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Posts posted by srblan

  1. i see valid points on both sides, and so i'm not exactly sure what my opinion is. but i do have a question.what's all in protection?
    If you are disconnected when you have money in the pot, you are treated as if you are all in for the main pot, and all action is in a side pot.
  2. Even the top tournament pros only cash about 5% of the time. There is nothing catastrophic about an off year.
    bolded part above=no
    Not sure what you meant by that, but I'm guessing you disagree. I'm taking my number from a few articles that I've read by tournament pros. Chip Jett is the name that immediately comes to mind, but I'm sure others have written the same.
  3. Someone potentially dying in front of me and someone's ISP crapping out are on entirely different levels.  I wouldnt insist he keeps dealing.  But really, it doesnt make a difference.  In all reality, if the guy has a heart attack, the tournament is being awarded to me anyways since he wont be able to complete it any time soon.
    My point about card marking was not to say that just because there are no rules specifically against it in the TDA rules does not make it right, only that it would be taking advantage of every edge available, and that a win-at-all-costs mentality is not, IMO, a healthy one.
    Im not saying to win at all costs.Im saying that blind stealing when someone gets DCed isnt unethical.
    I don't necessarily mean dying in front of you, maybe he just has to be rushed to the hospital. Would you insist that they keep dealing? Or would you propose some sort of chop?
  4. Huge stack---push ppl around---puilleezzze---SO OBVIOUS.  "PASS THE SUGAR"---and yes hachem played good cards..   DN needs to slow down----you're pushing too much mate.  Go back to playing well----and I ain't saying playing like GUS-----CHILL.Fullhouse7
    I played in a cash game with Hachem after he won the WSOP. He had a huge stack and people were winning pots off of him just like they would off of anyone else.
  5. The only difference is that who gets disconnected is arbitrarily decided by whoevers ISP is messed.  Who purchases pokertracker is decided by who wants to take advantage of other peoples weakness.  Chance decides quite a bit in poker.  If you get upset every time that merit isnt the sole determining factor of who wins what, you chose the wrong hobby.When i get someone all in preflop with aces and they have kings, i dont act gentlemenly and propose htat they take back their money on account of the fact that he was on the ass-end of the unavoidable luck.  Nor do i expect them to do the same to me.  
    I looked at the TDA rules, and I don't see anything that says that marking the cards is against tournament rules.
    Then go for it. But im pretty sure that any floorman who catches you doing it will pull you aside.
    You didn't answer my question about a player having a heart attack at the table in a live tournament. Would that be any different than the bad luck someone would experience by having their ISP go out at the point when they are closing out the tournament? Your suggestion that you wouldn't offer for someone to take their money back when they got all in with kings against your aces is fine, because the whole point of the game is that you are betting with other people whose hand will be stronger at the end. He only played the cards that were dealt to him. My point about card marking was not to say that just because there are no rules specifically against it in the TDA rules does not make it right, only that it would be taking advantage of every edge available, and that a win-at-all-costs mentality is not, IMO, a healthy one. The point that I'm trying to make is that the only really random chance that you should have to fade is that concerning the cards, not "technical glitches".
  6. "When you start complaining about things like this, you're walking a fine line of nittery before you start censored that check/raising is unethical. "WHAT? How do you make that leap? That's ridiculous.There are two reasons people don't have 'all-in' protection in NLHE tourneys:1) Keep the game moving so they can keep generating rake.2) To prevent them from gaming the system by disconnecting themselves so they don't have to fold or call in a big pot.Neither is the case here. Ideally the software would just stop when it's heads up, and give someone more than 30 seconds to reconnect.But since it doesn't, you should give the guy some time to come back - probably directly proportional to the amount of money on the line.
    I agree that this is mainly a flaw of the software, and some provision should be made for when opponents in a heads-up situation are disconnected. As far as your point about the reasoning behind not having all-in protection, I assume that you are referring to the rake that they could be generating if the player was no longer in the tourney, since tournaments have a fixed amount of rake already paid (the entry fee).
  7. I totally agree, I think that people using this to justify stealing blinds should bear in mind that marking cards would be exploiting an edge too, but I don't think many of the people who would steal blinds would also mark cards. The fact is that they are both examples of edges not available to both parties involved, and, as such, are not part of "ethical" poker strategy.
    Marking cards is against the rules of the game.Raising is not.There's a pretty clear distinction.If you consider the use of 'resources' unavailable to the competition as unethical, then so too should you consider the use of pokertracker to be unethical.
