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Everything posted by coremiller
Soy Un Looser (sh) (2/4)
coremiller replied to CobaltBlue's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
EDIT: sorry, double post. -
Soy Un Looser (sh) (2/4)
coremiller replied to CobaltBlue's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
It's a little bit better. The K outs are less likely to be dirty, if he has a flush draw we hold one of his outs, we can rule out some holdings for him (like KQs, KJs, K10s, etc.), and if he has a smaller flush draw we have a redraw possibility if a club comes on the turn. So our odds are a little bitter, and our reverse implied odds aren't quite so bad. Given the price, I think that makes calling more reasonable. -
First of all, I think a laggy player would probably have 3-bet pre-flop in position with AK, so it's unlikely he has that.Value-shoved with KQ? Expecting you to call with what, exactly, that he beats? Does he really think you can call an all-in with QQ here? This is especially true because his raise prices out all the 8- or 9-out draws, so he knows you won't call with those. Any draw that would call his all-in is a draw KQ is not really ahead of anyway.Unless there's more history and meta-game considerations between you and him that we don't know about, I think this is very rarely just a on
Soy Un Looser (sh) (2/4)
coremiller replied to CobaltBlue's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
I'm not shocked that you have a slight equity edge against his range, but that's really irrelevant, since you can't assume there will be no more betting in the hand. Equally irrelevant is that you won $88 more as a 4-1 favorite, unless you first multiply it by the likelihood (at the time you made the decision) of its occurrence, and the include the likelihood and payoffs of the other possible outcomes.Given that, I'm not sure how you justify your assumption that "implied odds and bluffing odds are larger than the associated reverse implied odds"; I'm convinced it's precisely the other way aro -
Soy Un Looser (sh) (2/4)
coremiller replied to CobaltBlue's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
You got lucky and hit a 4-outer when it was somewhat predictable that you might be drawing that slim (see my earlier post in which I suggested one of Villain's likely holdings was a flush draw with overs that takes away our outs), and even when you hit one of your four outs, you still had to dodge 12 outs on the river. I can't imagine how this was a good play. Justifying this mistake with "I got a little bit of money in behind and got a good chunk in ahead" is wrong-headed thinking. "I made a small mistake, and got very lucky it didn't turn out to be a bigger mistake" strikes me as a much m -
I can't possibly think of a worse hand he leads with that calls a raise here, and at these low stakes there's always a possibility that this is the one of the worst-played AA of all time. Since there's no value to a raise (and you lose a little bit to the rake if you raise and it's a chop), I'd just call.
Top And Bottom On Mulitway Pot
coremiller replied to throwemaway's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
I agree that KK or QQ are both extremely unlikely here, based on the pre-flop action. KQ and 66 are both possibilities, but so is something like K9, or JT. This is worth raising. -
This would make sense against normal players, but these are drunk retards at $25NL. They could both literally have anything here. I don't really mind stacking off with TPTK in those circumstances, especially since at least one, if not both of them, is likely to have just a draw.
Soy Un Looser (sh) (2/4)
coremiller replied to CobaltBlue's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
Is it standard to justify one's mistakes by referring to some vague, potentially unrealizable "meta-game" benefits? I know I do it all the time. -
Reraising pre-flop is marginal; your opponent probably won't fold, and then you'll miss the flop a lot and be stuck OOP. But since the villian is raising so much, it's not such a bad idea.As for the flop, you should lead for more, especially with all those draws out there. Bet the pot. That way, when you get reraised, you can just push and take your chances that you were outflopped.As played, after that min-raise, you should probably just push, since betting $10 pretty much commits you against drunk-retarted players anyway. If they're going to call with draws (and they probably will), you m
Soy Un Looser (sh) (2/4)
coremiller replied to CobaltBlue's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
I don't like this, unless you put him on complete air, and without reads you can't really do that (besides, if you think he has just air, you should push now, not on the turn). One problem is that not all of your "outs" are always good; it's reasonable (well, reasonable in a limited sense, since his min-raise here with anything is kind of stupid) that he might have the the nut flush draw, which would kill seven of your outs. Or he could have something like KQs, or some other variation, so even if you get a favorable turn card, you'll never know if your hand is good or not.It's also conceivab -
why lead for so little on the turn?
You're right that the OP shouldn't have included results, but who was talking about shoving the flop? Most people said to raise the flop, not push, which is a big difference. Although shoving is actually not that bad here at 25NL, because even with a push you'll still get called a lot by overpairs.
Way, way too passive. You should have stacked him here. At 25NL people play AA like it's the nuts, especially on dry boards like this. On the flop, you should he assume he has AA-JJ and raise. If he has those hands he'll pay you off almost every time, especially if it's aces or kings. If he has anything but an overpair he probably missed the flop and you make no money from him anyway. Try to figure out how to get him all-in as quickly as possible. Since you're both 200bb deep that means building the pot, and fast, and you do that by betting and raising.
