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Everything posted by Phillip_339

  1. I want to know why Howard Lederer isn't an option.......
  2. Good morning everyone, how are we all?
  3. Hehe, can't wait for it to start, i would have bumped Bobby Mason up a bit though....
  4. Phillip_339

    The Hideout

    Well, i just got back today, and you guys have made over 25 more posts for me to read. I think next time, we'll just have to get this thread locked up, and unlocked when i get back....Well, tomorrow i start again. After being off for almost 3months, it's going to be hard starting again....
  5. Phillip_339

    The Hideout

    I'm still here....Lol.
  6. Phillip_339

    The Hideout

    Hehe, just finished reading what i missed last night, looks like this thread is getting a whole lot better...especially with some of them pics...Anyway, whose watching the tennis tonight, its going to be a GREAT match Hingis vs Clijsters.
  7. Sorry for digging this up, but i thought Tritz might have wanted to see this. If this is already known, then i apologize bringing it back up. From ZeeJustins blog:There’s a scammer out there that I want to expose. His name is Steve Da Pimp. He pretends to be poker players like myself and asks to borrow money from people. He has several AIM screen names including Stevedapimp 17, Twin Caracas, RobDaPimp15420, spoony1350, curzdog19, TheRealZeeJustin and JustinBonomo.Was that the person you were talking to?
  8. Phillip_339

    The Hideout

    Well, its almost 11pm here, and i just finished watching episodes 10 & 11 of Lost. All i can say it Wow. I would have to say, these were both great episodes, and i would go as far to say, that number 11 was the best of the season so far. For the rest of the night, i think i might do some posting on various sites, as well as reading all the funny stuff from here: http://www.bash.org/?browseI just can't get enough of that.....
  9. I'll take under, just to be different, and hope one of the mods wake up early...
  10. Phillip_339

    The Hideout

    Since we're talking about tv shows, here are mine...Loved 24, season 1&2, but then, it kinda dropped off in season 3, and i didn't get back into it for the rest of that season. We are yet to get season 4 over here....House: One of my favourite shows. Pupsta is right, it can be quite predicatable, but i don't care, i love it.Lost: This is probably one of the only shows i have watched religiously. I can't miss one episode, and i even went as far as downloading season , before it come out in Australia... I'm ye to watch the two most recent eps, but i'm right there with you guys.Desperate Hous
  11. Good luck teneight, I'm going to come watch, i don't know whose playing for my team though.....
  12. Whats your ub screen name?Cya tomorrow Gkunit.
  13. Wow, i just had to catch up from last night, the funny thing is, nothing was really said worth reading. pay4usc or teneight, what is going on, should i pm one of you?
  14. Haha, that made me laugh for some reason....
  15. Haha, that made me laugh for some reason....
  16. Do you randomly walk up to groups of people at restaurants and other public places and join their conversations without anyone asking you who you are and why are you here? Everyone who posts in the Army thread for the first time get's the same greeting, even me. People who want to join are required to read the thread because it is how you get to know us. If you don't care enough to read the thread, than joining obviously isn't that important to you.Sorry, but the Army is different. If you don't read the thread you won't understand and you have no business drawing conclusions about us.I unde
  17. I love it how you guys are so quick to come out saying that the army is different, and how it shows a sense of community, yet, you don't allow, or should i say, want, many people to post there. You don't like anybody but regulars to post in the thread, and you don't really like people trying to 'break into' the group. That really does show a great sense of community.....
  18. 1. Don't tell me I can't have a discussion about things when you haven't attempted to engage me in one. Your literal first statement in regards to me was, "Anyway, don't really feel like discussing it.."2. Where do you think Admin looks over threads? In Off Topic? If you go through the proper channels and nothing is said/done then you can complain. By not taking these problems/issues to the Suggestions & Updates forum, you get exactly what's happened here.3. Did I want to pick a fight? Maybe. Kinda just jumping on the injured gazelle there, though. 4. I really don't mean to come across as
  19. I never said you weren't a good poster. I know that you make a positive contribution to the strategy forums, you are probably one of the best posters in the strat forum. But your response is just a reason why my opinion of you has dropped. You can't seem to have a discussion without starting a fight (your response was a clear example of this), and you don't seem to be able to realise, or admit, when your wrong.Do you really think any answers would have came by posting in the suggestions forum? I highly doubt it...Now, i don't really agree with the way Teneight and others have gone about it, ma
  20. Custom, clearly you have not read much of this.....I agree,the Army thread will never be deleted, nor should it be, but neither should other threads. That is the point of this whole thread, presumably the mods, or admin, have deleted a thread, that should have never been deleted.Some people don't want to be in the Army, they just want to be able to participate in other threads similar to the Army, without them being deleted.
  21. Wow, damn Golden, at least you get the day off work.DrawingDead, before today, i had quite a high respect for you as a poster, but i can't say i'm impressed with the way you have handled things tonight. Anyway don't really feel like discussing it, and i'm sure you don't really care what i think of you....I haven't really been posting in this thread recently, just been really busy, it's 3am here....Probably should go to bed soon. Might not bother, don't know yet.Hasn't it been eventful these past few hours.....
  22. Not really.The Army thread was started as a place for people who are at work just to have a general ongoing conversation. The UYPC thread was there for a purpose, something pretty clearly defined by it's title that really has no place in a forum otehr than wasting space. If I was a mod I would have deleted it the day it was created, why it lasted so long I have no idea. There is a difference between off topic, and just wasting bandwidth. Again, I don't see a reason to keep the first army thread stickied, but I don't moderate the forum (although I do moderate some other ones) and don't get
  23. The point you're missing is that this has nothing to do with the Army. Sure, Army members might empathize if Teneight wasn't such a jackass, but they had nothing to do with the deletion of the thread. NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.Okay? It's not the Army's fault your thread got deleted. Seriously.Your right DrawingDead, this has nothing to do with the Army, and teneight was wrong bring the Amry into it. But, you guys have come here, and berated him, not about saying the Army should be deleted, but saying how worthless the UYPC thread was, and that it deserved to be deleted. You guys really need to lea
  24. The point you're missing is that this has nothing to do with the Army. Sure, Army members might empathize if Teneight wasn't such a jackass, but they had nothing to do with the deletion of the thread. NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.Okay? It's not the Army's fault your thread got deleted. Seriously.Your right DrawingDead, this has nothing to do with the Army, and teneight was wrong bring the Amry into it. But, you guys have come here, and berated him, not about saying the Army should be deleted, but saying how worthless the UYPC thread was, and that it deserved to be deleted. You guys really need to lea
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