PrtyPSux 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 The point she was making in the article wasn't necessarily that he was fat, it was that he was rude (and coincidentally, fat). He was ru-at. Or Fat-ude.... F-ude...I like F-ude the best :-) Link to post Share on other sites
The Ace of Jades 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 Yes, its not your fault for being fat as much as it is not someone's fault for being stupid, they have the stupid gene, not talking about the retarded.Its all a matter of mind over... matter. I guess in fat people's cases it just a bit more matter then mind. The human body essentially functions the same way no matter who you are, and in this day and age you can get the pills to get your body functioning like everyone else's.Was she not pollitically correct in what she said? No, but that shits stupid.And just cause she called him fat doesn't mean she's shallow, itmeans she's observant. If I say someone is black, I am not racist. If you're fat, you're fat. Why would you be upset if someone called you fat? You must know you're fat.I applaud her tearing down of another person and think more people should do it. Link to post Share on other sites
nbliss16 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 wow people are getting a little to touchy with this one. I like how SaphTiger has no opinion of his own, just likes to make fun of everyone eleses. This is a thread for RPG, not this website.I suppose the right thing to do would be to say that I am sorry for what I said about her, but I REALLY can't think of anyone else who has cashed less in tournaments then she has. But if there is, I am sure that someone is going to find it and do 5-10 hours of searching just to do so. Maybe I should have phrased what I said differently, but come on, was I that far off? Link to post Share on other sites
Gallo 1 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 I dont have anything written down. But I know this and I swear buy it, it works like a mother beeetch... so here goes. I really didnt mean to sound harsh just trying to poke a little fun, to motivate you, its obvious I hurt you but im just kidding, im sorry, and im hear to help you.You need to start to calculate and watch the foods you eat, its the only way you can loose wieght. You can really eat whatever you want, but you do need a good BALANCED diet, thats carbs protiens AND fats. Yes I say fats, because fat DOESNT make you fat, all buy itself it would, so would carbs and so would protien, because there all calories.Now, this is the secret, out of everything you eat, each meal or snack should contain the ration 40/30/30 40% can be carbs, 30 percent should be protien and 30 percent should be fat. remember one ounce of chicken beef or ham etc etc is 7grams of protein, same with cheese, 1 egg is around 6gms of protien. This works out to for every 9 grams of carbohydrate you have, you should have 7 grams of protien and 3 grams of fat. Call this a SWAP, so one swap = 9c7p3f, its really REALLY simple, Try to keep each meal around or under 5 swaps, and each snack should be 1 or 2 swaps(a good snack is an apple, which is around 20 carbs, which is close enough for 2 swaps, and 2 oz of protien which could be 1oz of cheese and 1 ouce of beef chicken or ham, I think you should get the babybel cheese cause there close to 1 swap just a little under) Now you dont have to be exact about this, but try to keep it balanced, like in that snack, there is protien, some fat(not necesary for snacks really) So really, you need to avoid rice bowls, pasta, white bread(sprouted wheat bread, its actually very good) noodles and other stuff.Now when I say carb allowed, i mean that you dont have to have carbs with every meal, but really carbs are what tastes good so I like em, but protien is a MAJOR for every meal every time you eat anything or drink anything(especially beer, yes this means wings and beer! WOOX!). Bad things: INSULIN SPIKES! This is what causes you to gain weight, is high insulin levels, insulin is a fat retaining protien cell(hence my excuse for being fatboy) the only way to avoid this is to eat your protien first, take a few bites of steak before you eat some breadsticks or your salad, I do this, and ive noticed a huge difference in my response to insulin when I inject and eat. Another thing is to avoid foods high on the glycemic index, things like raisens, potatoes, bananas and krispy kreme donuts are all things that seem healthy(heh, donuts) but are actually high on glycemic index and cause insulin spikes. You should search on google, I would for you as im trying to help, but im currently two tabling and thinking this over.. lol. THe glycemic index is basically a couple of dOOdz(zeros look like o's) that measured how certain foods affect your blood sugar and insulin response, try to avoid things over 50, which is about boarderline to cause high insulin...remember eat your protein before every meal, my mom has been telling me that for years and i finally understand it HAHA.. thanks mom!Let me say again, protien before everything, now this is only an inkling of what I want to tell you, maybe later I can talk to you about how to excersise that will help you loose weight.ok.. BAD THINGS! = anything with sugar added, juice, pop, candy all the bad things, FAST FOOD is bad, its really high in fat, but hey there are a few places I eat out at fast food like once a weekhaha. Um lets see, coffee, diet pop, aspertame or any kind of fake sugar, there are so many nasty ass censored in those things might as well smoke a pack a day if you gonna drink a couple coffees a day lmao. Caffiene is so bad for you, it fecks wit yo censored bra, i mean it messes with your mind, gets u high as a kite for like 2 hours then u crash, try to avoid all those things for like 2 weeks and tell you me how you feel. If you must drink