    But the really disturbing thing is the people who say there aren't any ethics in poker. That's ridiculous. Try putting down SuperSystem for a minute and reading Wisdon of a Champion by Doyle Brunson sometime if you don't think there are any ethics in poker.  
    It has nothing to do whether or not there are ethics in poker. I mean, ethics apply in all parts of life. It's a matter of whether someone thinks that doing this is unethical.If you feel ethically compelled to stall and wait for the guy to come back, go ahead.I don't think that it's unethical to steal blinds. I wouldnt say that someone "should" do it. I just dont believe that they shouldn't. And I'm not sure I'd cite doyle brunson as an authority on moral philosophy. He may be an authority on playing poker, but that's about it.
    Pokertracker can be purchased by anyone. Not everyone will have the good fortune to have his opponent disconnect at a critical time in the tournament. I looked at the TDA rules, and I don't see anything that says that marking the cards is against tournament rules. In a live tournament, if a player was penalized, you could steal blinds as fast as the dealer could get the cards out, but that is something that the player caused him/herself, not a circumstance beyond his/her control.If you were in a live tournament and a player had a heart attack, would you start pounding away at his blinds, claiming that you were maximizing your edge? I don't see this situation as being any different.
  8. Based on the fact that there are about 28 dollars in the pot by the river, by my calculation, I think you are going to lose your customer with such a large bet. I like a bet of no more than 20 dollars on the river. If he was, in fact, slow playing a flopped boat, your less-than-pot-sized bet may encourage him to raise, at which point, you could put him all-in and most likely bust him. If he really had a hand, he probably would have bet the river. Most players are afraid that they will lose value if they check on the river and it gets checked behind them, so they will bet out immediately on the river.

  9. just read in dns card player column which i usually like about how he says he bought into a low limit nlholdem game 4 about 120000 dollars. first of all i thought all low limit holdem games had max buyins of alot less. but even if this one didnt i dont believe in becoming a instant big stack bully against obviously lesser players. he had about 2o times the average stack and then bragged about how he could beat this game without seeing his cards. well i am a rank amateur but i would guess if i could instantly have 20 times the average stack i could do quite well against most players without looking peace and love phlegm
    does this mean you stink really badly... like, giving off a terrible odor?Or does it mean that you're a dominant play money player?What in the hell is a "rank amateur" poker player?
    It just means that you are inexperienced and have no doubt about your amateur status. Although, many rank amateurs do smell really bad.
    Do they have a U.S. Amateur Poker Championship like they do for golf?"Congratulations, you made it through local and regional qualifying, then won a 5000 player tournament... here's your trophy!"
    Nope :club: Most of the tourneys that I know of are played for money. The dictionary definition of rank appropriate to this discussion is:5. Absolute; complete: a rank amateur; a rank stranger
  10. just read in dns card player column which i usually like about how he says he bought into a low limit nlholdem game 4 about 120000 dollars. first of all i thought all low limit holdem games had max buyins of alot less. but even if this one didnt i dont believe in becoming a instant big stack bully against obviously lesser players. he had about 2o times the average stack and then bragged about how he could beat this game without seeing his cards. well i am a rank amateur but i would guess if i could instantly have 20 times the average stack i could do quite well against most players without looking peace and love phlegm
    does this mean you stink really badly... like, giving off a terrible odor?Or does it mean that you're a dominant play money player?What in the hell is a "rank amateur" poker player?
    It just means that you are inexperienced and have no doubt about your amateur status. Although, many rank amateurs do smell really bad.
  11. It's a game about exploiting edges, sure, but within the confines of the game. I don't think a disconnect in online poker is 'part of the game'.
    I totally agree, I think that people using this to justify stealing blinds should bear in mind that marking cards would be exploiting an edge too, but I don't think many of the people who would steal blinds would also mark cards. The fact is that they are both examples of edges not available to both parties involved, and, as such, are not part of "ethical" poker strategy.
  12. Also, how big of a downswing before you guys call it quits for the day?Right now, I"m on a 100BB downswing (or $10. I play .05/.1 NL) Should I just take the rest of the day off, or not worry about it and continue to play?Oh and I agree about what you guys said on analyzing your play. I'm always doing that. I really need to get poker tracker, but right now I'm using checkyourbets.com and that helps me some. It at the very least tells me whether I'm winning at a certain limit or not.Anyway, thanks for the replies.
    I don't think that pokertracker handles bodog histories, fyi. I'd probably call it a day after two buyins, I don't usually track NL games in terms of BB lost. If you still feel like you are playing well, you might consider changing tables.
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