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Posts posted by KoRnholio

  1. Probably still is +EV... Although having 8 or less hands per level would severely decrease any edge you might have.It's a double edged sword. This tourny is full of donks because the luck component is so high. But then the massive number of donks brings in a few good players chasing them :club:

  2. Definitely can't fold. I think if he has a set he pushes harder on the turn since you could be raising various 2 pair hands. He could have T5 or 95 here, but more likely he just has bare trips.A river check-raise is pretty strong after a bet and a call though, so I think I just call because if we pop it and are behind it will cost us 2 more bets than just calling.

  3. I think the debate is between calling and folding rather than raising or calling
    Agreed. I flat call river. That overbet raise pretty much means the nuts (ie, straight, maybe a set) or nothing. Pushing gets the former to call and the latter to fold. Neither of those outcomes is good.
  4. Final had 6 card Omaha after the flop I have AK52 left on a flop of AKT and both villains have QJ and I brick out at making a full house...
    6 card Omaha discard... wwttttfffffroflYou guys should have just cut cards for dollars.
  5. Don't do it dude... Treat it as a hobby for a few years and see how it goes. Chances are you will have days where you finish down 3, 4 or even 8 buyins ($200 each at 1-2 NL) and be very, very glad you didn't try to play for a living.

  6. Having the K and Q of spades hurts us, since it's one less xth nut flush for someone else to have. The best we can hope for is someone to call with a J or T high flush here.Usually I will just call again on the turn since we're only really getting called by sets or the nuts. If we raise this turn, I'm not putting more money in the pot at all (unless the SB makes another tiny bet).

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