coffee, go to starbucks, dont order DECAFE cause they use mad chemicals to get rid off the caffiene, order SWISS WATER WASH, it is a natural way to remove caffience and still tastes like coffee but wtf why would anyone wanna drink that censored doesnt even make u high. only can have a little bit of rice and pasta and frieds ETcetcetc, stuff that you know is high in carbs or fat.Lay off the sugar man, you need to drink water water water water for two weeks and you will feel great.Ok GOOD THINGS!!!:!:!:!:!: woot fun stuff... lets see..steak and caeser salad! damn good, but try to limit the steak to like 10oz or less because you can only effectivly use 30-40 grams of protien in 1 sitting, the rest is excess calories, but really who wants to eat like half of a steak and a salad, LOL. Also, you can have hambergalers and stuff, but make sure they have a fatass burger, or else its just all carbs no protien, remember protien first, it slows the obsorption of the carbs so your insulin doesnt spike and no glucagon is used(fat burning tool, diabetics dont secrete this oozing liquidy goodness, also harder to loose wieght.)another good thing, eat every two hours, or so, breakfast, two hours later have snack, two hours later have lunc two hours latre have snack two hours later have dinnarrr two hours later have snack then u can have a snack before bed if you want. Keep the snacks at two swaps(1 swap is 9 carbs, 7grams of protien(1 oz of cheese ham beef etc or 1 egg) and 3 gm of fat) and keep the meals around 4 or 5, try to limit yourself to like friggin 20 swaps a day MANG, see I dont know how tall or big you are so I cant say really much yet. Maybe post some specs(like your sellin a car, how bigs the trunk? LOL!)Seriously, talk to me baby, follow this for 2 weeks, along with 30 minutes a day on the eliptical trainer at heart rate, which is your age minus twenty, start off at what you feel comfortable while pushing your self but still feel comfortable, make sure you do a 5 minute low heart rate warmup to get to heartrate, then do 20 minutes at heart rate, then another 5 cool down to get back down to near resting. So really its only 20 mins of work haha.Like I said, two weeks all im asking, i know you will loose weight and feel so much better without all the crap(sugar caffeine and chemicals). I decided to post this here because I want people to help me help this dood. Tweak this thing, help him out, I am no expert and take this with a grain of salt, im only 17, but im getting my life and weight on track and I have researched this and listened to many people about this. We need everyones support here, because maybe we are doing something never done before.. this is the first race, backwards, down, to loose. Rockets incredible insane race to loose 50lbs, of course, if you want, you really should post up on here what you are doing for the day eating wise and excersise and how you feel, because man with support and a group of people behind you and wanting to help, it works.But hey I would understand if you not wanting to do this online, or even at all, maybe you just wasted my time but hey I dont care I just lost with a straight flush, plus ima younging, which is true, but im not an idiot, and I know poker and I know how to loose weight and I know what works...Just a bad beat preach tats all..FCP UNITE! Read my censored, all the smart people who workout etc etc or want to help out, read it and edit it tell me what you think!Seriously man it only takes a little effort, and with our help I bet u can loose 50 pounds in like, 5 months. censored cinch. Im just asking you to try it for 2 weeks, EASY!I think I just lost 2 whole lbs reading this post.Thanx. Link to post Share on other sites
Rocketwadster 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Author Share Posted April 19, 2005 rocketfatster.quit making censored excuses, censored man.. "ooh oohh im fat its not my fault", guess what it is your fault. GET TO THE GYM, EAT RIGHT, there u go skinny skinny all better, now you wont be offended by someone calling you fat. LOL, but guess what, im fat too, but I dont care if people call me fat, cause I am, atleast im trying to change it, infact, im heading out to the gym in the next 30 mins to do 30 mins cardio and about an hour of weights. Ive lost wieght REALLY fast, the working out, weights and eating (almost) perfect, and since im eating a balance of protien fat and carbohydrates, aswell with vitamins im taking, im a censored load stronger(now i can beat the people up who call me fat. LOL JK i dont care again)I used to be like u, all fat lazy slob who ate salad with every meal and thought I was eating healthy, but then I took a course on healthy eating(got off my fat ass) and I learned that just cause u eat less and eat salad with your fatass bowl of rice and ETC u will not get skinny.. I also used to have excuses, but i realized those were no good and wont get u me they do nothing.oh and BTW, before anyone starts censored at me how I dont know what its like to be whatever, I have a thyroid issue and TYPE 1 DIABETES! Holy censored! if anyone has an excuse to be a fat mess its me, LOL.. and BTW, are you taking your pills for your thyroid? because they make you loose weight, unless u are just eating all the time when your not sick of fat people being un-jolly-ish, get over your self, and REALIZE something, you will die young, get ur censored fat ass censored mother censored lazy ass censored ass censored censored censored censororoed censored to the GYM fatty!LOL! hows abouts thats for motivational speaker, anyways, LOL haha im out to help u, I can help you with what you are eating, shoot me a private message and Ill give u a few guide lines on how to eat(dont worry you can eat anything you want)spoken like a true skinny phucker.I was not aware I had a thyroid condition until 3 years ago. I have been overwieght