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Everything posted by timwakefield

  1. He's also 6 for 10 so far on the season. #fawning
  2. Gotcha. I kinda wish we could see the Oscar voting results, like how close it was and who got how many votes, but that would just be rubbing salt in the wound for the non-winners I guess.
  3. Do any of you homos ever listen to Lou Reed? I do, but still haven't heard all his solo stuff. I recently discovered "Street Hassle," and holy shit. The album is mostly kind of mediocre and even a little disappointing, except for the title track which is an incredibly ambitious 11-minute rock opera in 3 distinct parts, with full-on Look-at-me-I'm-significant orchestration and almost no percussion. And he pulls it off like a motherfucker, with lyrics that are shocking and legitimately meaningful, yet also legitimately humble and casual. Easily among his best post-Velvet songs, maybe his si
  4. Assuming you saw Dallas Buyers Club, were you not particularly impressed with MM's performance? Or were you very impressed but you still thought CE's performance was light years ahead? I don't think it's close to Shakespeare in Love beating Saving Private Ryan, because Shakespeare in Love wasn't that great and Saving Private Ryan was absolutely incredible. I think MM and CE were both extremely good, and both fairly deserving of an Oscar.
  5. Making the stop is only a little amazing. Getting the out at first is ridiculous though. http://m.mlb.com/video/v31767715/bosbal-pedroia-dives-to-rob-hardy-of-a-hit/?partnerId=as_mlb_20140403_21210304
  6. Very interesting article about discovering/scouting Xander Bogaerts: http://www.sportsone...gaerts-in-aruba He's off to a hot start too, with a double and a walk in the opener as well as just missing a 3 run hr, and tonight he has a hit and 2 walks so far. Pedroia made a retarded play tonight, no video link yet cuz the game's still going. He's my extreme-homer prediction for MVP, and my other extreme-homer wish-prediction is Bogaerts cracks the top 10 in MVP voting.
  7. Yeah it's interesting how it's split from the comic. It's barely following the comic at all now, with a few scenes here and there taken from it and a few larger arcs somewhat related to it, but for the most part it's on its own. I'm not saying it should follow the comic exactly or that that would make it better, and some of the show's best characters don't even appear in the comic at all. But I agree with you that the stuff they are still pulling from the comic is usually successful. Also, with the 2 young girls dying unexpectedly I remembered how exciting the story can be when
  8. ^^ I agree Maggie's fantastic, but that 2nd shot is so photoshopped that it looks like they stuck her head on a different body. So I was way behind on this show, now caught up. Wow. It finally got legitimately dark and fucked up. The older sister was obviously all screwy, and especially when she was like "I get it now" and Carol was all "Good, I'm glad," obviously she didn't get it and something terrible was about to happen. But I didn't expect her to murder her sister and then be executed by Carol. The "Carl almost gets raped" scene was badass too. I expected Joe to be Ne
  9. Hmm, I feel like that's on your end. They're just youtube links. The 2nd one is timestamped, which could cause a bug maybe. The first one is just the track "Nothing Like This" which I imagine you have or could easily find elsewhere. Here's the important one, with the timestamp and other weird stuff at the end of the url removed. Just skip to around the 9 minute mark. Or if even this link doesn't work just search youtube for "Houseshoes detroit to LA." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJckmxSlcRY Re: torrents (to Scram as well), I also use less torrents than I used to by far
  10. That was the first new SNL episode I watched in probably 5 years. I went back and watched Lena Dunham from a couple weeks ago too. The only people on the show I'd ever heard of were Bobby Moynihan and Keenan Thompson, and I don't know who else I expected to still be on the show, but I was like who the fuck are all these new people. Then I looked up the cast and most of them have been there for like 3 or 4 years. The black guy (who isn't Keenan Thompson) is good, does excellent impressions. The fat girl is pretty great. And the rest of the cast kind of blends together. Anyway I don'
  11. Do you use torrents? If not, is it due to ethical or legal concerns? If not again, then you probably should. I'm not talking about public sites like piratebay.
