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Posts posted by KoRnholio

  1. then after its done, I'd tell him to take the 2nd prize money and buy a new computer with some better internet service.
    LOL, I just about peed myself laughing at that. Pretty much a no brainer, I am going to rob his blinds as long as I can. For all you know he could have had his internet knocked out by a storm and won't even be back in time to finish, no sense prolonging it. And if he makes it back in 3-4 hands, not much harm done to his stack :club:
  2. i think a more interesting question is have you ever given up sex 1 night because of poker.  I can remember one time my wife gave me the ole "why dont you come on to bed sweety" as she patted the empty spot in the bed right next to her while giving me 'the look'me: "ill be right there, im 7 away from the money in this MTT"actually i think i may have been deprived for more then 1 night after that one.
    That's negative reverse implied odds if I've ever seen them :club:
  3. "In one of the last hands I played, I got 5-6 suited in the hole. Small suited connectors is not a bad hand to play, just ask Doyle Brunson"You think he'd know enough to realize that Doyle was talking about the implied odds to get someone's whole stack in a No Limit game with those hands... This guy is just about as much of a poser/WSOP wannabe as the rest of his table, as his 6-high bluff points out nicely.

  4. I didn't realize it was 6 max until I reread your post. Having the naked ace is pretty much of zero value there, since people will call in a heartbeat with a K,Q or even J-high flush. The middle set there has value, since it is quite unlikely you'll be up against the top set. But with a 3 flush on the board it will be nearly impossible to push anyone off a flush. I'd try to get a free card if possible and hope to fill up.

  5. Right now I am pretty much just a limit ring game grinder (doing quite well), with a few NL tournies/sng's and PL Omaha mixed in. But after deciding to try my luck with my last $10 on party (from some freeroll a while ago) I might play more if the players are this bad and nut camping works.People seem to find any reason to call for large amounts in hopeless situations. Like recently in a hand I was dealt 99, I raise 3x get 2 callers, flop comes QQQ and I bet 2/3 the pot, 1 caller. At this point my stack is about the size of the pot so I figure any non-ace I will go all in on the turn. Turn comes K and I go all in and get called, I figure I am beat. Until a river brick and he flips over A9o.Edit: And now not even 10 minutes later I remember why I don't play NL ring games. I get KdKh and raise pretty high in middle position, 3 people call. flop comes JT3 with 2 clubs. I bet pot, and get reraised all in. I call and he has QQ, which wins after he spikes a Q on the river. Sigh :club: It's not really losing that actual hand/$50+ pot that bothers me, it's that I know after a beat like that my session is pretty much done as I won't be playing my best, especially against that guy.In limit the same beat wouldn't cost me my whole stack (at most 2 more big bets) and I wouldn't tilt away any money afterwards.

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