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Everything posted by Timdog1010

  1. This is easy. Luis Freaking Gonzalez in Game 7 of the 2001 World Series. After Sept. 11, NY just HAD to complete that comeback and win. It was destiny. I'm still not really over it...
  2. Or maybe Smash vs. Druff on the undercard?
  3. A new Sports Guy Mailbag and the quiet bathroom on the other side of the building. Now that's the beginning of a pretty fair Wednesday afternoon right there...
  4. Wow is that guy really gone? I've been away for a couple of days, so I've been out of the loop. Best news I've heard all day. He pissed me off. And Ron - BTW - she loved, LOVED being 'Mexicoed'! I think I've met the next Mrs. Timdog...
  5. my favorite:But I don't want to be a pirate!
  6. Should you be using that avatar?
  7. That is one of the truest statements I've ever read.I'm going thru it right now, and I can tell you that somehow both are appropriate. My divorce is final next week and my buddies & I are going out afterwards. We're going to have a blast, yet I hesitate to refer to it as celebrating. If that makes any sense...
  8. Yeah, between this site and the Sports Guy's World I have been caught laughing out loud at work waaaaay too often lately. It's a pretty quiet office, so it draws a lot of attention.
  9. Yeah, that is my all time favorite moment in televised poker. Marcel is the man.
  10. Ok, so I'm definitely doing this tonight. Is it cool if afterwards I tell her 'you've been Mexicoed'? You know, I want to give credit where credit is due...
  11. Can somebody fill me in on what the Littlest Hobo is?
  12. Smash - I'm not sure what words are apporpriate, but I sign my divorce papers next Thursday. So let me just say that I have a decent idea of what you're going through. Some things, while painful, are for the best...
  13. Simmons latest article is great - using quotes from 'Anchorman' to review the NBA offseason signings. His best stuff in a while, IMO. If you haven't read it check it out. Part I posted yesterday, with Part II coming today.
  14. Tell me all the things I did wrong here please. When this hand first happened I thought "that's poker" but now I think I just made a mess of it. I apologize, I didn't save the hand history, so instead, a narrative:14 players left in MTT, I'm chipleader with about 85k. 2nd place in the tourny is at my table with about 65k. This guy is all over the place. He built my stack up by calling all the way to the river first against a flopped A-high straight, then against quads. He then bounced back by calling someone's all-in and sucking out on them. Here's the hand:Blinds are 1k - 2k. I'm dealt AQo in
  15. Canebrain - I choose to not remember anything the Patriots did last century. That is my right. As far as I'm concerned the NFL was established in 2000. You can't make me remember...Denial is so useful...
  16. Eh, I guess it doesn't matter. The overall point was made. But I'll ask you this: do you think I would state that Tom Brady should be killed? Aha...
  17. Hey Dolfan - Brady & Plummer have about as much in common as Ron Mexico & Michael Shakes. :-)
  18. Umm, Brady doesn't make mistakes - the system was mistaken. If he gets no credit, then he gets no blame, either.
  19. Yeah, the Fins made an improbable comeback & beat the Pats in Miami in December. But that's not what I was talking about... I was talking about Miami coming to NE in December. It's just always fun when the warm weather/dome teams have to play up here after Thanksgiving. I guess I have no point now...
  20. I love the Dolphins. They provide the easiest win of the year when they come to Foxboro in December...
  21. Hey guys. First post. Have to say that I love the site and have really gotten a lot out of lurking in strat. I also love reading Smash and Ron Mexico's posts in general. They really help you get thru a long day at the office. That being said, can we do something about this Michael Shakes guy? He's showing up in every thread I read and (like Ron, I believe) he bugs the sh.t out of me. Really, really bugs the sh.t out of me. Really. Hopefully, in the future I'll have something more substantial to add to the forum, but until then let me just say that Michael Shakes should be killed. That is all.
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