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Everything posted by lew189

  1. I disagree. It's not like he gave out his home address or even the IP. He just gave a reason, with backup, as to why he can say that the guy is not someone else with a similar name. What's the harm?
  2. I now believe that if you're capable of playing a disciplined tight aggressive game as described in SSHE and you're capable of making the most basic of reads on your opponents (ie- Is this person a maniac or not?,) you should play live limit as high as your bankroll will possibly allow. These people are idiots.If you think you're a good player most of the time, but occasionally lose focus and/or go on tilt then this advice does not apply. Just an opinion and I know many people will disagree.
  3. Just an update on this: 3 hours at 20/40 yesterday for a profit of $245. In the last 2 weeks (6-7 hours) at this level I am +$750. I know this sample size means nothing, but the play was even worse yesterday than last week. IMO, I made 2 mistakes and if I had played perfectly I should have won $500-$600 yesterday. Is it time to TP/MM? Lol. Oh yeah, and I will still remember to post when I go broke. I'll probably be back there next Sunday, too...
  4. Hi. Is this happening?
  5. I'd never lose that much in one hand at 20/40. Ever.
  6. I can't remember but it was live and I think it was $20K+.
  7. While at foxwoods on Sunday, I picked up one of the free magazines they have. I noticed some tournament winner whose first name was Vatche. Is that the guy who posts/plays here? If so, good work man. I think it was a significant cash.
  8. I am thinking about doing just that. To be honest, that's part of the reason why i decided to take a shot at 20/40. I'm trying to get a little more serious about the game. I feel that because it won't kill me to lose some money, I can take some risks in getting a head start on building a bankroll. Thank you for the advice, Agro.
  9. Thanks for all the advice, guys. I'll sit with $1,000 on Sunday. I can definitely see how I could lose $600 in a heartbeat at that limit and I wasn't trying to suggest otherwise. I don't even know why I included what I sat with because it wasn't really relevant. I'm going to try this limit again Sunday and see how it goes. If I bust, I bust, but if the play's anything like what I saw last week I'm not that worried about it. I will, however, definitely remember to post when I go broke. Lol. Thanks again.
  10. First Guess: Don't ****ing turn pro with your gay bankroll?I don't really have a poker bankroll. I keep track of wins & losses, but I don't keep a seperate roll right now.
  11. To set the scene for you, I'm a winning NLHE player over the last 2 years, both online and live. Online, the highest I've played is $100 max buy-in and live, the highest I've played is $500 max (only a few hours at that limit.) My experience with limit HE is virtually non-existent (online only, never above 3/6,) but I have read and re-read SSHE many times and I am capable of playing a solid, TAG limit game. The bottom line is that, although I have won at NL, I think my personality is better suited to limit and I've made the decision that I'm going to try to advance in poker playing limit, f
  12. Thank you very much. Actually, I don't know who that is in my avatar, other than that it's someone I'd like to meet...
  13. OK, slow down everybody. I haven't played at party since FCP came along. Are you saying I can't use poker tracker & poker ace HUD at Party anymore? I was just about to redeposit there. wtf??
  14. one time my neighbors dog ate his own sh.it...
  15. Jesus. That really is the worst beat ever...
  16. No clue who she is. I think she actually has nipples, but they are a bit higher than normal because of an overzealous plastic surgeon. I still enjoy them, though...
  17. what do you think, FCP? Quite frankly, I'm pretty proud of it!
  18. Has DN said what day of the week he's headed to Foxwoods? I'm going down on Sunday, 4/2 and was wondering if he (or many other pro's) will be there yet.
  19. I heard there were some other cool people that qualified...
  20. If I'm still awake I'll make an effort to play in this. I put the odds at 50/50 right now.
  21. thanks for this, but thankfully I'm not actually suicidal. just real sad right now. your posts all help. thanks.
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