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Hmmm Wonder Who Sklansky Is Talking About

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Who says he has NO Chance? Thats what makes golf great...everyone has a handicap which enables all golfing skills to play together. He had a bad run on the golf course against Ivey & Doyle...so what? That doesnt mean he has no chance...
So you're saying that this Wed, when I play you;There is a chance?dd3.jpg
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To answer your question, then, the bible directly says that gambling is a sin. That is the "conflict" in being a Christian and a Gambler.
Which Bible are you referring to? You wouldn't happen to have a link to the scripture that states gambling is a sin would you? Didn't think so. It doesn't exist, and yes, I have looked long and hard. If gambling itself were a sin than God would be a sinner. Since God can't be a sinner than gambling can't be a sin. In the book of Job, God gambles with Satan for Job's soul. God wins of course, but he still made the wager. Also, casting lots was a way in which people solved lots of issues, which is, once again, a form of gambling. Making money your God is a sin, but gambling for a living doesn't equate living for money or making money your God.
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Which Bible are you referring to? You wouldn't happen to have a link to the scripture that states gambling is a sin would you? Didn't think so. It doesn't exist, and yes, I have looked long and hard. If gambling itself were a sin than God would be a sinner. Since God can't be a sinner than gambling can't be a sin. In the book of Job, God gambles with Satan for Job's soul. God wins of course, but he still made the wager. Also, casting lots was a way in which people solved lots of issues, which is, once again, a form of gambling. Making money your God is a sin, but gambling for a living doesn't equate living for money or making money your God.
good research
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Which Bible are you referring to? You wouldn't happen to have a link to the scripture that states gambling is a sin would you? Didn't think so. It doesn't exist, and yes, I have looked long and hard. If gambling itself were a sin than God would be a sinner. Since God can't be a sinner than gambling can't be a sin. In the book of Job, God gambles with Satan for Job's soul. God wins of course, but he still made the wager. Also, casting lots was a way in which people solved lots of issues, which is, once again, a form of gambling. Making money your God is a sin, but gambling for a living doesn't equate living for money or making money your God.
Nice to have you back Daniel......GL with the series....
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Yes...especially if you bring a few Opus X cigars....
then there is no chanceAnd sorry Daniel but:1st Generalities chapter 4 verses 3-4Thou shalt not chase the gutshot, nor be in the company of the chasers, for theirs is the way of darkness that leadeth to bustoville.New world english hip translation
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I have a problem with the guy who can make 400K a year playing high, throwing away enough money to feed an African city, beause of a ridiculous notion that he can make money where no one else can. Especially if his tiny chance for success doesn't translate into helping others if he somehow succeeds. - SklanskyTranslation- I started a vague gossip laden thread because I'm a Socialist and I feel the well off are obligated to give back to society. That is bullsh1t, plain and simple.
I agree it is a socialist point of view as well as a tad bit judgemental. Now, is that a good thing?
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chances are improving
Remember...Im in Cuba Miami and I am spoiled. Im actually warming up to the La Gloria Cubanas..I never really liked them till I smoked the Charlemagne Maduros.
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You'll like them Wed.BTW not to derail our golf talk but did anyone happen to look at what a guy named Daniel Negreanu wrote on the 2+2 thread?

I have a better person for us all to bow down to and admire:How about this as a quality to admire- a guy runs a very successful website selling books and advertising. So far so good. Then, decides to START a post in the GOSSIP section of the forum, basically complaining that people don't admire him and only him!He doesn't mention the player's name in the post because that would be a no-no, instead he makes it painfully obvious who he is talking about without saying said person's name.Admire me people!!! I am the king of all nits and haven't bought a new pair of shoes in 25 years! How's that for +EV! I won't name any names, because that would be in really, really, really, poor taste, but I think we, as a society should admire those that have no gamble, avoid fun at all costs(outside of giggling like schoolgirls when other authors make boo-boo's in their books), and look to date women that are one year away from being able to legally drive.Was the OP bored that day or something? I can't imagine what prompted such a thread?
Sklansky makes one foolish assumption in his post. A professional gambler SHOULD always look for bets that are favorable, or at least break even. Sklansky incorrectly assumes that said "hi roller" made those golf bets with the knowledge that the bets had negative equity. In fact, Sklansky has absolutely no knowledge as to whether that $500,000 loss provided opportunities to actually earn much more in future golf bets, or if said hi roller is even a lifetime loser in golf betting.I completely understand the point, that admiring a gambler who is willing to risk it all or bet huge amounts of money on coin flips is hardly admirable, but why he would choose to use the golf example he did, and worse, bring religious beliefs into the equation, well, that much I do not understand. But hey, at least he didn't post said hi roller's freakin' address on his forum and let it sit there for hours.
all I can say is....the flame war has begun. I'm ready for the 2+2ers to bring it on.
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Which Bible are you referring to? You wouldn't happen to have a link to the scripture that states gambling is a sin would you? Didn't think so. It doesn't exist, and yes, I have looked long and hard. If gambling itself were a sin than God would be a sinner. Since God can't be a sinner than gambling can't be a sin. In the book of Job, God gambles with Satan for Job's soul. God wins of course, but he still made the wager. Also, casting lots was a way in which people solved lots of issues, which is, once again, a form of gambling. Making money your God is a sin, but gambling for a living doesn't equate living for money or making money your God.
I just got pwned by Daniel, I feel so honored. I'm not going to look it up cuz I assume you would know. And I have had this arguement with one of my friends, who's dad is a pastor, and he said it was a sin. I took his word for it obv but it looked like I was bluffed by 3 hi when I was holding the 2nd nuts. omggggggg. When I go golfing tomorrow with him I'm going to rip him a new one. Tytytyty Daniel.
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If gambling itself were a sin than God would be a sinner. Since God can't be a sinner than gambling can't be a sin. In the book of Job, God gambles with Satan for Job's soul.
I hear God is sick at PL Omaha too.
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chances are improving
Remember...Im in Cuba Miami and I am spoiled. Im actually warming up to the La Gloria Cubanas..I never really liked them till I smoked the Charlemagne Maduros.
Lets quite screwing around here.We all know there is only one quality smoke....cgr_white_owl_blunts_grape_50ct.jpg
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It was documented on here the Ivey played Vaswani(sp) and cleaned him out (if Vaswani would have paid up)....Ivey's edge is that he gets these hacks, (DN) to give up more strokes then he should and as a result Ivey cleans up....for the record my golf index is a 4.0...and would wax any of you clowns blind folded
wii doesn't countyou seem to have no idea how handicapping works. DN obviously knows Ivey's game better than Ram, so I'm sure the strokes situation is more fair.
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