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Posts posted by srblan

  1. Leviticus 18:22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.I agree with most of everything you said DN, but I think this demonstrates a pretty strong difference.
    I am not a Christian (I'm Jewish, so the use of this verse always interests me), but I have read most of this thread with a great deal of fascination anyway. Arriving at this passage, I can chime in, though. This is another case of lost in translation or selective translation for political purposes. The original Hebrew word that is translated to abomination is the same word that is used to describe eating shellfish. It is more intended to mean "unclean" (according to my understanding) than the word abomination would have you believe. Throughout the history of its existence, many mistranslations have occurred. Have you ever noticed that Michelangelo's "Moses" has horns? The words for "rays of light" and "horns" are one letter off and the mistranslation (I believe it was in the Vulgate) caused this little mistake.
  2. you can't really assume you're ahead since you can't count KJQT as full outs unless you know with certainty your opponent has a pair under 77. and if he flips his hand up to prove it to you, his hand is dead and you win anyway :)aren't i right here or am i missing something?
    In most tournaments, they won't kill your hand if you flip it up, they might give you a penalty, but the hand will still most likely be live.
  3. Since he was all in for less than the bb, you are defending a side-pot by betting there. If you are in the money already, or close to it, there is something to be said for checking it down, since it moves you up in money by knocking someone out, and you do not want to push a guy out of the hand that might have been able to knock out the all-in player if it was checked down.

  4. there are a ton more full razz and plo8 tables then ever before. did they sell/start a new affiliate/skin or something? last 2 days have been very active. just curiuos
    They have a promo going on where you get free stuff if you play a certain number of hands by jan 20.
  5. Yes, but HULHE is quite a bit different, even with all the other factors. I'm sure he's no schlub in NL, but it's just a matter of the other options.
    I realize that it's a different game. I play both forms heads up on a fairly regular basis. It just seems stupid to me that the guy I originally responded to said that Lederer was far and away the worst of the group.
    Stack size is so much more important in heads-up NLHE that they are almost impossible to compare. I disagree with the statement that Lederer is a horrible heads up NL player, but I also disagree that he'd be even close to as strong in NL as in limit. To answer OP's question, I'd invest the money in something a lot less risky, like keno and lotto tickets :club:.
  6. Easy fold. Why was it even a secret ?
    Don't ask, don't tell.
    Saying that you didn't tell her because she didn't ask makes it look like you have something to hide, which will make her even less likely to accept poker. Poker can have a big effect on relationships, and you're much better off clearing the air beforehand to avoid having her find out and wonder why you are hiding it.
    Well for the record, she never said anything to me about what she did. So does that mean she's hiding something from meAnd then, should I be offended about her hiding her occupation from me?
    It doesn't sound like you two are all that serious if you don't know what each other do for work. In that case, I'm not sure where she gets off being upset about you playing. I don't understand what the big issue is here. Did she say why she thought it was a big deal in the message?
  7. Easy fold. Why was it even a secret ?
    Don't ask, don't tell.
    Saying that you didn't tell her because she didn't ask makes it look like you have something to hide, which will make her even less likely to accept poker. Poker can have a big effect on relationships, and you're much better off clearing the air beforehand to avoid having her find out and wonder why you are hiding it.
  8. The statement that he is making is more about on the flop than on the board at all. I think that by not applying enough pressure on the turn, you are allowing him to draw at the 9 "too cheaply". If calling the turn would leave him with only 1000 in a $2600 pot, why not shove in your stack or at least a healthier portion and give him something to think about?
    Because you don't want him to think about it. You desperately want him to call.
    In a tournament, I'm okay with taking down a medium pot as opposed to losing a huge one. A set of 2s is not that strong. What if he had an ace? Or two of them? With two aces, he'd have 6 outs and probably call a big bet anyway, but I wouldn't be left wondering on the river if I played my hand too slowly.
  9. The statement that he is making is more about on the flop than on the board at all. I think that by not applying enough pressure on the turn, you are allowing him to draw at the 9 "too cheaply". If calling the turn would leave him with only 1000 in a $2600 pot, why not shove in your stack or at least a healthier portion and give him something to think about?

