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Everything posted by Pancake407

  1. Absolute/UB Cereus Hold'em, $0.04 BB (9 handed) - Absolute/UB Cereus Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comButton ($0.25)SB ($1.64)BB ($0.95)UTG ($0.43)UTG+1 ($0.32)MP1 ($0.21)MP2 ($0.70)Pancake (MP3) ($0.37)CO ($1.52)Preflop: Pancake is MP3 with 6 , 6 1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.02, 1 fold, MP2 calls $0.02, Pancake calls $0.02, 2 folds, SB calls $0.01, BB checksNever know how to play these preflop...Flop: ($0.10) 4 , 3 , J (5 players)SB checks, BB bets $0.02, 2 folds, Pancake folds, 1 foldCorrect postflop play?
  2. Absolute/UB Cereus Hold'em, $0.04 BB (7 handed) - Absolute/UB Cereus Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comPancake (Button) ($0.56)SB ($0.60)BB ($2)UTG ($0.56)MP1 ($0.12)MP2 ($0.45)CO ($5.10)Preflop: Pancake is Button with A , A 4 folds, Pancake bets $0.04, 1 fold, BB calls $0.02Flop: ($0.09) 6 , 3 , 5 (2 players)BB checks, Pancake bets $0.02, BB calls $0.02Turn: ($0.13) J (2 players)BB checks, Pancake bets $0.04, BB raises to $0.08, Pancake raises to $0.12, BB raises to $0.16, Pancake calls $0.04River: ($0.45) K (2 players)BB bets $0.04, Pancake calls $0.04Total pot: $0.53 | Rake: $0.05
  3. Absolute/UB Cereus Hold'em, $0.04 BB (9 handed) - Absolute/UB Cereus Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comButton ($0.56)Pancake (SB) ($0.36)BB ($0.07)UTG ($0.40)UTG+1 ($0.26)MP1 ($0.26)MP2 ($0.67)MP3 ($0.30)CO ($3.28)Preflop: Pancake is SB with A , Q 4 folds, MP3 calls $0.02, 1 fold, Button calls $0.02, Pancake bets $0.04, 1 fold, MP3 calls $0.02, 1 foldFlop: ($0.12) 9 , 2 , 4 (2 players)Pancake bets $0.02, MP3 calls $0.02Turn: ($0.16) 7 (2 players)Pancake bets $0.04, MP3 calls $0.04River: ($0.24) 9 (2 players)Pancake checks, MP3 checksTotal pot: $0.24 | Rake: $0.02
  4. Agreed.How about pre-flop? Too early to raise 88 or is a raise correct in microlimit?
  5. Absolute/UB Cereus Hold'em, $0.04 BB (9 handed) - Absolute/UB Cereus Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comButton ($0.95)SB ($1.05)BB ($0.69)UTG ($0.49)Pancake (UTG+1) ($0.29)MP1 ($0.10)MP2 ($0.18)MP3 ($1.46)CO ($0.29)Preflop: Pancake is UTG+1 with 8, 81 fold, Pancake bets $0.04, MP1 calls $0.04, MP2 raises to $0.06, 4 folds, BB calls $0.04, Pancake calls $0.02, MP1 calls $0.02Flop: ($0.25) 9, A, 4(4 players)BB checks, Pancake checks, MP1 checks, MP2 bets $0.02, 1 fold, Pancake...
  6. Sorry, its .01/.02....i tried using the converter but it will not work. It isn't really that relevant I dont think...
  7. Havent played poker in a long time, so i apologize in advance for what are most likely basic decisions...Ultimate Bet .1/.2Pancake407 is dealt Q2s in the BBUTG raises to $.02, UTG+1 calls, 4 folds, CO Calls, 2 folds, Pancake 407...EDIT: Added my position.
  8. I don't like the river bet. He likely has a mid-pair maybe 77-TT.The only hand I can see folding here is another AK, Does the villain have AK often enough?
  9. I've bought PT twice now. Lol, and now i'm too broke too afford it. I'll get around to it, eventually.
  10. Pancake is dealt A K in the SBUTG calls, MP calls, CO calls, Dealer calls, Pancake raises, 1 fold, UTG calls, MP calls, CO calls, Dealer callsFlop: 7 3 A Pancake bets, UTG raises, MP calls, 2 folds, Pancake 3-bets, UTG caps, MP calls, Pancake callsTurn: 7 3 A , K Pancake bets, UTG raises, 1 fold, Pancake 3-bets, UTG caps, Pancake calls.River: 7 3 A K , 3 Pancake checks, UTG bets, Pancake calls.
  11. So being a little short on odds, mixed with the RIO, this should be a fold? Or is it too close to even matter much??
  12. What are the odds of hitting a 2 outer with one card?
  13. Pancake is dealt K K in the BB1 fold, MP calls, CO raises, 1 fold, SB calls, Pancake 3-bets, MP calls, CO calls, SB callsFlop: A T 8 SB checks, Pancake bets, MP calls, CO raises, SB calls, Pancake...Here is my dilemma. I'm behind here close to a hundred percent of the time. So am I getting proper odds to make a call with a 2-outer?
  14. I almost always raise these hands. Thanks for the advice, ill start folding these hands and see how it goes.
  15. definately b/f and check behind UI river though, right?
  16. no reads.Kinda cruise controlling, as I'm reading through some forum posts.
  17. Preflop:Pancake is UTG with K T Pancake raises, MP calls, 3 folds, BB callsFlop: 7 9 5 BB checks, Pancake bets, MP calls, BB foldsTurn: 7 9 5 , 8 Pancake checks, MP checksRiver: 7 9 5 8 , K Pancake bets, MP raises, Pancake callsThoughts?
  18. I usually bet with A high here against most players. I've read enough of your posts to give you the credibility to advise me. I'm so rusty, I'm a complete donk these days. Hopefully, I can find enough time to be more active in the forum, and on the tables.
  19. Preflop: Pancake is dealt A T 2 folds, CO calls, Pancake raises, 1 fold, BB calls, CO callsFlop: 8 K 6 BB bets, CO calls, Pancake callsTurn: 8 K 6 , 6 BB bets, CO folds, Pancake folds.------Flop - I felt a peel was ok here, with an over and a BDFDTurn - I could find no reason to stay in the pot.Thoughts?
  20. For what reason? I don't see any value in it.Fold equity only?
  21. Preflop:Pancake is dealt K J on the button3 folds, Pancake raises, SB folds, BB callsFlop: 7 Q 2 BB checks, Pancake BetsTurn: 7 Q 2 , 6 BB checks, Pancake checksRiver: 7 Q 2 6 , 8 BB checks, Pancake checksPreflop: Standard, I'm sure.Flop: Standard Continuation Bet?Turn: Standard?
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