seanthecon 0 Posted May 26, 2007 Share Posted May 26, 2007 Well, this is kind of a question / my stance on religion.So 1st off, just from everyday science you have to ask your self, why is there such completlty off the wall stuff is in the bible? which totally contradicts hundreds of years of science of millions of years of our universe / evolution.Then not even including the uncountale ammount of polytheistic religions throughout time. The 3 big ones of today, the 1st three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, Ishlam. Now all of these religions say there is one god, and one god only, who is the one true god? There cant be 3?So wouldnt that have to mean there either is no good, or the 1st people to find this "one god" would have to be the real monothestic religion, Judaism. OR does it mean that god is playing a sick trick on these ppl? Next id say one of the biggest causes of war throughtime has also been due to religion, each god is "telling" there people to kill the other religions. 1st what kind of fed up god tells you to go and slaughter an entire nation of a different belief? thats a pretty messed up dude. 2nd, say it was just the person interpreting his messages and he got them wrong. Well thats alot of mix ups, and what does that tell you about this person? Did he have another agenda? Doesnt seem like god did a very good job teaching his "good ways" to his disciple.Now this is just my view. Im 18 and live in Vermont Usa hippie central. I was raised in a christian household, but never really understood it to the full extent while i practiced (ddint really go to church except couple times a year). Even from a young age i was very skeptical of this whole deal. And it was my 9th grade world history teacher who opened me up to this concept here. He talked about it much more clearly and in more detail which really opened my eyes. And allthough i was pretty much 90% atheist, i walked out of that room 110% And realized that the only thing i ever got out of that crap, Was comfort of death, when i would think about dying. Which is why these people will do anything for there god. Because they are scared shitless of death, and need comfort. I suggest bucking up and living a good life and when your done say aww that was fun, lets take a nice long nap and rot in the ground and continue the circle of life, my rotting body in the right circumstance could bring, create and sustain life in a thousand differnt forms. Aww the circle of life is beautiful.thanks and discuss.Organic Carbon Based Human LifeForm. Link to post Share on other sites
seanthecon 0 Posted May 29, 2007 Author Share Posted May 29, 2007 no flames? wtf?i guess i must have made a point or two. Link to post Share on other sites
fighter 4 Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 no flames? wtf?i guess i must have made a point or two.I cant speak for everyone but since you didn't ask any questions we cant give answers. Also most people on here love to fight (i enjoy the odd discussion) but disecting rants is not big on the list. Being 110% athiest means we would need to put in more then 110% worth of effort. While i might do that for some debates i am not going to do that for a three paragraths long post made mostly of catchy slogans (circle of life ....come on)also signing off with "Organic Carbon Based Human LifeForm" doesnt scream "open to discussion"You making a point so compeling that we cant comment maybe. We just flat out ignoring you, more likely.Other then that welcome to the board. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 no flames? wtf?i guess i must have made a point or two.Run spelling and grammar check on your post and then I will be able to read the whole thing. Link to post Share on other sites
BWToth 0 Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 What sort of response are you looking for?What are you asking? You're giving you're opinion on something, the only response I can think of is...."Ok."I don't know anything I didn't know before, you haven't blown me away, there is nothing about your thoughts that hasn't been discussed thousands of times already. But, if that's the way you feel and you're confident that it is a 'good' 'correct' 'right' outlook then more power to you, i guess. Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 1 Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 This image came to mind.. Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo 0 Posted June 12, 2007 Share Posted June 12, 2007 Judaism is not a major religion. It has fewer followers than Juche, the state-imposed religion of North Korea (if you can call it a religion). There are only about 15 millions Jews in the world, far fewer than the billions of Muslims and Christians. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 also signing off with "Organic Carbon Based Human LifeForm" doesnt scream "open to discussion"It does how ever scream " I smoke pot until I lose control of my bodily functions"Judaism is not a major religion. It has fewer followers than Juche, the state-imposed religion of North Korea (if you can call it a religion). There are only about 15 millions Jews in the world, far fewer than the billions of Muslims and Christians.Um, Judaism's influence on the world and on religion ( IE the foundation to which Xianity and Islam stand) far out weight it's size in sheer number of followers. Link to post Share on other sites
David_Nicoson 1 Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 Judaism is not a major religion. It has fewer followers than Juche, the state-imposed religion of North Korea (if you can call it a religion). There are only about 15 millions Jews in the world, far fewer than the billions of Muslims and Christians.That's an interesting observation.CIA #'sChristians 33.03% (of which Roman Catholics 17.33%, Protestants 5.8%, Orthodox 3.42%, Anglicans 1.23%), Muslims 20.12%, Hindus 13.34%, Buddhists 5.89%, Sikhs 0.39%, Jews 0.23%, other religions 12.61%, non-religious 12.03%, atheists 2.36% (2004 est.) Link to post Share on other sites
