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Everything posted by gobama12

  1. Im going to vegas this weekend and am wondering where the best place to play 2-5 nl games. Looking for a soft game with less regulars? Does anyone have any suggestions on the best games thank you!!
  2. i was curious about majestic star?? Size of nl games and how tough they are?? regulars, tough players etc...???
  3. I will be in vegas the 9-13 and am looking to get a nice filet, anyone have any thoughts on where???
  4. I'm thinking about heading there from Chicago but have never been there. I was hoping to get info about the NL games and the rake or times on these games. Also where to stay. I fanyone has played in Chicago rooms they could compare. Thank you
  5. I was thinking of driving down from Chicago, ive never been there and was curious about the room and the no-limit games that they spread. If someone could tell me about it i'd greatly appreciate it Also the rake would be good nad where i should try to stay. If anyone has played in Chi. they could compare there rooms to Ind thank you
  6. Ill be making my first trip to Vegas on Wed. staying thru Mon. I play in the cardrooms in Chicago but have never played outside them. Just wondering about the games at Wynn and what i should expect Thank you
  7. There is a good home game in downtown chicago thurs and sat night 150 min 500 max nl 5-5 blinds max 5$ rake anyone interested
  8. U can go to Aurora for limit 5-10 to20-40 Trump on weekends spreads bigger no-limit 1000max 5-10 blinds and 1000 min 10-25 blinds
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