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About Jnelson12

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. Just got back from the match....we played 4 $200 games. I won the first, he won the second. Then I won games 3 and 4. I played pretty aggressively and waited for a decent hand that had some outs. I would usually get him to call pre-flop. Then after the flop I would check and let him do my betting. Some of the time I folded if I had few outs; but if I did have a hand I would call. He would just keep betting into me. Marvelous! I busted him up pretty good tonight. Thanks ya'll.
  2. So I'm under the impression by just calling more often and not raising makes him think that he is still in control. That way I slowly take chips from him?? I am a pretty tight player mostly because I don't play a lot of N/L. When I do get aggresive with him he usually will fold or go all in. I'm getting a better understanding on this situation now.There is a lot of talent and knowledge in this room!!
  3. Thanks for everyones input.....I'm going to see if I can bust this guy!
  4. And to answer you Just Blaze: I didn't claim to be the god of poker. I'm a decent player and I play against players that have way more skill that I do. I'm very confident that I'm a better player than him, I just need to crack his little scheme that he has been pulling lately.
  5. I'm a way better tournament/live action player than I am a heads up player. I usually do raise when I am in position but however I do fold a lot of hands. Sea Wasp has a pretty good evaluation of what's going on.
  6. It's no Limit. I play a lot of poker and don't have trouble with anyone usually. It's just this raise all the time pre-flop stuff that I haven't been able to find out. I was going to go over the top with a A or K. I'll try that and see how it goes.
  7. Hello ya'll, I'm an average player and make a decent amount of money online. However over the past few weeks I have been playing heads up matches against a guy here at school. He isn't that great of a player and I know that I have way more skill than he does. 8 times out of 10 he raises pre-flop and gets me to fold some semi decent hands. How should I play him?? Should I be more aggresive and pick my hands and re-raise him? Any insight would be wonderful.
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