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Everything posted by bengy3

  1. The real question is how is it possible for someone to care about this so much that they make the fuss you are ...
  2. Would appreciate a stake ... ty in advance.bengy3 (Bismarck)
  3. I was going to deposit for this, but PokerStars won't accept the Visa Gift Card. Thanks anyways Bob.
  4. I don't have 225 posts, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.bengy3 if sympathetic.
  5. Into my second bottle of merlot, what else am I going to do?
  6. Got 5,600 at the first break.
  7. Do you know anything about journalism? It's something I take pretty seriously as a large portion of journalism in the United States is bad to horrible. Do you even know the difference between an op-ed piece and reporting on event? What the OP posted clearly wasn't an op-ed piece. It was reporting on the World Series event. That's the ethical dilemma you said is non-existent. It'd be like if a reporter for the Boston Herald would have spend his entire article covering the game lambasting Bonds for using steroids and arguing he doesn't belong in the HOF, with just minimal reporting on the 10-2 R
  8. That is absolutely horrendous journalism. If you have any desire for ethical/responsible journalism take it down.
  9. I'll rail.Busted. A9 in the small blind, folded around, I push, big blind calls with KJ, spikes a jack and I'm crippled.
  10. Doubled up first hand after cash with JJ vs. A-10. I've currently got 9,992.
  11. 4,846Nothing interesting still.
  12. I probably wouldn't bet on Duke again this year. Coach K's back is going to go out any day now.
  13. In as bengy3.2,335. Fairly uneventful so far.
  14. You win Goldfish crackers in the prelim events. If you are a big fan and would enjoy thousands of dollars of Goldfish I would say go for it. If not, there might be better things to do with your money.
  15. I agree the airplane was executed horribly, but I also hated the idea. The season was still great to watch, and I can't wait for January 14, but not quite as good as the first 3.
  16. I don't read what critics say, but most everyone I know thinks 1-3 are the best three seasons of the series.Season 5 just got too over the top. Gregory Itzen was fantastic, but I wasn't a fan of the president involved in terrorist acts. Also, Jack landing a plane on the highway is probably the most absurd moment in the series.
  17. The four episodes to open Season 5 were fantastic, but overall it falls behind the first three seasons in awesomeness.
  18. Isn't DN's smallball strategy just a tourney,strategy? Deep stack tourney to be more specific.
  19. I'm railing Hoosh. Let'sssss go.
  20. I just put money on FTP today. Might as well join in on the rail. Take it down Hoosier.
  21. If you cash out $400, you're just asking to lose the remaining $50.
  22. Take your roll off the site you are playing it on. Put it into a site where you can get a 100% first time deposit bonus. Once you've cleared the bonus, hopefully you can take $400 out if necessary and still have at least $400 in your bankroll.
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