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About Skizario

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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    Bay Area
  1. The decks being used at the WSOP are Copag, if I remember right, and they are of horrible quality. Very easy to have marked cards with the decks they are using. When I was there I would say that an average of 5 cards were replaced a day at my table.
  2. I was there when Hellmuth was at his final table and it did not appear they were filming it for TV, which surprised me being he is a ratings booster and was going for a record tying 10th bracelet. It appeared that only a single camera was filming the action. When Hachem and Dutch were headsup they had more lights and cameras and the monitors overhead were showng the action. None of this was true for Hellmuth's final table. I may be wrong, and probably am, but don't get too excited about seeing that Hellmuth final table on ESPN.
  3. There is nothing more boring than watching a live poker tournament. If your plan is to go there and watch the tournaments then I suggest you rethink your plans. The aisles are crowded with spectators and even if they weren't you wouldn't be able to see anything entertaining. I suppose watching a final table could be mildly interesting but from what I saw you had to get there pretty far in advance just to lock up a seat.There are a lot of booths outside the poker room that have a bunch of random poker crap. And just about all the major online sites have hospitality rooms set up. I never went in
  4. The Main Event will continue to grow mainly because of online satellites. It is tough to see that slowing down anytime soon. The main Event is more a spectacle than anything else. Poker in general will start to level off, if it hasn't already. The market is becoming oversaturated and will eventually correct itself. Far too many tourneys and there is only so much money in the poker economy to go around. That's not to say it will go back to pre-TV numbers but it will scale back.I am pretty sure ESPN has already seen a decline in their ratings, and as a result are televising fewer preliminary eve
  5. 30K seems kind of high for the $225 ones. That sounds more like the prize for the $500. The $500 starts @ 5:00 PM everyday and the $225 starts @ 11:00 PM. I didn't play in any of them but I heard the structure was pretty fast. The $500 obviously gets more people because of the start time. I heard a guy at my table say that his buddy took down the $225 tourney and won $7700 for first. Let me know if you have any more questions
  6. I think the most I waited was for an hour one day to get in a 10-20 game. No one at the table would leave. Then once one seat opened up it seemed like 3-4 did. The most annoying thing was there appeared to be enough players to start a second game but they were reluctant to do so. I suppose they have their reasons.Also, the people running the board are absolute morons who need to be told no less than 3 times a seat is available before they fill it. Good luck dealing with them. If you put your name on the list and are close to being called for a seat then stay close by. You won't be able to hear
  7. Just returned from my trip to the WSOP and thought I would share a brief rundown of my experiences.This is my second year attending the WSOP and I go mainly for the side games. The 10-20 games at the Rio are unbelievably juicy, at least they were last year. When I arrived I heard some players talking about how all the low-middle limit cash games (i.e. 10-20, 15-30. 20-40) were drying up because everybody was playing no limit. I quickly found this to be true. Last year they easily spread at least three to four 10-20 games a day. This year they were lucky to keep 2 going. Not that the turnout wa
  8. As far as tipping after a WSOP event goes, I wouldn't. The main reason being that Harrahs already takes a huge piece out of the prize pool. By doing that they are basically saying: "We can't rely on the players to tip so we are going to make them." Fair enough, just don't expect anything extra from the players.
  9. I posted this in the sports forum yesterday and recieved no response so I figured I would try here.I'm hoping some FCP'ers can help me out. When I try to watch the World Cup matches on ESPN 360 the colors are all messed up. Kind of psychedelic looking. Yet when I watch anything else on there the colors are fine. I have a high speed connection with Windows Media Player 9 and Macromedia Flash 8 .Can anyone help me correct this problem?Thanks in advance for your help.
  10. I'm hoping some FCP'ers can help me out. When I try to watch the World Cup matches on ESPN 360 the colors are all messed up. Kind of psychedelic looking. Yet when I watch anything else on there the colors are fine. Can anyone help me correct this problem?Thanks in advance for your help.
  11. The best structured tournament I have ever seen on TV was the Championship Poker at the Plaza on FSN. The structure was so slow it was basically the equivalent of a tourney with no blind increases. I believe that from a pure poker standpoint this was the best tourney ever televised and it showed how the best players rise to the top. I am not sure if Barry played in it but there was a pretty formidable field. It's too bad this tourney has never been televised again, if it even still exists.
  12. Just curious if this problem has been solved yet. When I login all I have is play money tables and when I go to the tournament section the column that tells you the buy-in for the tournament is blank. Thanks in advance.
  13. This is an example of good advice: This is an example of bad advice: Here is some more advice:If you can't beat bad players then you can't be a winning player. Plain and simple. If you are a good player then the odds should always be in your favor because you are getting your money in with the best of it. Think of yourself as being the house in a blackjack game. Someone might beat you out of some money in the short run but in the long run you will be a winner. One of the most important skills a poker player must have is the ability to see past the short run and understand that the long run i
  14. The two greatest players in their sport? Come on. Woods? Yes. DiMarco? No.As far as your soapbox rant goes, what you need to understand is that there is no way regulate such a thing. Many people are upfront about who is staking who. It is the ones who are not up front that you have to worry about. I have no idea what you are getting at when you say collusion rules should be enforced by large corporations. How exactly would they do this?What you fail to understand is that poker is not a sport. You are trying to glorify it into something it is not. The tournament poker you see on TV is another f
  15. I couldn't agree more. The games at my cardroom are pathetically weak. I would give examples but it is your typical donkey poker. We've heard them all before. Just inexplicable plays where it would be impossible not to make money off these people in the long run. Man that place is great.Saying "online is harder than live" is kind of like saying "subtraction is harder than addition". It may be true but they are both pretty easy.
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