ever since grade 6 (I was a skinny kid before then, then gradually ballooned up). I finally took it upon myself to go get checked out to see what could possibly be causing the problem (this included going to specialists as well). After many tests and consultations, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which means I have a under-active thyroid gland. I have been on medication ever since (and have to take it every day for the rest of my life). This medication does not help anyone lose weight, it simply makes your body think your thyroid gland is working properly. Now I have to lose all the wieght that I gained as a result of this glandular problem, which has not been easy.All I was trying to say in my original post is that Evelyn, no matter how hot other people think she is (I think she is scary...look at the picture that Daniel has posted here with her and JH...she looks like King Kong), she should be more careful in the words she uses when upset with people. Link to post Share on other sites
elkang 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 Here's the blog in question: find nothing wrong with it and suggest people read things for themselves and hopefully use a critical eye. She calls herself an idiot too. So, to me she calls it like she sees it. If you're going to call her out, I can more easily apply critique to a bunch of posts on this thread.I can see how fat people may not like it but change a few elements of the story and it can be a ignorant foreigner, snobby lady, overworked mom with kids or arrogrant businessman.My advice to fat people in America. Move to another country if you really don't want to be fat. Yes, genetics has a strong basis (I'm a lucky one in the genetic lottery), but ultimately it is because we live in a country where it is easy to be fat. Also, watch SuperSizeMe. The DVD has great extra features. I for one wish we could find a way to subsidize the health care of fat people less and help out the poor children (many of whom are also fat) more. It didn't work well for tobacco (i.e. the 2nd worst health crisis) - so I have low hopes. Link to post Share on other sites
citystars 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 I have the same thing, and also taking pills/needles for the rest of my life. Just something you gotta do, anyways I find these pills make me loose my appitite, I dunno maybe its just me, but the endocrinologist said the same thing.So are you going to follow my plan? Anyone else wanna input? Or are all poker players lazy peeps whos only workout is a 36hour session on the computer chair grinding. Link to post Share on other sites
hoof31 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Link to post Share on other sites
asorewinner 0 Posted April 19, 2005 Share Posted April 19, 2005 HA....all weight issues aside....I finally got around to reading the article...maybe it's reality TV that has spurned this craze about blogging and why people read the articles pros/ and even non-pro FCP-ers post....whatever...I finally read the article in question, and in was pretty well written and kinda, Im not overweight, african american, asian, hispanic, short, bald, learning impaired, wheelchair bound, or hideously disfigured, so I dont know what it's like to have something like that it home....unless someone makes fun of my limit hold em skills, that hurts deep.... Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 My advice to fat people in America. Move to another country if you really don't want to be fat. Yes, genetics has a strong basis (I'm a lucky one in the genetic lottery)Walk up to an overweight person and tell them to move to another country if they don't want to be fat, forget things like diet and exercise. Heck lets throw out common sense altogether, all overweight people should move to Canada.Your a lucky one in the genetic lottery............/me pukes. Link to post Share on other sites
citystars 0 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 BTW the 40/30/30 comes from your calories, 40 percent from carbs, 30 from protien and 30 from fat1 carb has I think 4 calories, 4 for each gm of protien and 8 or 9 for eat gm of fat.Fat got the bad rap, but u need it.. Link to post Share on other sites
Makavelli 0 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Truth is, being overweight is a product of your own actions (or more accurately non-actions). I could tell you a million different medical things to give you an excuse for being overweight but in the end it comes down to what you will and won't do. Will you eat right? Will you exercise? Will you give up some things in your life? Most people won't and therefore the majority of North Americans are overweight. Proper diet and exercise along with other lifestyle choices could help you to negate any under activity of your thyroid and get yourself to proper weight. Â Society has become so damn PC about weight problems its ridiculous. Plain and simple, people are too lazy and that's really the root of the problem. I've spent years in excercise physiology studying these types of things. All the terms and medical speak you can think of is the result of inactivity and poor lifestyle choices. You won't get any sympathy from me until you do everything in your power to change. I'm not talking about going to the doc and getting meds to treat your thyroid, I'm talking real action. Â In the mean time, its Evelyn's website and if you don't like what she says don't read it.Listen, by this rationale, Evy could be making fun of poor people, and stupid people too. But most of us don't think that's right. Why are poor people poor? Why can't they just get a job? They are lazy. There are no deeper socio-ecomonic reasons. There is no institutionalized racism. If you don't like your job, you need to look harder until you get the one you like. If you don't have money to pay your bills, work harder. So if a POOR person ever knocked my arm off an armrest, dude, I'd be like, What the **** are you so poor and lazy? Same with stupic people. (i mean "uneducated," not like retards, they can't help it. Just like evy shouldn't have made fun of this guy if he'd been one of those serious fat people who can't leave their house for ten years.)But people are stupid because they are lazy. School is free and everyone goes, but most people don't do their work. So if you know stupid people, you can make fun of them because it's their fault that they didn't work hard enough in school when they were younger, or because they haven't decided to go back to school as an adult. Anyone who blames social factors such as family, economics, etc., is just making excuses for what America's REAL problem is: laziness.