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Everything posted by lew189

  1. That's a great story, man. Keep it rolling.
  2. I think there should be a prize for first out of the tourney... Uh, not that it was me or anything... just feel bad for whoever that pathetic bastard is...
  3. By the way, yes I am whining and I do know that there's a bad beat forum. My apologies in advance!!
  4. I put this guy on AA. It's a horrendous play on the flop by him, but the min raise from someone you haven't seen min raise before would set off all sorts of alarm bells...By the way, I lost twice w./KK (once allin preflop against AA, which I regret and the other allin after a Q high flop where the villain had AQ. River A!) and once w./QQ last night within about 20 minutes, so maybe my analysis is tainted by post traumatic stress syndrome and I'm just seeing the worst case scenario...
  5. you'll get the money back. don't throw the term "ripoff" around like that. it makes you seem like an a..sshole.
  6. thanks. just starting out as well and I'm sure this will help.
  7. I think this is right. He definitely would have re-raised allin preflop had you raised to $50 or $60 and you could fold. I couldn't, but hypothetically you could have...
  8. Congrats, man. You sound like I nice guy and, therefore, I'm glad you won. Keep it up!
  9. Just go to Piratebay.org, you don't even have to sign up, just download the torrent.ep04 isn't up yet? does this exist yet or is tonight?
  10. does anyone know which codec I need? I'm using windows media player 10 and it's saying there was an error downloading codec when I go to play it. I can hear the audio, but not see the video... Oh, and I don't have a clue about any of this stuff, so please go easy on me. I was proud of my self for just figuring out how to get the file in the first place...
  11. I have a buddy that wants to sign up but I haven't seen any new info on the refer a friend bonus. is this imminent? help!!
  12. Sorry to whatever admin locked my post earlier. I just saw that comment about redpill on another blog and thought some of you would find it funny. any way you could message me on why it was locked?
  13. Not sure how many of you read poker blogs, but I read a few and one of them (http://www.guinnessandpoker.blogspot.com) made a reference to an FCP favorite, the redpill99 (http://theredpill98.blogspot.com.) "This train wreck of a poker blog, the red pill, is still going strong. Now he got banned from the forums at ITH. High comedy. I'm really lowering myself by even linking to this ****Tard, but hey, how many poker blog posts have you ever read entitled, **** you Matt Hilger?"Comments? Response from redpill?
  14. Congrats on moving onto the next round, even though u did make a horrible call and suckout on me with AK (me) vs AJ (you)Sorry about that. In all honesty, I made two brutal plays in 3 hours and that was one of them. The other was when I made a steal raise w./A8 in late position and one of the blinds went allin. I inexplicably called for about 1/4 of my chips and lost to AK. I'm actually very new to tournament poker. I normally play cash games and I've probably played in less than 10 tourneys in my life. Anyway, sorry to lay the bad beat on you...I hope you become the protege. Seriously.
  15. Congrats on moving onto the next round, even though u did make a horrible call and suckout on me with AK (me) vs AJ (you)Sorry about that. In all honesty, I made two brutal plays in 3 hours and that was one of them. The other was when I made a steal raise w./A8 in late position and one of the blinds went allin. I inexplicably called for about 1/4 of my chips and lost to AK. I'm actually very new to tournament poker. I normally play cash games and I've probably played in less than 10 tourneys in my life. Anyway, sorry to lay the bad beat on you...
  16. I'm having the same frustrations at my home game. busted out w./qq the last two time after getting it all in preflop, by ak and by a8. The a8 hand was fine. the other guy made a horrendous call and got lucky, but the ak hand could have been played better by me.blinds are .25 & .50 in a cash game. i'm dealt qq in early position. i raise to $2 and a very loose aggressive player makes it $4. I'm sure he either has a smaller pair or something as weak as at. I re-raise to $10, which would leave him with about $1.50 (hoping he'll just go all in.) He does and flips ak. the turn is a king
  17. congrats to the other three guys that made it to the semifinals. I was second in chips when we got to four (cielo did have a huge lead, though) and I didn't realize that the winner got $200, so I didn't take it seriously and went all in with the krablar... Unfortunately, I was the one that got pinched!
  18. thanks everyone. any reason why this is no good in a cash game?
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