i don't see my girl vanessa, so i won't watch.
you guys looked cute togetherlol"we finally got to see her cards, 3 4 offsuit.. why would she raise that?"1) in position2) 6 of 7 had never played a mtt before3) everone folds everytime to a raiseetcetclolololol
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you guys looked cute together
God these people are pathetic.Everyone is playing tighter than a... really tight thing. Chip leader has twice as much as second place, raises with 4-3, and then calls when the short stack pushes all in (with A-4). And all the ladies are like 'zomg im so glad we saw your cards why would you raise with that, thats so dumb, do i look fat?"
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ya, but they dont have any real chance of winning so they don't count
+1and you know they got staked by their husbands so theyd shut up and promptly continue cooking/cleaning once they bust
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