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Everything posted by Tritz

  1. Tritz

    Sprint Treo 650

    Anyone else have the software?
  2. Tritz

    Sprint Treo 650

    Hey everyone,I know many of you have the Treo 650, as there have been threads about them before.I just moved this week and reinstalled windows on my PC, during my move I lost my software to my Treo 650 and I'm in dire need to sync the phone.If anyone could upload/email me the contents of the software that came with the phone, it would be greatly appreciated.I realize you can download PalmOne desktop at palm.com but with out the drivers on that software I can't connect the phone to the PC.I am not sure the file size on the software, but if there is anyway...It would help me a ton.
  3. Is there a chance the track could bend?
  4. Obviously you were wrong, and you know you're wrong. So why don't you want to hear what you did was wrong?
  5. Insano, I imagine you were looking at the wrestling picture.That is Kevin Tritz, he is one of my 12,000 other family members.Never met the kid. Looks like he knows what he's doing, though.
  6. Stand by, I'll check....I only have four images a row.Is it the wrestling picture? The jesus picture?The old man picture?for the love of god why not just put up a link?
  7. Apology accepted, you're not really a dork. I'm sorry too. Every once in awhile when I get bored.Just like 'googling' yourself. Don't tell me you've never done it.
  8. I didn't read this yet, I just searched myself and found it. Hang on, I'll read it now.EDIT: I READ THIS NOW.Davin, you're kind of a dork.
  9. I'm not from Chicago, but thats some scary shit.
  10. It's all coming back to me now...Launchpad McQuack, Gosalyn, Quackerjack, Negaduck, and Megavolt.WOW..good times.
  11. I apologize ahead of time if this has already been posted, but I didn't see it in the sea of WPT threads, and I figured some of you may enjoy seeing this.www.wptlawsuit.com/files/29194-27742/Complaint.pdfthanks.
  12. Andy Bloch: and almost all the bad publicity we've gotten because of the lawsuit is from daniel himselfI don't understand this one.Anyone?Does he mean from the blog?
  13. It's funny because it's true.
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