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Everything posted by mx957

  1. I heard last year it was ice cold in there but your new FTP Hoodie should keep you warm.I am in event #3 so I'll try and post a report when I get back and before you go. Good luck out there.
  2. 90% ROI and Anonymity are un-possible. If you hit that ROI people will know who you are.
  3. Caesar's has the "Forum Shops", it's a mall basically. You can play cards at Caesar's or Bellagio while she goes to all the swanky shops.And yeah, Luxor is on the end of the strip.
  4. Sorry Annie Duke was left out for a violation of the brown stripe rule. She'll never be allowed to compete in a Hottest Female anything anymore.
  5. Was that a typo? When did he have the worst of it? You limped, he checked, he had top pair the whole way down.
  6. Don't do it..... over 50% of the time it ends in divorce....way -EV!!!J/K - GL!
  7. Well done and gg. Nice to see several FCPer's represent well!
  8. according to cardplayer JC Tran is busto...let's hope Steve did the dead......glglgl steveo!
  9. Not Everyone of them. If you remember in the 2006 WSOP Sebok had to come dressed as a cartoon character everyday. That was some funny stuff.
  10. STEVEO!!!!!!! GLGLGLGLGL!!!!Take this down!!!!!!!
  11. Yeah, ummmm teneight got banned for much worse than selling shares of himself. He broke every rule in the book at least twice, then flooded the board with garbage and profanity.
  12. Mister moneybags doesn't do DSL or Cable? Loosen those purse strings buddy, join us in the 21st century.
  13. This happend to me once and I went to FTP and redownloaded the client and it worked again.
  14. First hand knowledge? BBFIDTS! J/K.
  15. Happy B-Day you adorable guy!Glad you bat for the other team, it at least give me a chance on the other side.J/K!!!!!!!!!!!Happy B-day!
  16. Put some red and blue flashing lights in the room. When you hear the bang of your head hitting the table, it should give you pleasant memories.
  17. If looshle has this tough a time figureing percentages will he do well in the tourney? That's the real question!J/K Looshle....good luck.
  18. Do you let railbirds effect your play? These are Pro's they don't. Mikey was just annoying everyone.
  19. OK Kids....todays math lesson.....3,000,000 * 100% = 3,000,0003,000,000 * 10% = 300,0003,000,000 * 1% = 30,0003,000,000 * .1% = 3,000unless he's talking about giving a bonus, then my maths is all wrong.
  20. mx957

    Happy 420

    Yeah, I didn't get it...I am a square and Wiki is my friend.Happy 420 and if you do indulge be safe.
  21. It's really a suburb of Omaha Nebraska. It's accross the river/state line between Iowa and Nebraska.
  22. Nothing says "WE" and 2 year aniversary like a pack of Smoke's and one of those Pine Tree airfresheners. This way you get the Her gift of the cigarette's (you might even go for broke and not buy the generic brand!) and you get the clean fresh sent of pine all through the double wide.Seriously, it's worked well for others! Just listen to your neighbor next time.
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