Balloon guy 158 Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Trip reportMy daughter graduated on the 5th, so after graduation (where I dropped 600 balloons on her class of 22 kids) we went to dinner and I don’t get on the road till 9:00. Run to the cigar store, pick up the cigars for golf tournament, smoke one to confirm they are fresh.Drive to Vegas in under 4 hours, get to Bill’s Hotel and Casino where Nutz and Oziumrules are staying, but they are sold out, so I walk over to the Flamingo and get a room…blah. I tipped the Valet guy $10 to take care of my car and they kept it right by valet my whole stay. Good because I had cigars plus my golf clubs in there.Bed around 2:00 with alarm set for 6:30 to meet Oz and Nutz at 7:00 in lobby, but wake up at 5:30, shower and go downstairs. Get a decent breakfast and they come down and we ride over to course.Miss turn because Nutz distracted me by listening while I talked, but we get there at a decent time.Meet up with Troyomac, Gilbertology, Leftygolfer, Sandwedge, Vegasguy, H_Factor73, CheckymcFold, Navybutton, and Fiddler shows up late. Pass out cigars, hit balls, try to remember everyone’s real name but forget about that ever happening.I ask Oz to see why my drives go right, he speaks English, but there is no way I understand what he is saying. Something about blocking, and hands and target line..that’s when I realize he is trying to mess up my swing on purpose so that he has a chance against me. I begin thinking of my acceptance speech for the win at the Main Event to block his negative swing thoughts, but some of them must have crept in cause I left some drives a little right.My favorite moment is when Troy and Gil both say they thought I would be fatter. Well I thought you guys would be less gay looking!So we head out, I am riding alone so I ask H_Factor73 if he wants to ride with me, he says as long as we don’t talk about politics, so this is going to be a quiet round! Nutz, Oz, Checky and Navy go first, and Navy picks up a bet right away with Lefty for 2-1 that Navy can’t keep his drive in the fairway. Hits a nice fade that splits the middle of the fairway a solid 170 with his drive so Navy is up. He drinks about 8 beers to celebrate, I think all on the next hole.We get a group shot with 8 of us, but because Fid is late their foursome is not in the shot. Then we tee off. Play golf, I shoot 41 on front, who cares about the rest of them.H_Factor has the best wife, she lets him do whatever he wants, and he is living the life. So I am jealous. Checky, Navy, Gil and Troy are staying in a house in Vegas and playing poker all month. So I am jealous.Ozi can play golf. Lefty wants to make an over/under bet on Oz’s score and sets the line at 74. I’m thinking man this would be an easy bet to take, no way he’s going to play well on a windy day with no course knowledge. He shoots a 71. no luckbox. So I am jealous.Navy has a great member’s only jacket on, a swing like Jesper Parnavik, and can outdrink a fish. Not so jealous though.Games over, we go in to the clubhouse for the first ever FCP Skipament championship.Before we play I get suckered into a liars poker game with Navy, he lies better than me, so…gg meIf you don’t know how to play a skipament, learn, otherwise this part will be boring.So first out is Navy..he sucks at skipaments. Checky is next..he runs bad. I am out when my 99 falls to Oz’s KK in BB. 5’s are hot, major suckouts, at least one 2 outer and two 4 outers. Last hand is Nutz with 8 ‘chips’ vs Vegusguy’s 4 ‘chips’. We used sugar packages for chips so the “Pass the sugar” line got a bit overdone.Nutz wins and gets the $120 first prize. I am waiting for my money from the longest driveS, but I guess when you crush the organizer’s best efforts, then you don’t win anything. Next time I’ll get the prize pool started beforehand.Notable golf moments: H_Factor73 beans a house, gets yelled at by women living there. Only a small chunk of stucco fell out so I don’t see why she was so mad.They have 42 rangers on this course, and they want to leave because they kept telling us to hurry up. Yea, 25 MPH winds shouldn’t slow down your play at all, keep it up boys.Navybuttons has rabbit ears when he putts.So we head over to Claim Jumpers. Big Table, loud. Navy gets us in trouble right away when grabs the waitress’s butt. An ‘Accident’. So I order food I can detect spit on just in case. We have a credit card roulette, everyone dumps a credit card into a hat, and we pull them out, last card buys lunch. 