(Wow, being a republican would be fun!)Dude, if you don't see the analogy I'm making, get off you lazy ****ing ass and go back to school.-Makavelli Link to post Share on other sites
Pokerdad2222 0 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 I definitely agree with Machevelli. It is not a medical problem or a social problem but a lazy problem. I see fat people everyday scarfing down McDonalds and then complaining they have a slow metabolism and cant lose weight. BS Link to post Share on other sites
Makavelli 0 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 See, PokerDaddy is a SHINING example of what a good education can do if you're not too lazy to go and get it. Not many people are smart enough to see my point so clearly; it's like you read my very soul. Link to post Share on other sites
Runin 0 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 Listen, by this rationale, Evy could be making fun of poor people, and stupid people too. But most of us don't think that's right. Why are poor people poor? Why can't they just get a job? They are lazy. There are no deeper socio-ecomonic reasons. There is no institutionalized racism. If you don't like your job, you need to look harder until you get the one you like. If you don't have money to pay your bills, work harder. So if a POOR person ever knocked my arm off an armrest, dude, I'd be like, What the censored are you so poor and lazy? Same with stupic people. (i mean "uneducated," not like retards, they can't help it. Just like evy shouldn't have made fun of this guy if he'd been one of those serious fat people who can't leave their house for ten years.)But people are stupid because they are lazy. School is free and everyone goes, but most people don't do their work. So if you know stupid people, you can make fun of them because it's their fault that they didn't work hard enough in school when they were younger, or because they haven't decided to go back to school as an adult. Anyone who blames social factors such as family, economics, etc., is just making excuses for what America's REAL problem is: laziness.(Wow, being a republican would be fun!)Dude, if you don't see the analogy I'm making, get off you lazy censored ass and go back to school.-MakavelliOkay, I can see your 'analogy' (though I would argue if that's really what it is). However, it makes no sense and doesn't really hold much water in this conversation. I never said anything about poor or stupid people. You are trying to compare apples and oranges. When it comes to economics, there are a lot of factors that are completely out of your control. When it comes to weight, its just your body and you can control what goes in and what your body does. This comparison is completely non-relevant. If you are talking about stupidity, which I believe you really want to say ignorance, again I wouldn't agree with your use of this as a comparable item. Ignorance yes, stupidity no. Ignorance is simply the lack of information, being uninformed (such as most people on this thread are about weight issues). Stupidity is something I am not sure you can do much about. You only have the ability to use a certain amount of your grey matter and others can use more, or use it more efficiently. This may be able to be changed through hard work but I don't know that this has had much scientific evidence (I'm more than happy to read some if you point me in the right direction). On the flip side, obesity and problems related to it are so researched its ridiculous. Obesity research is one of the most highly funded forms of research in the world. It comes down to the same thing over and over again, are you willing to do the HARD WORK to stay healthy and have higher quality of life? Most people in this society would answer yes but when it came down to it they won't. I won't even comment on your political remark because I don't see where political allegiance has anything to do with being fat. Link to post Share on other sites
bourbenz 0 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 I'm not trying to jump on the ******* bandwagon, but we are one of the fattest countries in the nation, I'm not skinny I'm pretty active other than poker, but I could lose ten pounds and definately use some toning up.The bottom line is that most people aren't suffering from a disease that causes obesity, they are suffering from having 200 playstation games, broadband internet, 900 channels on the sattelite 80 hour a week jobs 2 cars and a mcdonalds on every corner.weight management is a lifestyle issue that most people don't want to expand the energy or the time to tackle, so they are fat.It's really not rocket science, the fattest countries in the worlds are usually the best off financially. Link to post Share on other sites
drocpdp 0 Posted April 20, 2005 Share Posted April 20, 2005 censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored Oh btw i just posted saying I love you, but these censors are too sensitive. Link to post Share on other sites
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