Tptk - Am I Missing Value Here?
coremiller replied to AKProdigy's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
An important point on this hand is that the villain is short-stacked. He's only got like 40 bbs to start. Since you flopped tptk, you might as well try to stack him. Bet the turn.As played, bet like $2 on the river. Most likely he'll either fold or push for the 60 cents or whatever it is he has left. If the villain were deeper, checking the turn for pot control, and then firing a decent bet on the river (maybe like 2/3 of the pot) would be my line. -
First, the math (let's hope I can do this properly). After he bets $75, there is $195 in the pot. You have $390 left. If you push and he calls, your equity depends on how many outs you have (I think we can safely assume you're behind if he calls); it's between 7 and 9 (it could be less if he has a flush with a straight-flush draw, but that is pretty unlikely). For simplicity we'll split the difference and call it 8. That gives you equity of 8/46=17.3%. So, when you're called, 17.3% of the time you win a $900 pot and 82.7% of the time you lose a $900 pot. This works out to a payoff of -$
Whoever suggested playing 6-max is exactly right. There's a much higher penalty for playing ultra-tight, good laggy play is rewarded even more than usual, etc. Plus, 6-max gives the good players an even bigger edge, because the nature of the game forces you and your opponents into more marginal and difficult situations, where the bad players are more likely to make mistakes. At full ring they could avoid these mistakes just by playing very few hands. They can't get away with that at 6-max.
Playing Sets Hu Out Of Position
coremiller replied to Money022's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
I really think you need to lead out here, for a few reasons.First, without any reads, your opponent could always just check behind. Not everyone always c-bets, especially if he doesn't have an ace and is worried that you do. This is particularly the case if he has some kind of gutshot draw or something and just wants to take a free card.Second, leading out only loses you money in the situation where a, your opponent has a hand not strong enough to call a bet, and b, your opponent would have bet out if you checked. The thing to notice about these situations is that you were never likely to w -
Hooray For Great Flop Texture
coremiller replied to shinzilla's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
Except that the Button has shown zero strength in this hand at any point, and he has aggressive tendencies as well. The button almost certainly has a missed draw here, MAYBE a weak 9, and it's probable that the SB is aware of this. If he puts the button on that kind of hand, and puts you on missed overcards (which is entirely consistent with your play so far), a bluff becomes a reasonable play for him.Also, the SB's bet strikes me as too large to be a value bet in this situation, because nobody else has indicated they have a hand strong enough to call a pot-sized bet. If he were really valu -
Nut Flush Draw Against A Check Raise
coremiller replied to shinzilla's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
Surely with stacks as deep as they are, and Villian's propensity to call off his stack with one pair, we're getting good enough implied odds to see the turn card, especially with position? -
Hooray For Great Flop Texture
coremiller replied to shinzilla's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
There's a difference between being tight pre-flop and only betting with a made hand post-flop. The SB has an infinite aggression factor over ~100 hands. It's pretty hard to do that if you never bluff. This is actually the first time in 100 or so hands he's called a post-flop bet. Now 100 hands is not a huge sample, but it's not small enough to completely disregard. Given that you think he's TAG/nitty, what hand does he hold that he's value betting here? How often does he call pre-flop with an 8 in his hand? What kind of hand does his play on all four streets add up to? He just has not -
Hooray For Great Flop Texture
coremiller replied to shinzilla's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
This is a tricky hand. I agree that checking the turn for pot control is correct, but I'm not sure folding the river is right. It's one thing to look at this coordinated board and say somebody has us beat; it's another to actually put the SB on a hand that beats us.So what are the important pieces of information here? First, the SB is a total TAG over a decent but not huge sample. This makes his flop and turn play very unusual. Someone who is 13/9/infinity just calls pre-flop OOP, then just calls again OOP on a coordinated board after a bet and a call. What hands would he do this with? -
Critique My Play Here ....
coremiller replied to ThreeBet's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
Well, there are no absolute rules in poker, of course. Somebody could always be doing something ridiculously bizarre or stupid. All I meant was that his jacks were the best hand preflop a very large percentage of the time given the other action. Are you saying you should have checked in the BB with your queens out of fear that the SB might have completed with AA or KK? If not, what was your point? -
Critique My Play Here ....
coremiller replied to ThreeBet's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
If all the opinions before results are similar, that usually (not always) means there was only one correct play. The goal is not to develop as many different views as possible, it's to figure out what the right play is. -
Push Ak Here, Or Muck To Probable Aa?
coremiller replied to clockwork's topic in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
Three-betting with AKo in position is fine. It's not always correct, but often it is, and I have no problem with it in this hand. It lets you take control of the hand and win the pot on the flop when you miss, or check for a free card, or whatever. It also lets you find out if you're beat relatively early and cheaply.The problem was not your raise, but calling his raise. Once he puts in the third raise, unless he's a maniac he almost always has aces or kings here. If he has aces he's crushing you; if he has kings you're a slight dog, but you'll never get any value when you flop an ace.