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Everything posted by myenemy

  1. I think 'legislate' is a bit of a strong word. (Stop arguing in the political forums...) This is similar to the NFL fining players for not tucking their jersey. The TDA or a particular casino (or whomever) wants, among other benefits (i.e. cheating), the poker community to project a certain image and it is as much their right to do that as it is yours to not play. When it comes to the big cash games, frankly, I think if the high limit players dont want people wearing sunglasses, the Bellagio is going to do, as they should if it protects their product in the eyes of its customers.
  2. True, the Red Sox dont spend a lot of money.
  3. Haha best of luck!The post actually stemmed from a little rage from him hitting 2 batters and brushing back like 3 more. And also, from being certain that the Yanks wouldnt retaliate, even though CC did the next day. Not that I retract any of what I said.
  4. Honestly, Beckett has no heart. The Red Sox suck and are a non-factor, sadly however, that makes baseball a little less interesting.
  5. I always hear this but shouldnt you be okay if your privacy settings are what they should be?
  6. As long as this title exists, I am wondering how one might cheat based on the sunglasses he wears, RE: DN's blog and Dwans comments on HSP? I didnt really understand what Dwan was saying and DN doesnt elaborate. X-ray vision?
  7. I just puked a little. (But swallowed it, hence it belonging in this thread.)
  8. Haha thanks man, I just couldnt find anything on him. I figured the winner of the PCA would get a little more play but I suppose the hot chicks in the tourney do take precedence....
  9. Im f***ing blown away!!(Im pretty easy to blow away.)
  10. No he idolized his sunglasses wearing ability.Durrr has a weird voice.
  11. When I first started playing live in the Borgata basement, I used to play 10/20 LHE, heads-up reraises were unlimited.With pocket 10's I flop a set and turn quads. I hollywood'd it up on the turn after I got reraised and just called.On the river, we got to the 5th raise before some asswipe at the table says "Well I wonder which of them has four tens?" (Not that I would have probably got any more money but just why say that?), finally he just calls and I rake a $800 pot. Villain had 6's full, also flopped a set. Mostly an amazing feeling because it was my first really big pot. And also I fel
  12. Really?Also, I would agree that c-bet rate has to be much higher than 55% but that is where I see the problem of not then exploiting c-bets enough. Im not saying not to do either one, but to do both, that is c-bet and exploit them.
  13. This. And along the same line, calling raises in position with moderately playable hands (i.e. suited connectors and small pairs), missing the flop entirely and insta-folding to c-bets. Their has to be some optimal number of times that those c-bets need to be reraised.
  14. Not that Im agreeing with Slapstick but it is Patrick is 'Padraig' in some language.
  15. myenemy


    I think youre supposed to pee on it or something.
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