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Everything posted by ilovejulie

  1. And an Ace on the River for the Wheel! HUGE!!!!!!!!! GO DN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. HUGE!!!!!!!!! GO DN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. When the dealer just shuffled did you notice how small the cards are? Just like Euro cars, food portions, juice boxes, etc. All so tiny......
  4. Just now he was Treo'ing after he folded. Reading our comments no doubt....
  5. 222 user(s) active in the past 15 minutesActive Users 140 guests, 76 members, 6 anonymous membersjethrodull, loogie, Gallo, ThreeBet, gfdsa146, conor_mw, wdogg40, Mercury69, Sheiky, YBravo, davezz5, grbs1605, DoinSublime, coesillian, linkwood, GWCGWC, Ron_Mexico, NoSup4U, BellaireDrew, sagedecarte, ForRealDD, checkymcfold, Royal27, lvpro, yourboygsarida, umfpt, Zach6668, MR_BIZKITZ, SuitedAces21, Dogpatch, rog, mtdesmoines, BobVersion1, dt1313, simo_8ball, StrippersNBlow, Scott3705, silkyjonson, Temporary Nuts, Ouch-8s, Yoda, Jadaki, msals11, timwakefield, wisky_VI, bipolarbear, Fubar The Spe
  6. Fantastic!!! Like they say, be careful what you wish for....
  7. So Ali Nejad is the voiceover host of Poker After Dark, among other shows, and this weekend on some HD channel they had some terrible Caesar's Palace Poker League event and the graphic introduced Ali as "Oliver" Nejad. I think he may even have introduced himself that way, but I could be wrong. Did anyone notice that? Are they trying to anglo him up? Is he trying to anglo himself up? What do you think?
  8. Yes they look pretty good. I'd suggest bumping up to the next level like 10-12 dollar entries, rather than the 5-6-10 you've likely been focusing on. The other guy is right that 20%+ cashed at 300+ people events is pretty high... not like I'm a great sage or anything, my stats and profit are barely ahead of yours....p.s.: None shall pass.....
  9. Wow that is pretty sick. I'm at like 20-25 and freaking out...
  10. So I follow my stats on thepokerdb, like everybody else does I'm sure, and I am just in the worst downswing imaginable. Like twice as long without cashing than ever before. I've still got a good ROI and am playing off the profits, and have just dropped in limits too as you can see if you look at my tourney buy-in data, but I'm just bubbling left and right! It's driving me crazy. Was I really no good but just got lucky and now reality is hitting me? Is this just normal variance? Should I change style drastically and see what happens? Basically, I'm a poker basketcase right now... SOMEBO
  11. It takes forever, but they are reliable...
  12. takes a month, so by the time you get it, you've forgotten. So when it does come, it's like an unexpected bonus!
  13. Bump.....now that the WSOP is over, we need some entertainment....
  14. I'd like to congratulate Chip and a Chair for his fine proofreading abilities. I'd be willing to wager that less than 1% of the college graduate populace could match this level of precision. In this day and age of "C U ltr" and "brb" and "lol", Chip and a Chair stands out as a shining beacon upon the rocky headlands of grammatical darkness. See what a New England education can do for someone?
  15. Hellmuth by a mile. Gordon made about 4M as a founder of Netsys. That's all he has...
  16. Was pushing and catching to get a big stack, now he's got everyone afraid of his donkness, and crazed religious ramblings. No kidding, the guy starts speaking in tongues when he pushes...
  17. Some terrible player has nearly all the chips. Don't waste your money.
  18. Please Lord, let anyone beat Jerry Yang. Yea, verily Lord, I will glorify your name for busting this amateur donkey, Please, Lord, O Lord, my sweet Lord. Hallelujah.
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