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Everything posted by Loismustdie

  1. Rush never does this:http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/sit...5106.guest.html An open invitation to debate Obama. Now, most of you don't listen, I do when I am running errands, and you should hear his show today. It's perfect- his basic point is you have made me the defacto Republican leader, so let's debate, leader to leader. I will pay all expenses, you can bring cameras, all you have to do is show. Now, Rush does not do this, he does not give time to Dem leaders, and what he is saying is this is the ultimate display of fairness and you don't even have to make me. I give you the largest
  2. Bush actually tried to introduce legislation to stop it, a few times. And, for the thousandth time, it's not a Republican problem, it's a conservative problem, and frankly it just makes you look really, really dumb. Not a chance in hell McCain would have done 3/4 of what Obama has done, but because he's not perfect **** the Republicans? Exhibit A of why this country is insanely out of common sense. You remind me of someone who thinks that screaming at a kid is what you do when he pees his bed, you know, someone who can't rationalize cause and effect, just runs by whatever they
  3. You're of the mind that healthcare cost, welfare cost, cost of schooling, etc., is NOT a charitable institution? This is as wrong as can be, and like BG said debatable as can be but the fact is your wrong. The only thing that illegal immigrants did was drive down labor cost, which doesn't help anybody except businesses. Go to a ER in Arizona, walk into a school, check out the thousands around the state waiting for "work" at various strategic points around the city/state. Illegal immigration is a net negative everytime, it's a drain and nothing more than charity at the end of the day.
  4. I'm not sure exactly who you are talking to here, and why you are making my argument for me? That's weird.
  5. Once again I would like to throw in the amount spent on illegal immigrants. This amount alone dwarfs any other countries charitable numbers alone.
  6. No. The mortgage default swaps are actually viable instruments for investment. What was underneath them,or a percentage of what is underneath them, is the problem. If creditworthy people borrowed, we would not be having this conversation. Some banks- not all, some, over-leveraged to make obscene profits vs. profits. That's bad business. That being said, it wasn't every bank, or every brokerage firm, some have string balance sheets, some have no need for anything but time- lop off mark to market accounting and arguably this all goes away tommorow. As we speak, right now, somewhere a "bad"
  7. Bush presided over the largest increase in wealth I think ever. Like, the largest ever. Some people, companies, played it wrong. It happens. Business was booming everywhere, companies could not keep butts in the seats. It was just never reported because all we heard about was the war this, the war that, warmongers, warmongers, etc., etc. To pretend that the economic boom that happened while Bush was in office never happened is just a lie. To pretend that because policies introduced by Democrats have nothing to do with how it ended is a lie. To pretend that tax cuts do not actual
  8. Oh, yeah, they had it so rough. Everyone came down on them, all of the news media and like everyone. It was so hard, they lost seats in congress and the president had no shot- the new one is a Republican, you know. You might be in the top 5 least aware people I know with that statement.
  9. I actually watch that show, but with NSYNC's No Strings attached as the sound. It's still super gay. but at least I don't want to kill people. That's not really true, I still want to kill people.
  10. I haven't been able to fold since watching DN play, I always have to call to prove that I knew that I was beat, I just have to, it's the only way the people will know that I had a losing hand and knew it the whole time.
  11. I didn't do it for the money; I did it for the cars. I'd see here there,Shimmering in marina blue or gleaming in sunfire red, and I would boost her, and just blast to Palm Springs, instantly feeling better about being me.
  12. Easy. "Mr. Average wage earner, Mr. Rich man doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to make money off of you. This is a good thing, because whilst he does this he will give you a cut of that money in the form of what's universally known as a paycheck. Now, when I take Mr. Rich mans money and or make it infinitely harder to do business it no longer becomes profitable for him to even attempt to profit off of you,so paycheck no longer exists, or paycheck becomes smaller or there is just less of them." So, if we cut business taxes and taxes on the top 5 percent or so I end up being better off? "Yes, M
  13. Who needs original ideas? The old ideas would work just fine in this case, which is why you never here Obama mention the 80's and what Reagan accomplished. Honestly, the answer to your question is me, with a team of a few choice people from this site. It's clearly me.
  14. Him? Them, man. I have no regrets, all in a days work. All seriousness, I watch Big Love and I wish church was that awesome. Forced marriages, Indian casinos, gay truck stop love, it's everything a boy could want.
  15. Read through this and tell me where he gets one issue wrong. One. Ignore the 6000 typo, it's corrected later on . Good luck: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/sit...5107.guest.html
  16. Someone should have hugged you more. Then, smothered you and buried you behind the hill with the rest of the heathen kids that crossed the prophet. You have no idea that amount of faith it takes to choke the life out of another ten year old because God told a guy to tell you to do so. No idea. So, enjoy that high horse, friend, while you still can.
  17. Sure. See, if you have a milkshake, and I have a straw, I can use my straw to drink your milkshake. I drink your milkshake. I drink it up!!
  18. This is as wrong as can be. Name one country who takes in more citizens of others whether we want to or not.
  19. You said 2 BJ's and we we were even. You, sir, are a liar. And, this situation really does suck for the guys who took it upon themselves to do some cool stuff. I imagine it won't stop them going forward but it will make them more wary of the pitfalls of this sort of arrangement.
  20. I hate to get into a religous thing on this site anymore but Mr. Donkey is absolutely correct about what he said- one of the caveats in christ doctrine was that you would not be able to be christlike, it was all about the effort. The glory is in the efforts. Now, addressing a small portion of what SB said, the government will never be able to live a christlike existence, because what the offices itself offer are counterproductive to christianity. Mainly, power, it corrupts and it corrupts all, show me an uncorrupted person with power and I will show you how that someone no longer has power.
  21. Understand I am not trying to make the case that the U.S. is numero uno. That being said, considering our arms wide open approach to illegal immigration I am 100% certain no one comes close to what we spend taking care of other nations citizens, I would be surprised if anyone came close to 50% of what we do. And this whole thing about no available healthcare needs to stop. Healthcare is available to 100% of U.S. an Non US citizens, just walk into a hospital. If it's life threatening you will be cared for regardless of ability to pay, if it's not you will fill out some paperwork and apply fo
  22. I believe this is talking about a womans conduct during worship. There are definitely established roles of men and women when it comes to this. That doesn't make a woman more or less, it just gives each a place. I have never had an issue with this and always saw women treated with the utmost respect.
  23. Find a nation who values life more by it's actions and policies and the goodwill of it's people and you have an argument. Until then, this is just grousing about how you don't like people who think America is the best at something.
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