profxavier9 0 Posted June 24, 2007 Share Posted June 24, 2007 That's an interesting observation.CIA #'sChristians 33.03% (of which Roman Catholics 17.33%, Protestants 5.8%, Orthodox 3.42%, Anglicans 1.23%), Muslims 20.12%, Hindus 13.34%, Buddhists 5.89%, Sikhs 0.39%, Jews 0.23%, other religions 12.61%, non-religious 12.03%, atheists 2.36% (2004 est.)does that mean everyone else goes to hell? because they dont believe in god? i guess geography has alot to do with going to hell or heaven. Seems pretty cruel. Link to post Share on other sites
fckthis 0 Posted June 27, 2007 Share Posted June 27, 2007 FOR THE LAST TIMEMuslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the SAME GOD. Same God of Noah, Jesus and Mohammad. Allah isnt some different God, its the same one that supposedly is the father of jesus. Link to post Share on other sites
solderz 0 Posted June 27, 2007 Share Posted June 27, 2007 FOR THE LAST TIMEMuslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the SAME GOD. Same God of Noah, Jesus and Mohammad. Allah isnt some different God, its the same one that supposedly is the father of jesus.rofl. That is too funny.God does not exist; never has. Give up the crutch and live your life. All religion is poison. Link to post Share on other sites
fckthis 0 Posted June 27, 2007 Share Posted June 27, 2007 rofl. That is too funny.God does not exist; never has. Give up the crutch and live your life. All religion is poison.Did I make a statement about my beliefs? Nope. I just gave the facts about those religions due to the ignorance of 90% of the religious forum. And I'm pretty sure no one asked for your infinite knowledge. I don't get how you can make an absolute statement like that, without any proof. You're just like any religious fanatic. All we know is there alot of things we used to believe that are proven to be wrong, ie the world being flat. No one ever said religious people's perception of God was right. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 Um, Judaism's influence on the world and on religion ( IE the foundation to which Xianity and Islam stand) far out weight it's size in sheer number of followers.It also supports the Biblical prophecies that promised that the Jews would never be destroyed.Only group of people in history that have maintained their existance without a country for thousands of years. And with relatively few numbers and large groups of people hating them.But God said He would do it, so it really isn't that big of a surprise to me. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 Next id say one of the biggest causes of war throughtime has also been due to religion, each god is "telling" there people to kill the other religions.You'd be wrong there skippy,The biggest cause of death, war and mass killings was communism, which teaches no god.Beat religion's record in a short 60 years of existance too.If you want to kill 50 million people quickly, call a communist. Religious people take thousands of years to kill a couple million people, just not as good at it as them godless communist. Now money...religions knows how to make money..way better than communist.But you figured out all of life and man's existance when you were a teenager, so I can see why you know so little. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 It also supports the Biblical prophecies that promised that the Jews would never be destroyed.Only group of people in history that have maintained their existance without a country for thousands of years. And with relatively few numbers and large groups of people hating them.But God said He would do it, so it really isn't that big of a surprise to me.who was that, the gypsies? Link to post Share on other sites
rogerwilco 0 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 The biggest cause of death, war and mass killings was communism, which teaches no god.That statement is bullshit in several different ways. The analogy doesn't really work to begin with, since communism as a political ideology is much more specific than "religion". Also of course, communism itself isn't responsible for any deaths or mass killings (and there haven't been a lot of big wars started by communist governed countries), most of the crimes commited by communist countries can be attributed to other factors than communist doctrines easily. I don't see much sense in comparing death tolls in the first place, but if you insist on that, I could argue that nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, etc. (though these terms are vague as well) "killed" much, much more people. And belief or non-belief in a god/gods wasn't a factor anyway - in my opinion, from the ancient world to today religion almost always was at best a minor reason (more likely just a pretence) to justify the power struggles of the rulers - with the "common" people being cannon fodder. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 That statement is bullshit in several different ways. The analogy doesn't really work to begin with, since communism as a political ideology is much more specific than "religion". Also of course, communism itself isn't responsible for any deaths or mass killings (and there haven't been a lot of big wars started by communist governed countries), most of the crimes commited by communist countries can be attributed to other factors than communist doctrines easily. I don't see much sense in comparing death tolls in the first place, but if you insist on that, I could argue that nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, etc. (though these terms are vague as well) "killed" much, much more people. And belief or non-belief in a god/gods wasn't a factor anyway - in my opinion, from the ancient world to today religion almost always was at best a minor reason (more likely just a pretence) to justify the power struggles of the rulers - with the "common" people being cannon fodder.Very, very true... wars are about power almost always, not religion.. religion sometimes defines whom is on what side, but it's power that drives the war Link to post Share on other sites
