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Everything posted by mx957

  1. Holy year and a half ago....blast from the past?
  2. Admit it OP, this was a poker "Rick Roll" wasn't it.
  3. Ummmm...if you go to the tourney screen, click on the "Series" tab and you'll find all the Sat's you want. Sat's to Sat's even.
  4. Doesn't the standard 50% rule apply here?You either succeed or fail. 50/50.
  5. Aren't Gift's over 12.5K taxable? It used to be 10K but I think they upped that.Edit: it's 12K....just checked it out.
  6. The upside down visor look will take off this summer. Let everyone know you saw it here first!
  7. Count me in....I'll be getting in around 6ish that night, check in to the room and head over to the MC. Depending on the time, I'll either check you guys out at the restaurant or head to the Poker Room. I'll give Adam my cell phone number in case things get changed last minute.I am also fine with the 2% rule and 2 horses is better than 1.
  8. What happens to a final table player if they pull a Vinny Vinh for the final table?????This suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs
  9. Good to see your game is in shape for the WSOP in less than 30 days! Keep up the good work!
  10. I'll be there from 5/30 - 6/4 staying at Paris with my girlfriend.
  11. I played both last year. I liked the Venitian better from a poker stand point. Can't beat the WSOP from a "Brand Name" point though. So, if I bust out of the WSOP, I head over the Venitian the next day. In fact, they sent me an offer to stay out there this year at a decent rate.
  12. If you watch it on an HD TV it's got to be in HD.....Ok, I have DirecTV and no it's not in HD yet.
  13. Me, but I signed up for Day 1B which is Sunday.Oh, and staying at Paris (so the girlfriend can enjoy the pool and the Las Vegas Stip).
  14. I'll put a little flat piece with a flag to give ya hope......This is by far the funniest piece of comedy ever. The first time I saw it, I had to rewind it about 20 times to get the jokes, I just kept laughing so much I missed stuff. I am not a hugh Robin Williams fan but this is just comedy GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I am interested. I just sent in my payment for Event #2. I get in around 6ish on Friday Night...so I'll keep an eye on this thread and see how it goes for me on arival. I am playing on Day 1B of the event #2 just as an FYI.
  16. Now this is destined to be a CLASSIC!!!!!!!!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I've played somewhere between Too Many and Not Enough...more than likely closer to Too Many.
  18. GOOGLE is my friend...pic of Annahttp://www.pokerpages.com/players/profiles...-wroblewski.htm
  19. Nice Rule change Daniel!From Cardplayer: Tue Apr 22 12:15:35 PDT 2008Rule Change!Before the start of play, Daniel Negreanu and Jack McClelland stood up on the stage next to the featured table to make an announcement.McClelland talked about Negreanu's blog, stating that Negreanu's complaints about the show one card, show both rule may be valid, and that he would like to put it to a vote.So he asked the room if they would be opposed to a rule change. The response was overwhelming to say the least. Nearly every person in the room voted to change the rule.McClelland responded with, "In the words o
  20. You are right80K stolen = Death for sure.Would I be upset by getting take for over 40K? Hell yes! Did she deserve Jail time for what she did? Hell yes! Was it worth her life? I really don't think so.I am not defending what she did, I am just saying ending her life was senseless.
  21. I am a little saddend by Brandi's Death. Do I think she was all a good little girl with no faults. No. She did some bad things to people but they were more immature things than anything else. She trashed a condo and stole some money from people...most of those people were trying to take advantage of her anyway...so it's not like it was totally blamless. But some people did try and help her and she wasn't mature enough or mentally healthy enough to recognize who was really there for her.Anytime someone chooses to end their life it's sad. Brandi had options, she could have changed things i
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