  12. Dutch I'm posting this mostly for you, since you've been posting recently and therefore might see it. I got really into Dilla samples a long time ago and I know you were into that a bit (not just Dilla necessarily). Anyway, "Nothing Like This." Easily one of his best and also most experimental songs. For reference if non Dilla-heads are reading: Here's something Just Blaze wrote about the sample awhile ago: JUST BLAZE: I bought Ruff Draft real late. I listened to it, but then I forgot about the album for a minute. Most of us don't sit around turntables anymore, and I d
  13. Wesley Morris is fantastic. Here's his recent review of Noah if anyone's interested: http://grantland.com/features/noah-cesar-chavez-russell-crowe/?_r=true And here's a slightly brilliant review he wrote for Fast Five in 2011, which contributed to him winning a Pulitzer Prize that year (only the 4th film critic to ever do so - Ebert was the first): http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2011/04/24/fast_forward/
  14. Well he wouldn't want his legacy to be that he crippled the team, and I'm sure he would want the team to be as successful as possible whether he's around or not. He obviously wants to see them win very soon, I'm just not sure anyone can say if that meaningfully affected his decision or if he would have done the same thing if he was 50. Interesting week for the Tigers, with Dombrowski's unusual official statement that Scherzer had rejected their extension offer, and then this other huge extension actually getting done.
  15. I"m not saying this deal makes sense or that they won't regret it, I'm just saying there are other considerations especially when the player is more than just really really good, but is actually an all-time great. Their owner Mike Ilitch is also 84 years old and may be more interested in winning for the next 5 years than he is about the 5 years after than when he may not be around, although that may be unfair speculation. On a totally unrelated note, this might be the biggest shitshow I've ever seen during a game. Debatable home run call is overturned by umps, there are furious argumen
  16. It's definitely more than a WAR/$ consideration, because he sells tickets and merchandise and brings tv viewers, and is likely a factor in ESPN deciding which games to air nationally, etc. It also makes it highly likely that he'll maintain an ambassadorial relationship with the team after he retires. Even at the end of the contract when he's no longer producing like he used to he will likely be approaching and passing some major career milestones, and people love to watch that and count down to it. Bill James' fun little toy gives Cabrera a 68% chance to reach 3000 hits, 57% chance to
  17. Rumor is that Brad Pitt may star in season 2. Hank and Mexico summed up my thoughts on the finale. It was good, but I felt a bit letdown by the way the last few episodes went. Episodes 4 and 5 were really spectacular, so maybe the problem is just that the series peaked a little too early. I expected a bit more mystery though, by the way the show had been going up til the finale. I thought there would be some weird, possibly semi-metaphysical mystery that they finally solved, but instead they sort of just found that the really bad guy was this dude who we all thought it was, and th
  18. No, that's true. But so far I think she's barely in the books at all, and Patchface has had a few scenes without her (as well as a short look back at his life). Mostly I just thought he would be great visually, and the show has mostly ignored the fools from the book.
  19. Also, why the hell isn't Patchface on the show.
  20. Damn I knew he was old but didn't know he was that old. I haven't gotten to book 4 yet but apparently he was ill when it was first recorded so somebody else did the reading, but he later went back and did it himself also. Somebody also said he changed his voice and style a little for the worse after book 3 as well, but so far through the first 3 books he's great. His Arya voice annoyed me a little for at least the first book but definitely mellowed at some point awhile ago. It was a bit abrasive and slightly silly which was annoying cuz she's probably my favorite character, but like I
  21. I'm basically expecting him to be the next Nomar, and I don't think I'm alone. Definitely not a fair expectation, but he's just so awesome. Nomar, incidentally, hit .306 his rookie year with 209 hits and 30 hr and 11 triples.
  22. So I'm about 1/3 through book 3, I wanna finish it before the season starts but that shouldn't be difficult. It's still excellent, although also still kinda boring at times. I like it better than the previous book, although not as much as the first one. Dany just bought the Unsullied, which is almost as good a scene in the book as it is on the show (it's a really fucking good scene or series of scenes on the show). Also, I haven't actually been "reading" the books as such - I've been listening to the audiobooks. They're pretty excellent, read by Roy Dotrice who has the perfect kni
  23. Essay you might have confused Hank with me. I keep telling myself I will but I haven't yet. I might try to later today, it's not that long. The ebook is free on amazon, I posted a link to it earlier in the thread.
  24. I'm hoping that a lot of last week's episode was a semi-misdirect. I'm probably hoping for too much, not because the show isn't really good but because I'm wanting more than is reasonable. It's already incredibly intriguing and strange and fascinating, but I'm also kind of expecting an absolutely brilliant conclusion with some wild twists and totally unpredicted revelations and connections. Last week's was definitely a bit of a let down. They keep planting all these alluring mysteries but then a lot of them have obvious solutions. Like how it was a dark mystery what MM had in the st
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