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Everything posted by timwakefield

  1. Yeah AA over QQ, tough situation, happens all the time. It seems to me that your best bet would have been to fold to his $6, or RERAISE him. If you already thought he might have you beat, you can always fold. But getting away from QQ is tough, so you should have reraised to see how strong he really was. If you had raised to say $10, he would have almost certainly gone in and then you could have folded, losing only the $10. One other note, I don't really think that a $16 bet into a $12.50 pot is much of an overbet. It's basically a pot-sized bet, a little higher because he's trying to
  2. Yeah I already said in my post that it looked like he was drawing on Q10.
  3. CHECK!!!! If you're not fairly certain that you have the best hand on the river you have to check, since it's unlikely that he'll fold to a single bet. It's also worth giving up a potential value bet to see his cards (on the off-chance he'd fold the river). More importantly though, yeah he probably has a king or maybe you got him on an outkicked jack, but it seems likely that he also could have q10, in which case he checked his straight on the river because he KNOWS that you'll bet. He'll then raise, knowing you have to call. If you're already afraid that you're beat on a pair AND there'
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