12 guys so lunch is $$. Checky predicts he will lose, and then proceeds too. He runs so bad. Somehow he beat me by two strokes on the golf course and makes up this weird Obama bumper sticker rule with me, but we settle for me having to vote for Obama if he wins the nomination. Glad I get to vote for all my kids and wife so I get 4 votes every year, and only one has to go to Obama if he wins.We all split up, to meet later at WSOP.Me, nutz and Oz head over around 6. they are late coming downstairs and that cost me $100 at the BJ tables. Those 3 minutes are going to add up.So the three of us end up in a $125 SnG, I cripple nutz with 77 on button vs his A10 off. I run good. Then its me Oz and some guy, I bust, Oz takes it down for $1120 win. GG Oz.We rail for a bit, I get tired around midnight and go back to hotel, feel like watching a movie so I pay for Blades of Glory. Start to fall asleep in first 10 minutes so I start trying to stay awake, fall asleep 3 times in sitting and standing positions, but I made it to the credits. Sleep till noon. Get cleaned up, wander to Rio and run into Troy. He just busted so we go to lunch. When bill comes there is an awkward moment where he doesn’t offer to pay, so I pick up the tab.I play a $375 SnG, bust out early. Got goodish cards with great odds and position that never hit flops and got shortstacked quick. If any of you play in these satellites, play tight early, push with good hands and you’ll go deep.Wonder around and find Lefty, Oz and Gil all playing in the short handed event, get bored since it’s early. Go wander the casino, they have a row of single deck black jack tables, so I’m like..if they want to let me win, then I will let them pay me. They don’t, I don’t $200 gone. I see this 100 play poker slot machine. Something about 100 plays always sucks me in. Play the $.10 level, max 5 bet 100 hands, up down up down, switch to lower levels when I get short to keep the max hands and chips in each roll. Finally get a full bet and hit 3 jacks on main hand, so I triple up, win $350 and cash out.Walking over to cash machine I pass Annie Duke with her posse of 5 old guys standing around her as she tells some story…yawn.Go back to rail, Lefty gets busted, watch OZ make a bluff bet on flop that gets re-raised. He is trying to save face and pauses before he mucks, so I tap him and say I’m leaving cause he’s playing too tight. Hope the others think he laid down something big there. Wander, rail, then me lefty, Oz and Nutz go play in a $225 SnG. I end up heads up with older guy, dead even in chips and he asks if I ant to make a deal, I said sure. So I walked with 2 $500 tourny chips and $60. Sell these to Navy and give him discount in exchange for a piece of him in PLO event. So Gl Navy.Rail Gil for rest of night. Meet NoSup, Suited up, Steve7stud, GetSprung....good times/good guys. Get to hotel at 2:30 wake up at 7:30 and drive home. Only had 1 cigar on way home, but I learned that if you flick ashes out the moon roof when it’s set to vent, the ashes stay in space between glass and roof and wait for you to open moon roof all the way when they will fall on your shirt. Good lesson.Good trip, down about $600. Staying at Bill’s was a good play.. $60 a night, decent room$10 cab ride to Rio.Next year the golf tourny should be the most important thing for everyone to do.Oh yea...Nutz: YSAC You Suck at Chewing Link to post Share on other sites
mtdesmoines 3 Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Trip reportMy daughter graduated on the 5th, so after graduation (where I dropped 600 balloons on her class of 22 kids)Ban for spamming. SWOK, so I read the whole report and I'm steaming with jealousy. Sounds like a good time, so I'm glad for all. Link to post Share on other sites
mase_gotsem 0 Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 sounded like a blast , Hopefully 1 of these guys can take down a big score Link to post Share on other sites
Canuckickstan 2 Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Got to make this next year. Nice read. Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Wait, so you're not fat? Link to post Share on other sites
El Guapo 8 Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 If I have the duckets I am definately going to try and make this next year.The hard thing will be convincing my wife that I should be allowed to go to Vegas, possibly without her, to play poker and golf with my imaginary internet friends. LQTM (Laughing quietly to myself, it is more honest the LOL)Good read BG, and if I make it next year, I'll ride with you at the course and we can talk politics, but I usually like to argue and were both conservative so that may be boring as well! Link to post Share on other sites
ColeSLaw 0 Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Good read. Nice work on the chopped sat. Link to post Share on other sites
gobears 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 Great Trip ReportAnd you're going to vote for Obama if he wins the nomination....what if Checky had lost? Link to post Share on other sites
