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150 Guaranteed Seat Main Event Sat

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Ok, it takes place in 18 days from now on Stars. Couldn't play last year because I wasn't old enough. $340 buyin. Wondering whos playing, how many seats you think they will give away and if you win a seat will you keep the 11k, or actually fly to Vegas and play in the crapshoot.As for me, I obv. will be playing, and if I get a seat, i'll keep the cash and add most of the 11k to my bankroll.Discuss.

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~218 seats will be given out. Most will probably do the same and keep the money.depends on how many sattys i win if i play

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I didn't know you could cash out if you won a seat in this one. A while back I read up on it, and it said that if you win the seat through the qualifier, you have to play. Could be wrong though.

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Incorrect.You get 11k deposited into your acct. Then if you play, and agree to wear Pokerstars.com gear, they will give u another 1k.Harrahs wont allow 3rd party online sites to buy their players in, so u have to do it yourself. This is the MAIN reason why the attendance to the ME will be low IMO.

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