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Everything posted by golfanatic21

  1. <------I joined first i want my Avatar backok i may not have as many posts but still
  2. Im soo hung over right nowJust finished off my second year at ASU. This year i got kicked out of the house by my roomates of 2 years. ghey. o well **** them, they were losers. Well to celebrate the end of our sophmore year my genious roomates decided to throw their first keg party. (2 years at ASU and first keg party, i told you they were losers) Well the only problem is that they dont know many people so they asked me to ask a whole bunch of people over. Now i can get over some hot *** chicks just by muttering the term booze but they kicked me out so **** them. So my most hated of roomates
  3. if you buy a Dell or an Apple computer you can get a nice discount if you use the student discount. there is no way to check if a student is buying over the interenet so even Jerry can get a 15% discount on a laptop.
  4. i voted blaine because his shows are not as cheesy as angels although i think there stunts are about equal. i wouldnt ever think to do any of the crpa they can do. before and after commercials when they have that weird *** crap going around the desert turned me off of mindfreak. everytime i was like wtf.
  5. this is one fast final table. jeez
  6. info Its officially the second week of may
  7. im still partial to the scratchers. Whenever i go to the grocery store and pay cash all the singles go into the scratcher machine. if i buy a soda it ends up costing me $5. I think im gonna check myself into GA. SW
  8. webcams suck. My GF made me buy one so that we could talk on them cause we go to different colleges in different states. but ever since i got it im supposed to be talking to her 24/7. SOOOOO one day it mysteryiously "broke" had to put an end to that madness so i could get my drink on.
  9. CRAP i did the same thing. i really need to start reading things thouroughly.
  10. around 7-8 bucksi usually get a steak burrito, chips, drink. YOu get a free drink if you show a student ID.
  11. got heads up with a 2-1 chip lead 12.5k to 6.5k. but then it went downhill from there. got to about even when my A-J ran into AA. left me with 280 in chips. about 10-15 hands later i take it down when my 99boats against his 43(wtf). sorry for wasting your time
  12. you can't do both on one site. but you can do multiple promotions through differents sites
  13. if you are going to do the pokerroom option take the pso points then you can get both of the pokertrackers doing one promotion.each pokertracker is 5500 points you get 12000 with the pokerroom promotion
  14. if you use pokersource you can refer mepm me for my referal id
  15. PokerdbTotal Winnings: $69,893 Total Final Tables: 59
  16. the easiest major ever is Professional Golf Management from ASUI probably wont use the golf stuff once i graduate i would get a real job because its a buisness degree with a concentration in golf course management. You take like 15 credits a semester and half of them and the are at a comm college and the other half are on the ASU polytechnic campus (Joke of a campus) but you graduate with a ASU dipolma. I dont go to class dont do hw dont study, have a 3.9 GPA and am on the Deans list :icon_dance:Edit: You also get to play most of the courses out here in scottsdale for free. In season pric
  17. Hey infoIve cashed in a few tourneys and i wanted to check my overall stats since i put the enable statistics button into affect a month or so ago. but for every tournament it shows that i lost my buy in. Any help on how to fix this would be great but its not too big of a deal.thanks
  18. busted 5th. card dead completely last two tables. o well i cant complain i only played cause my friend got sick and we couldnt go to the cubs game.
  19. o man i really need to get the new green universal dealers hat in the store then i will be cool B)
  20. pokerroom is the main oneEurobet is another skin but i know there are more yes you can have multiple accounts. You can even sign up for a PSO promotion on Pokerroom through them even if youve have an accoutn on a skin
  21. damn the one week DN will play and 500 extra bucks in the prize pool. My cubs are in town and i got tickets. Anyone down for the same next week
  22. if you do the pokerroom thing on pokersource and get 12000 points you can buy each of them for 5500 points.
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