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Posts posted by gruven

  1. Kinda nailed it. Which means nothing since I got just about every other series wrong...

    FWIW here’s how I see it....

    Goaltending: even. Rask at his best is better, but very easily put off his game by a bump or even a mistake by his own team Andersen steadier but still capable of a stinker.


    Defensive: well, yeah. Toronto is not good. And not tough. In my mind, Boston’s only handicap is if they play chara too much. Toronto’s speed and cheating out of the zone will make chara look like a statue.


    Forwards: interesting. Toronto is infinitely more talented. Boston is more experienced. The longer the series goes the more Toronto’s youth and speed will play. But that all depends on....


    Coaching: edge, Boston. If Babcock is stubborn in his minutes allotment and adjustments, the Boston edge becomes larger.


    All in all, I agree with dubey. Very close to a coin flip.

  2. The Ovechkin/Svechnikov fight has now gotten Svechnikov older brother involved. Not sure why a 33 year old player needs to beat up a 19 year old kid but I do look forward to when Detroit plays Washington.

    if ovi hadn’t knocked the kid out, everyone would be praising svechnikov for getting ovi off the ice for a 5 minute fighting major.
  3. FWIW here’s how I see it....

    Goaltending: even. Rask at his best is better, but very easily put off his game by a bump or even a mistake by his own team Andersen steadier but still capable of a stinker.


    Defensive: well, yeah. Toronto is not good. And not tough. In my mind, Boston’s only handicap is if they play chara too much. Toronto’s speed and cheating out of the zone will make chara look like a statue.


    Forwards: interesting. Toronto is infinitely more talented. Boston is more experienced. The longer the series goes the more Toronto’s youth and speed will play. But that all depends on....


    Coaching: edge, Boston. If Babcock is stubborn in his minutes allotment and adjustments, the Boston edge becomes larger.


    All in all, I agree with dubey. Very close to a coin flip.

  4. Toronto is a better team than Boston. Boston has a better coach and home ice advantage. Its far from an ideal matchup, but It’s probably close to a coin flip.

    agreed. Vegas never gets it wrong. Toronto -140 dog and that’s with the huge handle Toronto fans will ring up.
  5. I was inside the this building on Friday working. I've got to know some of the people who work in the barber shop and live in the building where the fire started. One guy in particular helps me every 2 month, nice guy, I really hope he's okay.



    It was our station amd my shift that was first in. Incredibly tough conditions, fire was through the whole building. We wouldn’t even have gone inside because of the high level of heat and fire except it was known there were likely occupants. The two guys from the squad at my hall pulled both victims out of the basement. Even for us, pretty dramatic rescue. Tough one.

  6. The Passion That Unites Us All

    Thought I would share this:


    One of my best friends, when he was 15 and I was 17...decided he would sleepover on Carlton St the night before Leafs playofff tickets went on sale.

    So, a few of us drove down to the Gardens, and we dropped him off on a Friday night at 7/8pm, and left him there.(great friends huh?)


    He made friends with these older guys in line right behind him, and they helped us by buying some tickets for us.....so 8 of us friends went to 4? playoff games, 4 people at a time. (ya, I was once a pretty big Leafs fan.lol)

    The friends he made that night in line would then go on to hire him the following year as part of a high school co-op, and start him off on a 25 year career path, at a business where he would meet people who would marry into his family.

    To this day, those friends are some of his best friends. And over the years one friend in particular and my buddy would pair up to become Leafs season tix holders, and they would go on Leafs road trips to Chicago/Buffalo/Mtl.


    This year, my friend, his sister, and the lifelong friend he met in line that night, decided they would travel to see the Leafs in every other original 6 city. They did Chicago in the fall, Detroit last week, Mtl tonight, NYR tomorrow. Not sure if Boston was done already or will be.


    He sent me pics tonight, looked so cool to be in Mtl as a Leafs fan.


    I shared this because its the Leafs, but more so, as I was telling his story to other friends tonight, I realized how incredible life is. The idea that he made lifelong friends/mentors that night in line for a Leafs playoff game, and we had to drop him off at the EXACT moment to put him in that spot in line....crazy to think how life works, where love of sports can lead.


    anyway, Go Leafs Go. haha

  7. https://www.cbc.ca/n...y-two-1.5001764


    I know this community centre well. It's a big and busy one.


    Chris, the Firefighters battling this must just get totally exhausted with the combination of the extreme hard work and cold.





    so hard to work in this cold. We are still there today. The aerial platform in the left side of that picture froze solid and is now broken. The cold, weight of the ice, gear freezing up... makes a dangerous job twice as lethal.
  8. Got the reco from some friends for Fyre Festival doc on Netflix, just watched it.....its great.

    there’s two documentaries... both good. Although you can’t beat the ‘Andy, we need you to take one for the team’ scene in the Netflix one.
  9. "The majority of illegal immigrants in the USA are those who stay after their visas expire."

    ~McCarthy, 2019

    absolutely, if you travel a lot into the US, you know from US CBP questioning their number one concern is that you will be leaving the US once you’re there. They want a return ticket, proof that you have funds to travel home. They DGAF what the hell youre going to do, they just want to make sure you’re going to leave.
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