solderz 0 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 Did I make a statement about my beliefs? Nope. I just gave the facts about those religions due to the ignorance of 90% of the religious forum.You are awesome!! Seriously. You make me laugh so much. If you have much more material you should go on Last Comic Standing. You'd get far. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 That statement is bullshit in several different ways. The analogy doesn't really work to begin with, since communism as a political ideology is much more specific than "religion". Also of course, communism itself isn't responsible for any deaths or mass killings (and there haven't been a lot of big wars started by communist governed countries), most of the crimes commited by communist countries can be attributed to other factors than communist doctrines easily. I don't see much sense in comparing death tolls in the first place, but if you insist on that, I could argue that nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, etc. (though these terms are vague as well) "killed" much, much more people. And belief or non-belief in a god/gods wasn't a factor anyway - in my opinion, from the ancient world to today religion almost always was at best a minor reason (more likely just a pretence) to justify the power struggles of the rulers - with the "common" people being cannon say sementics, I say samantics.Fact is communist take over a country, people die by the boat loads. At least in every instance we have. Link to post Share on other sites
rogerwilco 0 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 you say sementics, I say samantics.Fact is communist take over a country, people die by the boat loads. At least in every instance we have.Again: bullshit. And even if it were true, that ("The biggest cause of death, war and mass killings was communism, which teaches no god.") statement still is completely wrong. People die "by the boat loads" in every single country on earth all the time... And btw.: A communist would answer to your allegation, that the single biggest cause of death and suffering on this planet is in fact capitalism - and that statement would be equally right/wrong as yours. Link to post Share on other sites
LongLiveYorke 38 Posted June 28, 2007 Share Posted June 28, 2007 The biggest cause of death, war and mass killings was communism, which teaches no god.If we're going to blame one type of ideology or government, then it's totalitarianism and it's really not even close. In fact, the things that you are attributing to Communism are actually totalitarianism. Communism was just an excuse, really. If you really want to kill off your own citizens using starvation and secret police, totalitarianism is the way to go. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 29, 2007 Share Posted June 29, 2007 If we're going to blame one type of ideology or government, then it's totalitarianism and it's really not even close. In fact, the things that you are attributing to Communism are actually totalitarianism. Communism was just an excuse, really. If you really want to kill off your own citizens using starvation and secret police, totalitarianism is the way to go.Not really my field of expertise, since politics bores me...but isn't totalitarian more of an adjective and communism more of a noun?You can have a totalitarian communist state, or totalitarian fascist state. slightly different but basically the same....wires and walls to keep people in.This is really not a point I was trying to make, it was a response to another's point that religion is responsible for more deaths than any form of government. And it's not really in the top 5 if you want to divide totalitarian/fascist/communist/nazi/Republics. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted June 29, 2007 Share Posted June 29, 2007 Again: bullshit. And even if it were true, that ("The biggest cause of death, war and mass killings was communism, which teaches no god.") statement still is completely wrong. People die "by the boat loads" in every single country on earth all the time... And btw.: A communist would answer to your allegation, that the single biggest cause of death and suffering on this planet is in fact capitalism - and that statement would be equally right/wrong as yours.You know when you're arguing religion, in the religion section, and you insist on foul language, you come off as crass and not worthy of debate.Just saying we can argue, or you can cuss and puff around like you are important, but we can't do both. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,353 Posted June 29, 2007 Share Posted June 29, 2007 You know when you're arguing religion, in the religion section, and you insist on foul language, you come off as crass and not worthy of debate.Just saying we can argue, or you can cuss and puff around like you are important, but we can't do both.That was a professional dodge right there. It's ashame politics bore you because you could make a living dodging questions Link to post Share on other sites
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