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Posts posted by Tritz

  1. Tritz is way too busy with his Airline company now.
    Not an airline. It's a 135 company. But yes, busy with the aviation industry.
    How are those gas prices getting to ya, by the way?
    Gas prices suck and are effecting business, but all the competition as well.
    JP-8 must be killer right now!
    We operate a Lear 24D, so we fill her up with JP-4. BOS - DFW - BOS - MEM = $17,000+ in fuel. It's tough, and I've paid up to $11/gallon in Massachusettes.
  2. You never post though... you MUST have another identity here.
    Can't say that I do.. The truth is I lost interest, I rarely even play anymore.I come by to watch Daniel's videos, read his blog, and browse the forums for anything interesting. I'm only posting so my account doesn't become inactive or get deleted or whatever. I guess to say hello too....see what kind of shit I can stir up by making a short appearance.
  3. Lol... you serious? He has a show that makes fun of politics, that doesn't make him a politician. Lets remember what he really is.... a comedian.
    He has a show that makes fun of politics, so obviously he knows what he's talking about, and knows there are problems with the current administration that need changing.He may be a comedian but he is also an educated journalist. In addition to receiving an honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts degree from Knox College he was quoted as a "great philosopher" by Hilary Rodham Clinton.Not to mention Time's magazine named Stephen Colbert as one of the 100 most influential people in 2006.
  4. LOL!I love the show and all, but the sad thing is some people are going to be dumb enough to vote for him.
    What do you mean dumb enough to vote for him? He knows more about the political system than the entire current administration combined.
  5. http://www.mediainfo.com/eandp/news/articl...t_id=1003659135Stephen Colbert Officially Announces Run for White House!By E&P StaffPublished: October 16, 2007 11:45 PM ETNEW YORK After nearly a solid week of dropping hints, Stephen Colbert threw his hat in the ring in the race for president tonight.First, he made a surprise appearance at his old home, Comedy Central's "The Daily Show," Tuesday night to make an official announcement: He was officially considering a run for president and would announce his decision "some time soon."Soon arrived about 20 minutes later on his own show, The Colbert Report, when, with balloons falling, he said, 'Yes, I'm doing it!" Then he welcomed CBS political analyst Jeff Greenfield to analyze his impact on the race "in the past three minutes."Greenfield said it was "astounding."Colbert took out one of the erstwhile "Colbert/Stewart 2008" bumper stickers that have circulated for awhile and cut out the Stewart part, saying that he might replace Jon Stewart as a possible vice president with someone named "Huckabee" or even "Putin."He said he would run as "favorite son" in his native South Carolina in both the Republican and Democratic primaries.On "The Daily Show," Colbert said it was all natural for him since he was born in the town of Could-be-President.He was driven onto the "Daily Show" set by man in an Uncle Sam outfit and immediately set out a bale of hay and popped a brew to prove he was a man "of the people."Colbert said that he would at least make a big effort in South Carolina. The largest public TV network in that state had told E&P last week that it would be happy to allow him to launch his campaign at its studios.Greenfield said that in the GOP primary he would have to stress his military background. Colbert seemed to say he served in the Marines but it turned out he meant "at a marina."To finance his campaign, he threatened to sell advertising patches on his suit, like a NASCAR driver.He has a new book out, "I Am America."
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