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Everything posted by srblan

  1. Yeah, I wasn't crazy about my call either, but I figured, screw it, he fooled me, I'll take a shot.
  2. Don't raise with it out of position, and if you are going to raise with it, you better raise with other hands too. I love nothing more than a player in my game whose raise always signals aces. I just won a $95 pot against a guy who raised with aces preflop, then made a small bet on the flop where I had a wrap. I made my hand on the turn, bet out half the pot, and he called. Gin came for me on the river, an ace. I made a big bet (it amounted to about 3/4 of his remaining stack) which I never could have made if he hadn't told me his hand. He thought for a while, called out what my hand was, and
  3. This is pretty sickening. Why bother waiting for bugs to fall in your lap, why not try to figure out a way to cheat people out of their money by stealing their passwords or some other scam. Why not try to find the bug in the software to exploit for profit? Heck, why use the computer to take their money at all, why not set up a phony magazine so you can get player addresses and just go rob their houses?
  4. It's easy to overplay that hand. I almost never raise with aces preflop in omaha, and that makes it much easier to chuck them postflop unimproved. Just remember you need about 13 outs to call a pot sized bet on the turn and it will save you a lot of headache.I have a strong aversion to jacks and AQ in NL. I threw away AQ suited pretty late in the tournament yesterday because a guy behind me moved in over the top of my raise. He had me covered and I decided that I'd still be able to survive if I folded. It was a tough decision, though, because he could have either had a pair or AK (a few others
  5. There's at least one reason that I can think of. If you're playing in an NL game without a max, it's very hard to buyin for the max. I've sat in 1-2 games before where a guy bought in for 10 grand. It would be pretty tough for me to cover him there. I'd suggest buying into the 2-10 game like one would buy into a 5-10 game. Spread limit is a weird animal though, so less might be sufficient. I have, but they looked like an idiot buying that much.
  6. Yeah, he tried the naked ace bluff. It failed.
  7. He-didn't-make-a-ton-in-the-business-world-his-money-comes-from-poker. But yes, I agree that Barry has a king-sized ego.
  8. I love omaha there. Maybe I've just been running good, but I've tripled my buying the last 3 times I've sat in .25/.50.
  9. Out 5th. Bad beat. Played my best.Thanks guys, appreciate the support. I was happy to get that far.
  10. I think the guy in 6th is trying to wait me out. He's getting blinded out in a hurry.
  11. I was thinking the same thing. lol, expected a comment in the window, but it's much better here. He's been making weird raises all tourney.Down to 6 now, slipped a bit to 4th in chips. Coming up on my biggest tourney win ever, though still a way to go for that.
  12. 2nd in chips, 9 left. 2 in 3 days, lol, crazy.
  13. Looking at the posting, it looks like there may be some validity to it (the type of bug that they describe is one of the most commonly exploited security holes in existence), but it relies on you clicking on someone's link (like in an e-mail, for instance), and then having that link do some nastiness to you. I would definitely e-mail support and indicate that you are concerned about it and that it definitely affects your trust in the security of the site.To answer OP, I'd probably report any bugs that I found and I wouldn't use it myself. No telling whether someone else already knows about it
  14. Yep, I played a limit game where the button, small, and big blinds all flopped the nut straight.
  15. Gibraltar is right off the coast of Spain. Hopefully saber rattling will be enough to get them to reinstate you. The problem with having a trial in your local jurisdictionis that online poker is such a gray area of US law that you might have trouble winning.
  16. Reminds me of a Dave Chapelle standup routine where Dave is with a guy who's driving drunk and gets pulled over for racing. He tells the cop "I didn't know that you weren't supposed to do that."If he didn't think it was unethical, why did he think it was that the only way he could do it was by exploiting a bug?
  17. You probably heard it on ESPN. They mentioned it in one of the player bio segments when he won his bracelet. I think it was some cardroom near Phoenix.
  18. The fact that you played on tilt the day that you had a bad run is a little bit of a red flag as far as moving up immediately. You have to be able to leave money on the table if you feel yourself tilting, because a bad day where you get stubborn and keep buying in can break you.
  19. An option if you're computer savvy is to take the hard drive out of the old computer and put it into the new one (temporarily). That way, you'll be able to copy off all the data pretty quickly.
  20. Yeah, don't you hate it when they say "winner winner chicken dinner," and only give you money? I mean, come on, stop teasing us.
  21. It uses your hand histories, so it only works with players you have played against.
  22. Glue it back on quick, before you get an infection.
  23. This question is very vague, but I'll try to answer it with a general answer. If you are playing limit, don't open-limp (be the first one in the pot without raising) with any hand that you know you will fold to a raise. (Usually) Don't limp with a hand like 78, 910, etc. unless there are players in ahead of you. If you are on the button or right before the button, it is okay to raise with hands like this if it is folded around to you. Don't do it all the time, but in position, you can definitely pick up some extra bets by raising with a deceptive hand.
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