  10. I don't mind that you laid down top set, but as stated above, a defensive bet might have let you see the river. If you got to see the river, and the board paired (not a q, but any other pair), then you'd be getting Attilahunx's chips. In fact, I might even bet the pot on the turn, since I often like to play the same way if I am drawing as if I have a nut hand.

  11. B) how much of an advantage you have on them- if you call an allin and lose (you can guarantee someones chip are in the middle on the flop or turn), are you crippled?
    Why is this important in the decision? It is a cash game, there is no such thing as crippled (not in the sense that you are so short-stacked that you will not be able to make moves, anyway). If you lose when you've made a sound decision, then you should rebuy.
  12. If you hadn't put in the initial raise, then by the time the betting got back to you, you might actually have been able to make the call. As it stood, though, you definitely would have been gambling to call. However, you didn't indicate the pot size, the stack sizes, or the bet amount to you. If the bet was less than 10 bucks, I might have considered calling with about 50 in my stack. However, I could see the logic in folding, also.

  13. As far as the value betting question, the guy who won the pot played the river so badly that you were definitely correct to value bet. It is one thing if he was trying to check-raise, but it is another thing entirely to check-call with the nuts. I have no idea what was going through his head.

  14. 1. I wouldn't have even been in the hand. That's an 8/b hand, not a high hand.2. I would have also thrown in a value bet with that many checks to me.
    I agree 100% with both of these points.....when I first saw your hand I had to check and see if you were playing O8 instead of hi....not a good high hand, to say the least....
    Its called position. With a hand that has all four cards working together. The ace isnt suited, but it is definately good enough to see a flop with. I am baffled by the number of people that are spouting off about it being a bad hand, but make no comment on the POSITION. :shock: Where is smash when you need him? I am sure that he would have something to say about this hand (he may say that I am incorrect, and if so, so be it, but I value his comments greatly). 8)
    Yes, you have position. Yes, your cards are coordinated. However, you are playing limit omaha from what I could gather, and low-limit at that. In low stakes limit games, you will learn very quickly that position means FAR less than in even low stakes pot limit games.In pot limit, if someone makes a weak bet from early position, they are giving you ammo to raise them out, since any bet they make increases the possible size of your raise. However, in limit, if someone makes a weak bet and you raise without the nuts, it is one more bet for them to look you up. How much more important was position there? Why did you call on the flop? What card were you hoping for? Really, only a 2, and you had one of those in your hand, since a 78 would have had your 5 covered. Here's the problem with playing your hand: you got a good flop, since it was rainbow and you got an OESD out of it, and you still should consider folding, since you are really only drawing to a gutshot, since you are drawing to a low straight.As far as your assertion that your hand is coordinated and therefore playable, think about it, for a second from a hold-em standpoint and separate out each of the hands to think about their playability. You have 5d 2h 3h Ac. Individually, your hands are:5d 2h5d 3h5d Ac2h 3h2h Ac3h AcHow many nut hands can you make with each of those? With 52 offsuit, you are only looking for a board of 552, 34A, or 643 to make the nuts. With 53, the straights you can make are 24A and 246. With A5o, there is NO nut hand possible. Any straight you make will be the sucker end. Same problem with A2. As for 23 and A3, you are looking for A45 and 245. As far as you are concerned, there are only 6 desirable straight boards and a few more nut full house boards that could easily be outdrawn by bigger pairs since you are looking at such small boats. Why play such a vulnerable hand? If there are really only less than 10 desirable boards (ignoring suits), then is coordination really that important in this case? I say probably not.
  15. For me, the answer is almost nothing. The games that I play in are about the same level that you play in, and the players are loose enough that raising doesn't limit the field and I don't really have to worry about building the pot because I usually get paid on my strong hands anyway. I find that raising preflop generally increases the variance for me to an undesirable level, and for me it works better to take a wait-and-see attitude. As far as raising with double-suited aces, I REALLY don't like that strategy, as I would prefer everyone be in the pot if that hand hits; I'm hoping that someone with a small flush will pay me off. The other thing that raising with double suited aces does is cause people to draw against your made flush or top set because the pot is so big that they have the right odds to do so.

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