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About IdleMercutio

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Location
    Everett, WA
  • Interests
    Football, basketball, poker, video games, sci fi, music...
  1. I'm going with the ability to suck out on the river everytime. No more of this "one time, dealer, come on ONE TIME" junk. I would be a river rat every time. Gamblers are a superstitious lot and I am The River Rat.
  2. I prefer to just say "nice hand", or even better, when they go all-in for 50 times the BB and get no callers, to say "nice bet". I hope the sarcasm doesn't come through in the chat box, I want to encourage the donkeys to stay true to their little fishy souls. And yes, I do believe I just mixed animal metaphors. Feel free to respond "nice post". ;c)
  3. Help me with this, but when you oogle someone (such as Evelyn Ng), is that where you ogle them via Google?
  4. How do you live down a perm like that? Win a few bracelets, that's how. Oi.
  5. Topics like this are almost enough to bring one to cannibalism.
  6. The key here is that it is your girlfirend. Even if it was just a friend, let alone your girlfriend, I think you have to show some honor and dignity. Let her know of her mistake.But if it was anyone else, hey, once they concede the hand its yours. If someone is dim enough to concede the winning hand, well that's just one more way to suck out.
  7. Yay Daniel, glad to see you take one down. Way to go in Australia dude. Here's wishing you the best of luck going forward!
  8. California Hold'em will be just a novelty, specifically because it requires a specialized deck. I don't see anything evil with that in and of itself. (Hey, I love Pinochle, and that involves a non-standard deck too). Although most games that involve non-standard decks can be played by combining multiple decks and pulling out the unnecessary cards.That being said, I do think this is the single worst proposal I've seen in this forum since the guy arguing that the rules should be changed to make two pair outrank a set. And both proposals seen rooted as a response to the role luck and draws pla
  9. Wow, DrawingDead is right, there really used to be intelligent discussion in this forum. Although I think Smash totally nailed why AK dominates 45s, I'm thankful to the OP to be innovative enough to pose the question. Thinking outside the box like this and figuring out why the conventional wisdom is correct is great. It allows us to see why the accepted knowledge is right, but also provides insight in how to exploit it.45s is not a premium hand and shouldn't be mistaken for one, but unless you won't to play your cards programmatically, you need to mix up your starting hands. Suite connecter
  10. I for one would love to see AI move in the direction of developing great poker bots. In terms of advancing science and human knowledge, this would really move us a lot closing to understanding the human mind than conquering a game like chess with computers. Luck and psychology play such a strong element in poker, being able to account for both within a program would practically be a new field compared to mathematically determing the next logical move in a chess game.That being said, I would be very surprised to learn that the technology had already reached the level of sophistication to chal
  11. Well, in my teens I was a big fan of draw poker. And in my twenties I was all about stud. Recently I've learned to appreciate hold'em (imagine that!), although 12 years ago I just couldn't stand it. How times change. I'm still a fan of all forms of poker. As to which games I'd like to see, triple draw and razz would be cool just because they are least familiar to me. But finding must solid gameplay beyond hold'em on the night is a search.As far as complaining about the site, yeah, I might agree that the comment is oh so very slightly off-topic. But then again, observing as much might it
  12. What started out as this year's nominee for the worst post ever, suddenly, wildly, became something joyous and amazing.Wow.Just wow.Thanks stealfromblind.
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