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Everything posted by MyShopLifter

  1. Man soooo close, I was 2nd place in the 25K guarantee on PS. Hopefully it carries over to the WSOP event saturday! I think a second place in the WSOP would make me jump off of the voodoo lounge though.
  2. I'm playing event #13 next Saturday. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to play another event. I think it is a big advantage to play a few events prior to the main event. Who else is playing next Saturday? By the way, if your interested I will be posting live chip counts, video blogs, and tweets on my blog at: BrianPinkus.com
  3. I suffered through it so I guess you'd say I'll be wearing some form of online poker room advertisment apparel (UB) and pants with a wet spot.
  4. You are correct if the mentality is: "I am going to win the main event", because the reality is that you cannot win the main event on day 1, 2, 3... The first year I played I went in with the attitude that I was going to win and I was bounced on day one. Just because you don't go in with that mentality doesn't mean that you aren't disapointed though. Truthfully, though for me its more about the experience then anything else. That doesn't mean I don't want to do well, but it is an amazing experience that I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to take part in. Anyone who loves playing t
  5. Ok so the title isn't completely accurate. Day 1 was the most fun that I have ever had at a poker table. I was lucky to even have made it through almost into day three. I completely soked in the experience of playing at the feature table. I was joking around with everyone and just generally having a good time with it. At one point I even sang to Eli when we ended up heads up in a hand. All that being said on some level if you don't win it is a disaster. That's the problem with poker 6,400 people go home bent out of shape to some extent while only one person leaves completely happy. Alth
  6. The big name sites were all around the same amount. It seemed like some agents could just make deals for one brand while others had several options. They only allowed three players to wear the same logo's at the table so that limited being too picky over the brand if you favor one over the others. I don't know about pokerVT, because no one offered it.
  7. I agree when I saw that he refused I thought the same thing. I am sure that he didn't want people seeing him playing a bit tighter then you'd expect because it was day 1. He probably had the idea that he would try to avoid putting the hammer down that early in the tournament, but he likes everyone having the impression that he does.
  8. As for how much I just don't think that you should post that sort of thing.It is really sort of a frantic process, because you have to start off the day wearing the logo so you litterally only have like five minutes to negotiate (although I had decided that I would miss the beginning if necessary). If your table is chosen to be the feature table when you arrive at your original table they have a flyer taped to the table saying "Please report to the ESPN feature table" (at which point you litterally piss yourself). When you walk over to the feature table area carrying your seat card these pok
  9. Nope didn't spill coffee on myself, but I did walk straight into the womens rest room took a long nice piss and texted some friends, before noticing that it was FAR too quite to be the mens room. At which point I saw a lady walking into another stall and quietly "skirted" my way out the door.
  10. No, I just don't think I should post.
  11. Ok, now that I have had a few hours to put everything in perspective. Being knocked out of the main event is painful no matter when it happens. The sick thing about poker is if you don't win your pissed and winning the main event is practically impossible. "If your not first ur last". I feel fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to play the main event for the third time (last year I cashed). Although I didn't cash this year it isn't all bad for me:1. I was in the tournament through a few hundred dollar satellite so basically the buy in was free.2. On day 1 I played the main feature
  12. Nope Rudy sucks too I am out! Battled short stack all day shipped it in with Ace rag got called by J7 suited. That was one of the most painfull days of poker ever. All day long I just blinded off and then doubled blinded off and then doubled. If I would have even had decent cards I'd probably have 400K now. I've had tougher tables in the $5.50 rebuy.
  13. Rudy would be a much better choice. I play day two on Tuesday so I think I will pop it in. This place was much nicer in 2004.
  14. Daniel I really think that you should consider banning the whole Rocky thing before the main event. I personally have blacklisted snoop dog from my ipod for the exact same reason. Save Rocky for day five. I plan to pull out snoop dog at that point so that I can go gangsta on people lol.
  15. I survived day 1a brutal table draw with Allen, Elli, CK, and crazy lex. For the most part I just ducked out of the way and let Lex & Elli fire chips back and forth. 21K going into day two. I would imagine my table draw will be better for day two. Actually, I satelited in so picking up the sponsorship money on top of that means that I win even if I don't cash.
  16. "I’m going out with a lot of confidence. I believe I can be successful. I believe I can win."lol I think he stoled those words from me before my first WSOP main event. I was out on day one. I hope he books a return flight soon. On a side note I won my seat a few weeks ago. I'll be playing on the 3rd. If all goes well I'll make it through day one and then I'll begin thinking about the rest of the tournament.
  17. Cashed $450 in the million. Woke up the donkey! Sattelited in so not a bad deal!
  18. Funny that you mention Eric Seidel. I took almost every chip he had in last years main event. I don't know what the hell came over me like I was going to outplay the dude out of position lol. I guess I had just decided he wasn't stealing my blind. Anyway, the flop was perfect so I checked. He bet 6,200 I raised to 16,200 at which point I WAS POSSITIVE HE WAS FOLDING. Nope, he says RAISE at which point said poster crapped his pants. Eric tossed in the 16,200 and pulled out two stacks of yellow $1,000 chips making it 40,000 to go (leaving himself with about 6K behind). I almost wet mysel
  19. Lol yep, been gone quite awhile. I've been pretty busy.
  20. Well the professional poker tour was so "interesting" why not just watch that instead? If interesting means seeing the same group of friends everytime I recommend watching your local home game. The thing that made the WSOP blow up was seeing the unknown player come to Vegas and take his shot. The point of the 40K & 50K events is to limit field size so the pro's can pick up POY points. Did Brock Parker buy in to the 50K? No, while he was busy trying to climb over 3000 competitors all of the pro's made their impressive run to battle out 95 competitors. Let's just say events with 95 peo
  21. The 50K event has always been a joke. Climbing over 94 of your closest friends to win a bracelet sounds more like a home game to me than a prestigious WSOP event. Lower the buy in to 10K like all of the other championships and then we can have a real WSOP Horse Championship Event. If your point is that a well known pro should win that is what the invitational tournament is for. Events like this are one of the main problems with the players advisory. It is only made up of well known pro players, most of them are friends. Allowing a group of friends to help in the decision making process g
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