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Everything posted by bengy3

  1. I'm amazed nobody has said, "I have no idea." Because, well, we have no idea.
  2. You know this because you have made millions playing poker or have absolutely no idea what you are talking about? Let me know which one it is.
  3. Do hockey players play 14 hour Stanley Cup games?Do baseball players play 14 hour World Series games?Is poker a sport?The answer to all three of those is no. Nice try with the sports analogies that don't work.
  4. Who are you to tell him what to do in life?If Daniel wants to golf, Daniel should golf. If Daniel wants to play poker, Daniel should play poker.
  5. I was hoping he'd be The Rick, the one and only host of GUTS!"Let's check out the scoreboard ... MO!"
  6. You better lock it up. No, you lock it up! You lock it up! You lock it up! You lock it up! Lock it up!
  7. Please tell me about these fake normal humans you have encountered.
  8. She can't roll the dice. She's business class.Business class?Big butt. You know, can't fly coach.
  9. He is playing a bunch of smaller WSOP events that total $10,000 as his third buy in, and the WSOP Main Event as his fourth.
  10. Because you can't find slutty drink broads anywhere else in Vegas ...
  11. Take it down Fidler, take it down for all of us.B. Fiddy and the FCP Fam
  12. Mike Tyson owes me 12 rounds in Punchout.
  13. I don't know what's more absurd, you calling Jordan the fourth best player of all-time or someone else saying Hakeem is the second.
  14. Yes, but do you remember how incredibly weak the East was in the late 90s and early 00s.
  15. So, you just left out the part about him winning the Super Bowl of Poker three times as well in your paper? A+
  16. Yes, they have former superstars. I'd rather have Stackhouse and Daniels and Payton and Posey. Dampier/Diop are pretty much a wash with Zo. So, like I said, Dallas has a bench as good as Miami's.
  17. Dallas has a bench that is pretty much just as good.
  18. Yeah, because the Heat are the ones with four All-Stars ...
  19. So, Hold'em is not a fad and mixed games are? Really?
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