GetSprung 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 Why do I always get forgotten? Booo you. Nice to meet you thought Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 9, 2007 Author Share Posted June 9, 2007 Great Trip ReportAnd you're going to vote for Obama if he wins the nomination....what if Checky had lost?Then he was going to vote republican.During dinner Checky tried to explain how the Algore book had some merit but he really only ended up making a fool of himself. It was kind of sad really. I mean when you try to idolize a tree stump, you just don't get much respect. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 9, 2007 Author Share Posted June 9, 2007 Wait, so you're not fat? Link to post Share on other sites
farmist 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 Great Trip ReportAnd you're going to vote for Obama if he wins the nomination....what if Checky had lost?He has to nominate BallonGuy for the Green Party Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 9, 2007 Author Share Posted June 9, 2007 Why do I always get forgotten? Booo you. Nice to meet you thoughtMy bad. I was trying not to mention how you got kicked out of the rail area because of the way you dressed.And for the record this guy doesn't look exactly like Harry Potter. He's much taller Link to post Share on other sites
DoinSublime 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 Add being here next year to my list of things to do.I suspect Navy might have trouble drinking with me though. Link to post Share on other sites
GetSprung 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 My bad. I was trying not to mention how you got kicked out of the rail area because of the way you dressed.And for the record this guy doesn't look exactly like Harry Potter. He's much taller THANK YOU! There's no way I look like Harry Potter damnit. At best I understand the Shaggy from Scooby Doo references when I have longer hair but I really don't see the Harry Potter. Troyomac asking about my Lightning bolt scar was classy though. Oh, and getting kicked out of the tournament area was a total bummer. Didn't really get to even meet Josh, he probably thought I was some creepy stalker. Only half true. Link to post Share on other sites
Suited_Up 2 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 Oh yea...Nutz: YSAC You Suck at Chewing LOL... True story. Link to post Share on other sites
chgocubs99 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 Best trip report ever. Link to post Share on other sites
mrdannyg 274 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 excellent read, sounds like a good time. Link to post Share on other sites
Janfor99 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 LOL All I got to say....just plain LOL Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 9, 2007 Author Share Posted June 9, 2007 Only bummer was having to leave early to set up a show, so I couldn't rail gil some more. GG gil.I'm sure Troy is glad you guys each shared a piece of each other. Oh wait..never mind Link to post Share on other sites
dbrent2 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 The only way I am missing the golf trip next year is becaue I am on my death bed...And Oz and I will swing FCP... Link to post Share on other sites
El Guapo 8 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 So..... I know this is way way to early, but what about trying to get some early dates figured out so we can plan for this next year. Both my wife and I book out appointments up to 6 months in advance and I would like to include this into the vactions for next year. (Also from listening to BG, it sounds like it could potentially conflict with year end school stuff which I know can be a headache for the parents w/ older kids)Nutz....whadda think? Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 9, 2007 Author Share Posted June 9, 2007 Man I was positive I was going to make it till I met Ozi and nutz in the lobby. p till then I kept my options open.11.9 months out? I will probably make it, we'll see.Did I mention that I won both long drive competitions? Link to post Share on other sites
vegasguy 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 Just throwing this for next year's golf tourney: Shadow Creek. That is all. Link to post Share on other sites
troyomac 0 Posted June 9, 2007 Share Posted June 9, 2007 My favorite moment is when Troy and Gil both say they thought I would be fatter. Well I thought you guys would be less gay looking!Sleep till noon. Get cleaned up, wander to Rio and run into Troy. He just busted so we go to lunch. When bill comes there is an awkward moment where he doesn’t offer to pay, so I pick up the tab.Damn, you lit me up in this post! I only ordered a pop (ok soda, whatever).Wait, so you're not fat? Troyomac asking about my Lightning bolt scar was classy though.I was just busting your balls, you don't really look THAT much like him Link to post Share on other sites
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