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Posts posted by Vatche

  1. the combined irrational hatred of the many has made me a heat fan. i want them to win now. probably more than i want the lakers to win.
    and by the way. i know i'm biased and being unfair. i know the allegations are different. i know all that shit. i jsut dont care. i wanna be irrational for once. i wanna yell and scream about how this guy is a pervert. and its all because i dont like him. so go fu[/i[ck yourself brett farve, because i know the jets trainers wont. and my guess is your wife wont either now.
    Never took you for a hypocrite, heh.
  2. fracture or no fracture i still think the vikings sweep the bears tho...i'll give you even money on that 200$ that vikings sweep the bears this season...this is a "BigD Special" prop bet that i'm only offering to you, so take advantage of it!even money with an injured banged up favre or TJ...youre honestly getting great value here.

  3. I'm sure you are a nice and trustworthy enough guy but I am not willing to bet that much online with a random, sorry. 100 bucks is my maximum. If I lose, I will pay you on Full Tilt or by money order.
    im fully trustworthy but i understand your point of view...100 its is, i will pay on full tilt also...just respond to this post to make it official.
  4. i loved every moment of farve sucking a big one last night. and i especially love how he starts limping around whenever he plays like the piece of shit he is. if childress benched him i would probably die in ecstasy.
    he was also limping around when he was celebrating the game winning TD that was taken back...nice try tho
  5. Sterger has been refusing to cooperate with the NFL and now she's hired a crimanal defense attorney that specializes in extortion...what do you guys think this means?Is she scared she's going to get sued?Or she's planning to ask Favre for money and taking precautionary actions?If he does get suspended, I don't think it will be more than 2 games...and if that happens, I'm hoping it will be week 8 and week 9 (@ NE, vs Ari)Suspension won't really have an effect on the season record if it plays out like that because even with Favre, the Vikings are "suppose" to lose @ NE, and the Vikings with TJ should have no problem beating a horrible Ari team at the Metrodome...It actually might end up being a good thing...It will force him to rest that elbow for 2 weeks...(even tho his elbow looked perfectly fine vs Dal)Plus it will be kind of ironic...The legendary streak starts with the Packers and it ends with the Packers... :club:

  6. yeah. also I watched the game at a friend's house in omaha. His wife had a friend from california as a house guest, and it was just like five of us there. This ****ing **** was rooting for texas, not because she actually gave a shit about texas ( she's from san diego), but just to be a **** because we were all nebraska fans. She would just laugh every time nebraska failed or texas has a big play. I was so ****ing furious, but I couldn't say anything because i was a guest. I left at half time, and missed the whole 3rd quarter driving home. My pussy ****ing friend should have kicked this obnoxious **** out of his house during the game.
    im curious, was the annoying chick asian?
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